[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/helm/master/scripts/get | bash % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:24 --:--:-- 0 curl: (35) TCP connection reset by peer [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ vim azHelm.sh

#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright The Helm Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The install script is based off of the MIT-licensed script from glide, # the package manager for Go: https://github.com/Masterminds/glide.sh/blob/master/get PROJECT_NAME="helm" TILLER_NAME="tiller" : ${USE_SUDO:="true"} : ${HELM_INSTALL_DIR:="/usr/local/bin"} # initArch discovers the architecture for this system. initArch() { ARCH=$(uname -m) case $ARCH in armv5*) ARCH="armv5";; armv6*) ARCH="armv6";; armv7*) ARCH="arm";; aarch64) ARCH="arm64";; x86) ARCH="386";; x86_64) ARCH="amd64";; i686) ARCH="386";; i386) ARCH="386";; esac } # initOS discovers the operating system for this system. initOS() { OS=$(echo `uname`|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') case "$OS" in # Minimalist GNU for Windows mingw*) OS='windows';; esac } # runs the given command as root (detects if we are root already) runAsRoot() { if [ $EUID -ne 0 -a "$USE_SUDO" = "true" ]; then sudo "${@}" else "${@}" fi } # verifySupported checks that the os/arch combination is supported for # binary builds. verifySupported() { local supported="darwin-amd64\nlinux-386\nlinux-amd64\nlinux-arm\nlinux-arm64\nlinux-ppc64le\nlinux-s390x\nwindows-amd64" if ! echo "${supported}" | grep -q "${OS}-${ARCH}"; then echo "No prebuilt binary for ${OS}-${ARCH}." echo "To build from source, go to https://github.com/helm/helm" exit 1 fi if ! type "curl" > /dev/null && ! type "wget" > /dev/null; then echo "Either curl or wget is required" exit 1 fi } # checkDesiredVersion checks if the desired version is available. checkDesiredVersion() { if [ "x$DESIRED_VERSION" == "x" ]; then # Pinning tag to v2.17.0 as per https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/9607 TAG=v2.17.0 else TAG=$DESIRED_VERSION fi } # checkHelmInstalledVersion checks which version of helm is installed and # if it needs to be changed. checkHelmInstalledVersion() { if [[ -f "${HELM_INSTALL_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}" ]]; then local version=$("${HELM_INSTALL_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}" version -c | grep '^Client' | cut -d'"' -f2) if [[ "$version" == "$TAG" ]]; then echo "Helm ${version} is already ${DESIRED_VERSION:-latest}" return 0 else echo "Helm ${TAG} is available. Changing from version ${version}." return 1 fi else return 1 fi } # downloadFile downloads the latest binary package and also the checksum # for that binary. downloadFile() { HELM_DIST="helm-$TAG-$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz" DOWNLOAD_URL="https://get.helm.sh/$HELM_DIST" CHECKSUM_URL="$DOWNLOAD_URL.sha256" HELM_TMP_ROOT="$(mktemp -dt helm-installer-XXXXXX)" HELM_TMP_FILE="$HELM_TMP_ROOT/$HELM_DIST" HELM_SUM_FILE="$HELM_TMP_ROOT/$HELM_DIST.sha256" echo "Downloading $DOWNLOAD_URL" if type "curl" > /dev/null; then curl -SsL "$CHECKSUM_URL" -o "$HELM_SUM_FILE" elif type "wget" > /dev/null; then wget -q -O "$HELM_SUM_FILE" "$CHECKSUM_URL" fi if type "curl" > /dev/null; then curl -SsL "$DOWNLOAD_URL" -o "$HELM_TMP_FILE" elif type "wget" > /dev/null; then wget -q -O "$HELM_TMP_FILE" "$DOWNLOAD_URL" fi } # installFile verifies the SHA256 for the file, then unpacks and # installs it. installFile() { HELM_TMP="$HELM_TMP_ROOT/$PROJECT_NAME" local sum=$(openssl sha1 -sha256 ${HELM_TMP_FILE} | awk '{print $2}') local expected_sum=$(cat ${HELM_SUM_FILE}) if [ "$sum" != "$expected_sum" ]; then echo "SHA sum of ${HELM_TMP_FILE} does not match. Aborting." exit 1 fi mkdir -p "$HELM_TMP" tar xf "$HELM_TMP_FILE" -C "$HELM_TMP" HELM_TMP_BIN="$HELM_TMP/$OS-$ARCH/$PROJECT_NAME" TILLER_TMP_BIN="$HELM_TMP/$OS-$ARCH/$TILLER_NAME" echo "Preparing to install $PROJECT_NAME