一套AIX上的9.2.0.6 RAC系统,alert日志中最初报LMS进程(Lock Manager Server process,即锁服务管理进程,仅出现在RAC系统中)遭遇ORA-00600[kclchkinteg_2],继而出现ORA-00600[[kjmsm_epc]内部错误导致实例crash(instance crashed)。相关日志如下:
Tue Dec 1 01:20:25 2009 Errors in file /oracle/admin/crmdb/bdump/crmdb1_lms7_2143190.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kclchkinteg_2], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Tue Dec 1 01:20:25 2009 Errors in file /oracle/admin/crmdb/bdump/crmdb1_lms7_2143190.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kclchkinteg_2], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Tue Dec 1 01:20:26 2009 Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20091201012026] Tue Dec 1 01:20:40 2009 Errors in file /oracle/admin/crmdb/bdump/crmdb1_lms7_2143190.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kjmsm_epc], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Tue Dec 1 01:20:41 2009 Errors in file /oracle/admin/crmdb/bdump/crmdb1_lms7_2143190.trc: ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kjmsm_epc], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Tue Dec 1 01:20:43 2009经过和metalink确认,认为此次实例意外终止时由于"Bug 3671867 - OERI[kclchkinteg_2] possible in RAC environment":
Hdr: 3671867 RDBMS RAC PRODID-5 PORTID-212 ORA-600 Abstract: INSTANCE TERMINATED WITH ORA-600 [KCLCHKINTEG_2] PROBLEM: -------- During testing, one instance was terminated with ORA-600 [KCLCHKINTEG_2] DIAGNOSTIC ANALYSIS: -------------------- Alert log contains: Thu Jun 3 12:57:26 2004 Private_strands 0 at log switch Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 153 Current log# 1 seq# 153 mem# 0: +EMDBD1/dbotazc0/onlinelog/group_1.267.1 Current log# 1 seq# 153 mem# 1: +EMDBD1/dbotazc0/onlinelog/group_1.268.1 Thu Jun 3 13:41:45 2004 Private_strands 0 at log switch Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 154 Current log# 2 seq# 154 mem# 0: +EMDBD1/dbotazc0/onlinelog/group_2.269.1 Current log# 2 seq# 154 mem# 1: +EMDBD1/dbotazc0/onlinelog/group_2.270.1 Thu Jun 3 13:55:06 2004 Errors in file /DBA/nest/oracle/DBOTA1/logs/dbota1_dbw0_82244.trc: ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [kclchkinteg_2], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Thu Jun 3 13:55:08 2004 Errors in file /DBA/nest/oracle/DBOTA1/logs/dbota1_dbw0_82244.trc: ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [kclchkinteg_2], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] Thu Jun 3 13:55:08 2004 DBW0: terminating instance due to error 471 Thu Jun 3 13:55:08 2004 Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20040603135508] Thu Jun 3 13:55:10 2004 Dump system state for local instance only Thu Jun 3 13:55:10 2004 Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20040603135510] The only trace file we have been sent is the dbw trace. WORKAROUND: ----------- None RELATED BUGS: ------------- There are several which end in KCLCHKINTEG but not KCLCHKINTEG_2 REPRODUCIBILITY: ---------------- Appears only to have happened once so far. TEST CASE: ---------- N/A STACK TRACE: ------------ ksedmp ksfdmp kgerinv kgeasnmierr kclassertle kclchkinteg kclfwrite1 kcbbic1 kcbbiop kcbbdrv ksbabs ksbrdp opirip opidrv sou2o main start SUPPORTING INFORMATION: ----------------------- Bruce Carter has looked at this and suggested a bug be raised. Affects: Product (Component) Oracle Server (Rdbms) Range of versions believed to be affected Versions < 10.2 Versions confirmed as being affected * Platforms affected Generic (all / most platforms affected) Fixed: This issue is fixed in * (Server Patch Set) * (Server Patch Set) * (Base Release) Symptoms: Related To: * Internal Error May Occur (ORA-600) * Instance May Crash * ORA-600 [kclchkinteg_2] * RAC (Real Application Clusters) / OPS Description ORA-600 [kclchkinteg_2] possible in RAC environmentOracle开发部分确认该3671867 bug已在9.2.0.8中得到修复,建议通过应用9.2.0.8补丁集或者打上bug 3671867的one-off patch来修复该问题;该Bug可能导致实例意外终止,因此其Severity也极高,值得手头仍有9i RAC系统需要管理的dba注意。
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