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Oracle CBO术语大集合

最近准备写点Histogram和density相关的文章,先把术语给大家理一理: cardinality (CDN) Legend CBQT - cost-based query transformation JPPD - join predicate push-down OJPPD - old-style (non-cost-based) JPPD FPD - filter push-down PM - predicate move-around CVM - complex view merging SPJ - select-project-join SJC - set join conversion SU - subquery unnesting OBYE - order by elimination OST - old style star transformation ST - new (cbqt) star transformation CNT - count(col) to count(*) transformation JE - Join Elimination JF - join factorization SLP - select list pruning DP - distinct placement qb - query block LB - leaf blocks DK - distinct keys LB/K - average number of leaf blocks per key DB/K - average number of data blocks per key CLUF - clustering factor NDV - number of distinct values Resp - response cost Card - cardinality Resc - resource cost NL - nested loops (join) SM - sort merge (join) HA - hash (join) CPUSPEED - CPU Speed IOTFRSPEED - I/O transfer speed IOSEEKTIM - I/O seek time SREADTIM - average single block read time MREADTIM - average multiblock read time MBRC - average multiblock read count MAXTHR - maximum I/O system throughput SLAVETHR - average slave I/O throughput dmeth - distribution method 1: no partitioning required 2: value partitioned 4: right is random (round-robin) 128: left is random (round-robin) 8: broadcast right and partition left 16: broadcast left and partition right 32: partition left using partitioning of right 64: partition right using partitioning of left 256: run the join in serial 0: invalid distribution method sel - selectivity ptn - partition adop Automatic degree of parallelism TABLE: Table Name ALIAS: Table Alias QBS: Query Block Signature #ROWS: Number of Rows #BLKS: Number of Blocks ARL: Average Row Length COR: Cardinality Original CRD: Cardinality Rounded CCM: Cardinality Computed CNA: Cardinality Non Adjusted AVGLEN: Average Column Length NDV: Number of Distinct Values NULLS: Number of Nulls in Column DEN: Column Density MIN: Minimum Column Value MAX: Maximum Column Value TYPE: Histogram Type #BKTS: Histogram Buckets UNCOMPBKTS: Histogram Uncompressed Buckets    ENDPTVALS: Histogram End Point Values  OOR: Out-of-Range Predicate TABLE: Table Name ALIAS: Table Alias INDEX: Index Name QBS: Query Block Signature LVLS: Index Levels #LB: Number of Leaf Blocks #DK: Number of Distinct Keys LB/K: Average Number of Leaf Blocks Per Key DB/K: Average Number of Data Blocks Per Key CLUF: Clustering Factor INDEX_COLS: Index Column Numbers COST: Cost of the Join CARD: Cardinality of the Join BC: Best Cost LINE#: Line Number in the 10053 Trace File Where Cost Value is Located JOIN#: Join Number in the 10053 Trace File Associated With Key STATUS: If Permutation was Computed for all Table Joins the Status = COMPL. If Not, status = ABORT *: In ANY Column Indicates Value Not Found in File Freq 频率直方图 HtBal 高度平衡直方图     关于 UNCOMPBKTS和ENDPTVALS   当直方图类型为frequency histograms( Histogram: Freq)时UncompBkts 等于表上的行数, 而EndPtVals 等于bucket总数,或者说NDV,因为frequency histograms中 NDV=number of buckets  当直方图类型为height balanced histograms (Histogram: HtBal) UncompBkts  等于bucket的数目(其实也等于10053 trace中#Bkts的数目),而EndPtVals 等于已经被压缩的Histogram的大小,其实是等于: select count(*) from dba_tab_histograms where table_name='YOUR_TABLE_NAME' and column_name='YOUR_COLUMN_NAME'的实际总和。  通过这2个值对比,可以了解到popular值的多少以及数据的倾斜度, 是有多个大量重复的值(popular value)还是仅有一个巨大的重复值。  

posted on 2013-03-19 00:52  Oracle和MySQL  阅读(325)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