and $TILLER_NAME into ${HELM_INSTALL_DIR}" runAsRoot cp "$HELM_TMP_BIN" "$HELM_INSTALL_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME" echo "$PROJECT_NAME installed into $HELM_INSTALL_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME" if [ -x "$TILLER_TMP_BIN" ]; then runAsRoot cp "$TILLER_TMP_BIN" "$HELM_INSTALL_DIR/$TILLER_NAME" echo "$TILLER_NAME installed into $HELM_INSTALL_DIR/$TILLER_NAME" else echo "info: $TILLER_NAME binary was not found in this release; skipping $TILLER_NAME installation" fi } # fail_trap is executed if an error occurs. fail_trap() { result=$? if [ "$result" != "0" ]; then if [[ -n "$INPUT_ARGUMENTS" ]]; then echo "Failed to install $PROJECT_NAME with the arguments provided: $INPUT_ARGUMENTS" help else echo "Failed to install $PROJECT_NAME" fi echo -e "\tFor support, go to https://github.com/helm/helm." fi cleanup exit $result } # testVersion tests the installed client to make sure it is working. testVersion() { set +e HELM="$(command -v $PROJECT_NAME)" if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then echo "$PROJECT_NAME not found. Is $HELM_INSTALL_DIR on your "'$PATH?' exit 1 fi set -e echo "Run '$PROJECT_NAME init' to configure $PROJECT_NAME." } # help provides possible cli installation arguments help () { echo "Accepted cli arguments are:" echo -e "\t[--help|-h ] ->> prints this help" echo -e "\t[--version|-v <desired_version>]" echo -e "\te.g. --version v2.4.0 or -v latest" echo -e "\t[--no-sudo] ->> install without sudo" } # cleanup temporary files to avoid https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/2977 cleanup() { if [[ -d "${HELM_TMP_ROOT:-}" ]]; then rm -rf "$HELM_TMP_ROOT" fi } # Execution #Stop execution on any error trap "fail_trap" EXIT set -e # Parsing input arguments (if any) export INPUT_ARGUMENTS="${@}" set -u while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in '--version'|-v) shift if [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; then export DESIRED_VERSION="${1}" else echo -e "Please provide the desired version. e.g. --version v2.4.0 or -v latest" exit 0 fi ;; '--no-sudo') USE_SUDO="false" ;; '--help'|-h) help exit 0 ;; *) exit 1 ;; esac shift done set +u initArch initOS verifySupported checkDesiredVersion if ! checkHelmInstalledVersion; then downloadFile installFile fi testVersion cleanup
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls azHelm.sh #无法curl下载下来,那么浏览器访问,直接复制过来执行 azHelm.sh [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ sh azHelm.sh Downloading https://get.helm.sh/helm-v2.17.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz Preparing to install helm and tiller into /usr/local/bin helm installed into /usr/local/bin/helm tiller installed into /usr/local/bin/tiller Run 'helm init' to configure helm. [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm version #还没有安装tiller Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.17.0", GitCommit:"a690bad98af45b015bd3da1a41f6218b1a451dbe", GitTreeState:"clean"} Error: could not find tiller
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm init #安装tiller Creating /home/machangwei/.helm Creating /home/machangwei/.helm/repository Creating /home/machangwei/.helm/repository/cache Creating /home/machangwei/.helm/repository/local Creating /home/machangwei/.helm/plugins Creating /home/machangwei/.helm/starters Creating /home/machangwei/.helm/cache/archive Creating /home/machangwei/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml Adding stable repo with URL: https://charts.helm.sh/stable Adding local repo with URL: $HELM_HOME has been configured at /home/machangwei/.helm. Tiller (the Helm server-side component) has been installed into your Kubernetes Cluster. Please note: by default, Tiller is deployed with an insecure 'allow unauthenticated users' policy. To prevent this, run `helm init` with the --tiller-tls-verify flag. For more information on securing your installation see: https://v2.helm.sh/docs/securing_installation/ 