mvc controller 获取数据


Request.QueryString           NameValueCollection                        GET variables sent with this request

Request.Form                     NameValueCollection                        POST variables sent with this request

Request.Cookies                 HttpCookieCollection                        Cookies sent by the browser with this request

Request.Http                      Method string                                 The HTTP method (verb, such as GET or POST) used for this request

Request.Headers                 NameValueCollection                        The full set of HTTP headers sent with this request

Request.Url                        Uri                                                 The URL requested

Request.UserHostAddress   string                                             The IP address of the user making this request

RouteData.Route                RouteBase                                      The chosen RouteTable.Routes entry for this request

RouteData.Values               RouteValueDictionary                       Active route parameters (either extractedfrom the URL or default values)

HttpContext.Application      HttpApplicationStateBase                  Application state store

HttpContext.Cache             Cache                                             Application cache store

HttpContext.Items             IDictionary                                       State store for the current request

HttpContext.Session          HttpSessionStateBase                      State store for the visitor’s session

User                                 IPrincipal                                          Authentication information about the logged-in user

TempData                         TempDataDictionary                         Temporary data items stored for the current user


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