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如何在windows vista/2008/7中 安装Oracle OMS 即Grid Control

之前因为考试的原因,希望能在本机的windows上安装 Oracle OMS 以方便练习,OCM考试中使用的Grid Control 版本为10.2.0.1, 仅支持Windows相关系统号5,对于6或6.1的vista/2008/7安装过程中都会遇到问题无法解决,最为明显的是10.2.0.1自带数据库为10.1.0.4版本在windows相关版本号6以上的平台中均无法创建数据库。Oracle OCM考试中会要求你使用DBCA 建立一个干净的Customer定制数据库,仅需要建立必要的试图和过程(catalog.sql与catproc.sql运行过)并带有label security 组件(其他如Spatial与OLAP组建包括Oracle JVM等均不需要),如图: labelsecurity Oracle Grid Control 的10.2.0.5版本已经发布,其中10.2.0.4版本已支持最新的Windows操作系统,但只有patch install版本而无直接安装的full install 版本,且直接安装10.2.0.1 版本在OMS configuration部分将出错导致配置失败故我们需要另一种安装方式,如文档 ID:     763072.1

Installing On Windows 2008/Vista

The following sections discuss installing Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control on Windows 2008/Vista.

Installing Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Using A New Database On Windows 2008/Vista

Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control will not support the New Database install option on Windows 2008/Vista as the Database (which is the default Database for Grid Control) is not supported for Windows 2008/Vista.

Installing Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Using an Existing Database On Windows 2008/Vista

To install Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control using an existing database on Windows 2008/Vista, follow these steps:
  1. Download the fixed OUI 10204 from ARU Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (Bug 6640752) and extract it to a designated location, for example, C:OUI_Shiphome
  2. Copy Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control base shiphome (Disk1) into a location, for example, C:EMGC_102020shiphome
  3. Install the database that supports Vista/2008, such as Make the following changes in the response file: C:EMGC_Shiphome102020shiphomeDisk1installresponseemnoseed.rsp
    1. Give the absolute path of products.xml for the FROM_LOCATION parameter. FROM_LOCATION="C:EMGC_102020shiphomeDisk1/oms/Disk1/stage/products.xml"
    2. Give the OMS Oracle Home location. For example: ORACLE_HOME=c:emnoseedoms10g
    3. Give the Oracle Home name. For example: ORACLE_HOME_NAME=oms10g12
    4. Give the Agent Oracle Home location. For example: s_agentHome=c:emnoseedagent10g
    5. Give the Agent Home Name. For example: s_agentHomeName=agent10g12
    Note: Ensure that the Oracle Home location and name are not identical to any previous Homes.
  4. Invoke the setup.exe for Install in the following way: C:OUI_ShiphomecdDisk1installsetup.exe -ignoreDiskLabel -responseFile C:EMGC_102020shiphomeDisk1installresponseemnoseed.rsp
  5. If the Agent is not coming up, and if the value of agentTZRegion in emd.properties is GMT then do the following:
    1. Reset TimeZone on Agent box to GMT.
    2. Execute the following command in <Oracle home of Agent>BIN>emctl resetTZ agent
  6. Patch OMS and Agent to version

Installing An Additional Management Service On Windows 2008/Vista

Follow the below instructions to install an additional Management Service on Windows 2008/Vista.
  1. Download the fixed OUI 10204 from ARU Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (Bug 6640752) and extract it to a designated location, for example, C:OUI_Shiphome
  2. Copy Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control base shiphome (Disk1) into a location, for example, C:EMGC_102020shiphome
  3. Make the following changes in the response file: C:EMGC_102020shiphomeDisk1installresponseoms.rsp
    1. Supply the absolute path of products.xml for FROM_LOCATION parameter. FROM_LOCATION="C:EMGC_102020shiphome/Disk1/oms/Disk1/stage/products.xml"
    2. Supply the OMS Oracle Home location. For example: ORACLE_HOME=C:OH102020oms10g
    3. Specify the Oracle Home name. For example, ORACLE_HOME_NAME=oms10g20
    4. Supply the Agent Oracle Home location. For example, s_agentHome=C:OH102020agent10g
    5. Supply the Agent Home Name. For example, s_agentHomeName=agent10g20
    Note: Ensure that the Oracle Home location and name not be the same as any previous homes.
  4. Invoke the setup.exe for Install in the following way: C:OUI_ShiphomecdDisk1installsetup.exe -ignoreDiskLabel -responseFile C:EMGC_102020shiphomeDisk1installresponseoms.rsp
  5. If the Agent does not come up, and if the value of agentTZRegion in emd.properties is GMT, then do the following:
    1. Reset TimeZone on the Agent installation box to GMT
    2. Execute the following command in <Oracle home of Agent>BIN>emctl resetTZ agent
  6. Patch OMS and Agent to version

Installing An Additional Management Agent On Windows 2008/Vista

Follow the below instructions to install an additional Management Agent on Windows 2008/Vista.
  1. Download the fixed OUI 10204 from ARU Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (Bug 6640752) and extract it to a designated location, for example, C:OUI_Shiphome
  2. Copy Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control base shiphome (Disk1) into a location, for example, C:EMGC_102020shiphome
  3. Make the following changes in the response file: C:EMGC_102020shiphomeDisk1installresponseagent.rsp
    1. Supply the absolute path of products.xml for FROM_LOCATION parameter. FROM_LOCATION="C:EMGC_102020shiphomeDisk1/oms/Disk1/stage/products.xml"
    2. Supply the OMS Oracle Home location. For example, ORACLE_HOME=c:agtagent10g
    3. Supply the Oracle Home name. For example, ORACLE_HOME_NAME=agent10g13
    Note: Ensure that Oracle Home location and name are not the same as any previous homes.
  4. Invoke the setup.exe for Install in the following way: C:OUI_ShiphomecdDisk1installsetup.exe -ignoreDiskLabel -responseFile C:EMGC_102020shiphomeDisk1installresponseagent.rsp
  5. If the Agent is not coming up, and if the value of agentTZRegion in emd.properties is GMT then do the following:
    1. Reset TimeZone on the Agent installation box to GMT.
    2. Execute the following command in <Oracle home of Agent>BIN>emctl resetTZ agent
Patch Agent to version

posted on 2009-11-04 15:58  Oracle和MySQL  阅读(211)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