下面查看tiller的service,deployment和pod信息 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get --namespace=kubesystem pod No resources found in kubesystem namespace. [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get --namespace=kube-system svc tiller-deploy NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE tiller-deploy ClusterIP <none> 44134/TCP 3m8s [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get sevice error: the server doesn't have a resource type "sevice" [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get service NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 31d [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get --namespace=kube-system svc tiller-deploy NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE tiller-deploy ClusterIP <none> 44134/TCP 3m38s [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get deployment No resources found in default namespace. [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get --namespace=kube-system deployment tiller-deploy NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE tiller-deploy 1/1 1 1 4m59s [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pod No resources found in default namespace. [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get --namespace=kube-system pod tiller-deploy-7d5bf6499f-lmvps NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE tiller-deploy-7d5bf6499f-lmvps 1/1 Running 0 5m50s 下面添加helm命令补全的操作 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm completion bash > .helmrc [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ echo "source .helmrc" >> .bashrc [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ source .bashrc [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm completion delete fetch history init install list plugin reset search status test verify create dependency get home inspect lint package repo rollback serve template upgrade version [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm install -- --atomic --home= --name= --replace --tiller-namespace= --tls-verify --ca-file --host --namespace --repo --timeout --username --ca-file= --host= --namespace= --repo= --timeout= --username= --cert-file --key-file --name-template --set --tls --values --cert-file= --key-file= --name-template= --set= --tls-ca-cert --values= --debug --keyring --no-crd-hook --set-file --tls-ca-cert= --verify --dep-up --keyring= --no-hooks --set-file= --tls-cert --version --description --kubeconfig --output --set-string --tls-cert= --version= --description= --kubeconfig= --output= --set-string= --tls-hostname --wait --devel --kube-context --password --tiller-connection-timeout --tls-hostname= --dry-run --kube-context= --password= --tiller-connection-timeout= --tls-key --home --name --render-subchart-notes --tiller-namespace --tls-key= [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm version #x现在可以看版本了 Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.17.0", GitCommit:"a690bad98af45b015bd3da1a41f6218b1a451dbe", GitTreeState:"clean"} Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.17.0", GitCommit:"a690bad98af45b015bd3da1a41f6218b1a451dbe", GitTreeState:"clean"} [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$
stable 官方仓库;local 本地仓库
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm search #可安装chart NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION stable/acs-engine-autoscaler 2.2.2 2.1.1 DEPRECATED Scales worker nodes within agent pools stable/aerospike 0.3.5 v4.5.0.5 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for Aerospike in Kubernetes stable/airflow 7.13.3 1.10.12 DEPRECATED - please use: https://github.com/airflow-helm/... stable/ambassador 5.3.2 0.86.1 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for Datawire Ambassador stable/anchore-engine 1.7.0 0.7.3 Anchore container analysis and policy evaluation engine s... stable/apm-server 2.1.7 7.0.0 DEPRECATED The server receives data from the Elastic APM ...

[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm search #可安装chart NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION stable/acs-engine-autoscaler 2.2.2 2.1.1 DEPRECATED Scales worker nodes within agent pools stable/aerospike 0.3.5 v4.5.0.5 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for Aerospike in Kubernetes stable/airflow 7.13.3 1.10.12 DEPRECATED - please use: https://github.com/airflow-helm/... stable/ambassador 5.3.2 0.86.1 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for Datawire Ambassador stable/anchore-engine 1.7.0 0.7.3 Anchore container analysis and policy evaluation engine s... stable/apm-server 2.1.7 7.0.0 DEPRECATED The server receives data from the Elastic APM ... stable/ark 4.2.2 0.10.2 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for ark stable/artifactory 7.3.2 6.1.0 DEPRECATED Universal Repository Manager supporting all ma... stable/artifactory-ha 0.4.2 6.2.0 DEPRECATED Universal Repository Manager supporting all ma... stable/atlantis 3.12.4 v0.14.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for Atlantis https://www.runatlan... stable/auditbeat 1.1.2 6.7.0 DEPRECATED A lightweight shipper to audit the activities ... stable/aws-cluster-autoscaler 0.3.4 DEPRECATED Scales worker nodes within autoscaling groups. stable/aws-iam-authenticator 0.1.5 1.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for aws-iam-authenticator stable/bitcoind 1.0.2 0.17.1 DEPRECATED Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a... stable/bookstack 1.2.4 0.27.5 DEPRECATED BookStack is a simple, self-hosted, easy-to-us... stable/buildkite 0.2.4 3 DEPRECATED Agent for Buildkite stable/burrow 1.5.4 0.29.0 DEPRECATED Burrow is a permissionable smart contract machine stable/centrifugo 3.2.2 2.4.0 DEPRECATED Centrifugo is a real-time messaging server. stable/cerebro 1.9.5 0.9.2 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for Cerebro - a web admin tool th... stable/cert-manager v0.6.7 v0.6.2 A Helm chart for cert-manager stable/chaoskube 3.3.2 0.21.0 DEPRECATED Chaoskube periodically kills random pods in yo... stable/chartmuseum 2.14.2 0.12.0 DEPRECATED Host your own Helm Chart Repository stable/chronograf 1.1.1 1.7.12 DEPRECATED Open-source web application written in Go and ... stable/clamav 1.0.7 1.6 DEPRECATED An Open-Source antivirus engine for detecting ... stable/cloudserver 1.0.7 8.1.5 DEPRECATED An open-source Node.js implementation of the A... stable/cluster-autoscaler 8.0.0 1.17.1 Scales worker nodes within autoscaling groups. stable/cluster-overprovisioner 0.4.1 1.0 Installs the a deployment that overprovisions the cluster stable/cockroachdb 3.0.8 19.2.5 DEPRECATED -- CockroachDB is a scalable, survivable, stro... stable/collabora-code 1.0.8 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for Collabora Office - CODE-Edition stable/concourse 8.3.7 5.6.0 DEPRECATED Concourse is a simple and scalable CI system. stable/consul 3.9.6 1.5.3 Highly available and distributed service discovery and ke... stable/contour 0.2.2 v0.15.0 DEPRECATED Contour Ingress controller for Kubernetes stable/coredns 1.13.8 1.7.1 DEPRECATED CoreDNS is a DNS server that chains plugins an... stable/cosbench 1.0.3 0.0.6 DEPRECATED A benchmark tool for cloud object storage serv... stable/coscale 1.0.2 3.16.0 DEPRECATED CoScale Agent stable/couchbase-operator 1.0.4 1.2.2 DEPRECATED A Helm chart to deploy the Couchbase Autonomou... stable/couchdb 2.3.0 2.3.1 DEPRECATED A database featuring seamless multi-master syn... stable/dask 3.1.1 1.1.5 DEPRECATED Distributed computation in Python with task sc... stable/dask-distributed 2.0.2 DEPRECATED: Distributed computation in Python stable/datadog 2.3.42 7 DEPRECATED Datadog Agent stable/dex 2.15.2 2.24.0 DEPRECATED OpenID Connect Identity (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0 P... stable/distributed-jmeter 1.0.3 3.3 DEPRECATED A Distributed JMeter Helm chart stable/distributed-tensorflow 1.2.2 1.7.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for running distributed TensorFlo... stable/distribution 0.4.3 1.1.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for JFrog Distribution stable/dmarc2logstash 1.3.1 1.0.3 DEPRECATED Provides a POP3-polled DMARC XML report inject... stable/docker-registry 1.9.6 2.7.1 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for Docker Registry stable/dokuwiki 6.0.11 0.20180422.201901061035 DEPRECATED DokuWiki is a standards-compliant, simple to u... stable/drone 2.7.2 1.6.5 Drone is a Continuous Delivery system built on container ... stable/drupal 6.2.12 8.8.3 DEPRECATED One of the most versatile open source content ... stable/efs-provisioner 0.13.2 v2.4.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for the AWS EFS external storage ... stable/elastabot 1.2.1 1.1.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for Elastabot - a Slack bot compa... stable/elastalert 1.5.1 0.2.4 DEPRECATED ElastAlert is a simple framework for alerting ... stable/elastic-stack 2.0.6 6 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for ELK stable/elasticsearch 1.32.5 6.8.6 DEPRECATED Flexible and powerful open source, distributed... stable/elasticsearch-curator 2.2.3 5.7.6 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for Elasticsearch Curator stable/elasticsearch-exporter 3.7.1 1.1.0 DEPRECATED Elasticsearch stats exporter for Prometheus stable/envoy 1.9.4 1.11.2 DEPRECATED Envoy is an open source edge and service proxy... stable/etcd-operator 0.11.2 0.9.4 DEPRECATED CoreOS etcd-operator Helm chart for Kubernetes stable/ethereum 1.0.2 v1.7.3 DEPRECATED private Ethereum network Helm chart for Kubern... stable/eventrouter 0.3.2 0.3 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for eventruter (https://github.co... stable/express-gateway 1.6.6 1.16.9 DEPRECATED Express Gateway is an API Gateway that sits at... stable/external-dns 2.20.4 0.7.0 DEPRECATED ExternalDNS is a Kubernetes addon that configu... stable/factorio 1.0.2 0.15.39 DEPRECATED Factorio dedicated server. stable/falco 1.1.8 0.0.1 DEPRECATED - incubator/falco stable/filebeat 4.0.2 7.4.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart to collect Kubernetes logs with f... stable/fluent-bit 2.10.3 1.3.7 DEPRECATED Fast and Lightweight Log/Data Forwarder for Li... stable/fluentd 2.5.3 v2.4.0 DEPRECATED A Fluentd Elasticsearch Helm chart for Kuberne... stable/fluentd-elasticsearch 2.0.7 2.3.2 DEPRECATED! - A Fluentd Helm chart for Kubernetes with El... stable/g2 0.3.3 0.5.0 DEPRECATED G2 by AppsCode - Gearman in Golang stable/gangway 0.4.5 3.3.0 DEPRECATED An application that can be used to easily enab... stable/gce-ingress 1.2.2 1.4.0 DEPRECATED A GCE Ingress Controller stable/gcloud-endpoints 0.1.2 1 DEPRECATED Develop, deploy, protect and monitor your APIs... stable/gcloud-sqlproxy 0.6.1 1.11 DEPRECATED Google Cloud SQL Proxy stable/gcp-night-king 1.0.4 1 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for GCP Night King stable/ghost 9.1.13 3.9.0 DEPRECATED A simple, powerful publishing platform that al... stable/gitlab-ce 0.2.3 9.4.1 GitLab Community Edition stable/gitlab-ee 0.2.3 9.4.1 GitLab Enterprise Edition stable/gocd 1.32.0 20.8.0 GoCD is an open-source continuous delivery server to mode... stable/goldpinger 2.0.4 2.0.0 DEPRECATED Goldpinger makes calls between its instances f... stable/grafana 5.5.7 7.1.1 DEPRECATED - The leading tool for querying and visualizin... stable/graphite 0.2.2 1.1.5-3 DEPRECATED! - Graphite metrics server stable/graylog 1.6.12 3.1 DEPRECATED - Graylog is the centralized log management so... stable/hackmd 2.0.3 1.3.0-alpine DEPRECATED - Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all... stable/hadoop 1.1.4 2.9.0 DEPRECATED - The Apache Hadoop software library is a fram... stable/hazelcast 3.3.2 4.0.1 DEPRECATED Hazelcast IMDG is the most widely used in-memo... stable/hazelcast-jet 1.6.2 4.1 DEPRECATED Hazelcast Jet is an application embeddable, di... stable/heapster 1.0.4 1.5.4 DEPRECATED - Heapster enables Container Cluster Monitorin... stable/heartbeat 1.2.2 6.7.0 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart to periodically check the statu... stable/helm-exporter 0.3.3 0.4.0 DEPRECATED Exports helm release stats to prometheus stable/hl-composer 1.0.14 0.20.0 DEPRECATED - Hyperledger Composer REST Server chart stable/hlf-ca 1.2.3 1.4.3 DEPRECATED - Hyperledger Fabric Certificate Authority cha... stable/hlf-couchdb 1.0.9 0.4.10 DEPRECATED - CouchDB instance for Hyperledger Fabric (the... stable/hlf-ord 1.4.3 1.4.3 DEPRECATED - Hyperledger Fabric Orderer chart (these char... stable/hlf-peer 1.6.3 1.4.3 DEPRECATED - Hyperledger Fabric Peer chart (these charts ... stable/hoard 1.0.2 6.0.0 DEPRECATED - Hoard is a stateless, deterministically encr... stable/home-assistant 0.13.4 0.108.7 Home Assistant stable/horovod 1.0.2 0.12.1 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for deploying Horovod stable/hubot 1.0.4 3.3.2 DEPRECATED - Hubot chatbot for Slack stable/ignite 1.2.2 2.7.6 DEPRECATED - Apache Ignite is an open-source distributed ... stable/inbucket 3.1.2 2.0.0 DEPRECATED - Inbucket is an email testing application stable/influxdb 4.3.2 1.7.9 DEPRECATED Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and re... stable/ingressmonitorcontroller 1.0.50 1.0.47 DEPRECATED - IngressMonitorController chart that runs on ... stable/instana-agent 1.0.35 1.1 DEPRECATED - Instana Agent for Kubernetes stable/ipfs 0.4.4 v0.4.22 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for the Interplanetary File System stable/jaeger-operator 2.12.2 1.15.1 jaeger-operator Helm chart for Kubernetes stable/janusgraph 0.2.6 1.0 DEPRECATED - Open source, scalable graph database. stable/jasperreports 7.0.11 7.2.0 DEPRECATED The JasperReports server can be used as a stan... stable/jenkins 2.5.4 lts DEPRECATED - Open source continuous integration server. I... stable/joomla 7.1.11 3.9.15 DEPRECATED PHP content management system (CMS) for publis... stable/k8s-spot-rescheduler 0.4.6 v0.3.0 DEPRECATED - A k8s-spot-rescheduler Helm chart for Kubern... stable/k8s-spot-termination-handler 1.4.11 1.13.7-1 DEPRECATED - The K8s Spot Termination handler handles dra... stable/kafka-manager 2.3.5 DEPRECATED - A tool for managing Apache Kafka. stable/kanister-operator 0.3.2 0.10.0 DEPRECATED - Kanister-operator Helm chart for Kubernetes stable/kapacitor 1.2.2 1.5.2 DEPRECATED InfluxDB's native data processing engine. It c... stable/karma 1.7.2 v0.72 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for Karma - an UI for Prometheu... stable/katafygio 1.0.3 0.8.1 DEPRECATED - Continuously backup Kubernetes objets as YAM... stable/keel 0.6.1 0.9.5 DEPRECATED Open source, tool for automating Kubernetes de... stable/keycloak 4.10.1 5.0.0 DEPRECATED - Open Source Identity and Access Management F... stable/kiam 2.5.3 3.3 DEPRECATED Integrate AWS IAM with Kubernetes stable/kibana 3.2.8 6.7.0 DEPRECATED - Kibana is an open source data visualization ... stable/kong 0.36.7 1.4 DEPRECATED The Cloud-Native Ingress and API-management stable/kube-hunter 1.0.5 312 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for Kube-hunter stable/kube-lego 0.4.2 v0.1.6 DEPRECATED Automatically requests certificates from Let's... stable/kube-ops-view 1.2.4 20.4.0 DEPRECATED - Kubernetes Operational View - read-only syst... stable/kube-slack 1.3.4 v4.2.0 DEPRECATED - Chart for kube-slack, a monitoring service f... stable/kube-state-metrics 2.9.4 1.9.7 DEPRECATED - Install kube-state-metrics to generate and e... stable/kube2iam 2.5.3 0.10.9 DEPRECATED - Provide IAM credentials to pods based on ann... stable/kubed 0.3.3 0.4.0 DEPRECATED Kubed by AppsCode - Kubernetes daemon stable/kubedb 0.1.3 0.8.0-beta.2 DEPRECATED KubeDB by AppsCode - Making running production... stable/kuberhealthy 1.2.7 v1.0.2 DEPRECATED. Please use https://comcast.github.io/kuberhea... stable/kubernetes-dashboard 1.11.1 1.10.1 DEPRECATED! - General-purpose web UI for Kubernetes clusters stable/kuberos 0.2.3 2018-07-03 DEPRECATED - An OIDC authentication helper for Kubernetes stable/kubewatch 1.0.9 0.0.4 DEPRECATED Kubewatch notifies your slack rooms when chang... stable/kured 1.6.0 1.4.0 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for kured stable/lamp 1.1.6 7 DEPRECATED - Modular and transparent LAMP stack chart sup... stable/linkerd 0.4.3 1.1.2 DEPRECATED - Service mesh for cloud native apps stable/locust 1.2.3 0.9.0 DEPRECATED - A modern load testing framework stable/logdna-agent 2.0.2 2.1.9 DEPRECATED - Run this, get logs. All cluster containers. ... stable/logstash 2.4.3 7.1.1 DEPRECATED - Logstash is an open source, server-side data... stable/luigi 2.7.8 2.7.2 DEPRECATED Luigi is a Python module that helps you build ... stable/magento 6.0.0 2.3.1 DEPRECATED A feature-rich flexible e-commerce solution. I... stable/magic-ip-address 0.1.2 0.9.0 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart to assign static IP addresses f... stable/magic-namespace 0.6.0 2.8.1 Elegantly enables a Tiller per namespace in RBAC-enabled ... stable/mailhog 2.3.1 1.0.0 DEPRECATED - An e-mail testing tool for developers stable/mariadb 7.3.14 10.3.22 DEPRECATED Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use open... stable/mattermost-team-edition 3.1.2 5.9.0 Mattermost Team Edition server. stable/mcrouter 1.0.6 0.36.0 DEPRECATED - Mcrouter is a memcached protocol router for ... stable/mediawiki 9.1.9 1.34.0 DEPRECATED Extremely powerful, scalable software and a fe... stable/memcached 3.2.5 1.5.20 DEPRECATED - Free & open source, high-performance, distri... stable/mercure 4.0.3 0.10.0 DEPRECATED - The Mercure hub allows to push data updates ... stable/metabase 0.13.2 v0.36.3 DEPRECATED - The easy, open source way for everyone in yo... stable/metallb 0.12.1 0.8.1 DEPRECATED MetalLB is a load-balancer implementation for ... stable/metricbeat 1.7.3 6.7.0 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart to collect Kubernetes logs with... stable/metrics-server 2.11.4 0.3.6 DEPRECATED - Metrics Server is a cluster-wide aggregator ... stable/minecraft 1.2.5 1.14.4 Minecraft server stable/minio 5.0.33 master DEPRECATED MinIO is a high performance data infrastructur... stable/mission-control 0.4.4 3.1.2 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for JFrog Mission Control stable/mongodb 7.8.10 4.2.4 DEPRECATED NoSQL document-oriented database that stores J... stable/mongodb-replicaset 3.17.2 3.6 DEPRECATED - NoSQL document-oriented database that stores... stable/moodle 7.2.8 3.8.2 DEPRECATED Moodle is a learning platform designed to prov... stable/msoms 0.2.2 1.0.0-30 DEPRECATED - A chart for deploying omsagent as a daemonse... stable/mssql-linux 0.11.4 14.0.3023.8 DEPRECATED - SQL Server 2017 Linux Helm Chart stable/mysql 1.6.9 5.7.30 DEPRECATED - Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use op... stable/mysqldump 2.6.2 2.4.1 DEPRECATED! - A Helm chart to help backup MySQL databases... stable/namerd 0.2.2 0.9.1 DEPRECATED - Service that manages routing for multiple li... stable/nats 4.3.7 2.1.4 DEPRECATED An open-source, cloud-native messaging system stable/neo4j 3.0.1 4.0.4 DEPRECATED Neo4j is the world's leading graph database stable/newrelic-infrastructure 0.13.36 1.21.0 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart to deploy the New Relic Infrast... stable/nextcloud 1.12.1 17.0.0 DEPRECATED - A file sharing server that puts the control ... stable/nfs-client-provisioner 1.2.11 3.1.0 DEPRECATED - nfs-client is an automatic provisioner that ... stable/nfs-server-provisioner 1.1.3 2.3.0 DEPRECATED - nfs-server-provisioner is an out-of-tree dyn... stable/nginx-ingress 1.41.3 v0.34.1 DEPRECATED! An nginx Ingress controller that uses ConfigM... stable/nginx-ldapauth-proxy 0.1.6 1.13.5 DEPRECATED - nginx proxy with ldapauth stable/nginx-lego 0.3.1 Chart for nginx-ingress-controller and kube-lego stable/node-problem-detector 1.8.3 v0.8.1 DEPRECATED - Installs the node-problem-detector daemonset... stable/node-red 1.4.3 1.0.4 Node-RED is low-code programming for event-driven applica... stable/oauth2-proxy 3.2.5 5.1.0 DEPRECATED - A reverse proxy that provides authentication... stable/odoo 13.0.5 12.0.20200215 DEPRECATED A suite of web based open source business apps. stable/opa 1.14.6 0.15.1 DEPRECATED - Open source, general-purpose policy engine. ... stable/opencart 7.0.8 3.0.3-2 DEPRECATED A free and open source e-commerce platform for... stable/openebs 1.11.1 1.11.0 DEPRECATED Containerized Storage for Containers stable/openiban 1.0.2 1.0.1 DEPRECATED - OpenIBAN is a self-hosted, free and open-sou... stable/openldap 1.2.7 2.4.48 DEPRECATED - Community developed LDAP software stable/openvpn 4.2.5 1.1.0 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart to install an openvpn server in... stable/orangehrm 7.0.10 4.3.4-0 DEPRECATED OrangeHRM is a free HR management system that ... stable/osclass 7.0.10 3.7.4 DEPRECATED Osclass is a php script that allows you to qui... stable/owncloud 8.1.8 10.4.0 DEPRECATED A file sharing server that puts the control an... stable/pachyderm 0.2.3 1.8.6 DEPRECATED - Pachyderm is a large-scale container-based w... stable/parse 10.3.10 3.10.0 DEPRECATED Parse is a platform that enables users to add ... stable/percona 1.2.3 5.7.26 DEPRECATED - free, fully compatible, enhanced, open sourc... stable/percona-xtradb-cluster 1.0.8 5.7.19 DEPRECATED - free, fully compatible, enhanced, open sourc... stable/pgadmin 1.2.3 4.18.0 DEPRECATED - moved to new repo, see source for new location stable/phabricator 9.0.13 2020.7.0 DEPRECATED Collection of open source web applications tha... stable/phpbb 7.0.10 3.3.0 DEPRECATED Community forum that supports the notion of us... stable/phpmyadmin 4.3.5 5.0.1 DEPRECATED phpMyAdmin is an mysql administration frontend stable/pomerium 4.2.6 0.5.2 DEPRECATED - see https://helm.pomerium.io stable/postgresql 8.6.4 11.7.0 DEPRECATED Chart for PostgreSQL, an object-relational dat... stable/prestashop 9.1.11 1.7.6-4 DEPRECATED A popular open source ecommerce solution. Prof... stable/presto 0.2.3 329 DEPRECATED - Distributed SQL query engine for running int... stable/prisma 1.2.4 1.29.1 DEPRECATED Prisma turns your database into a realtime Gra... stable/prometheus 11.12.1 2.20.1 DEPRECATED Prometheus is a monitoring system and time ser... stable/prometheus-adapter 2.5.1 v0.7.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for k8s prometheus adapter stable/prometheus-blackbox-exporter 4.3.1 0.16.0 DEPRECATED Prometheus Blackbox Exporter stable/prometheus-cloudwatch-exporter 0.8.4 0.8.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for prometheus cloudwatch-exporter stable/prometheus-consul-exporter 0.1.6 0.4.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for the Prometheus Consul Exporter stable/prometheus-couchdb-exporter 0.1.2 1.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart to export the metrics from couchd... stable/prometheus-mongodb-exporter 2.8.1 v0.10.0 DEPRECATED A Prometheus exporter for MongoDB metrics stable/prometheus-mysql-exporter 0.7.1 v0.11.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for prometheus mysql exporter wit... stable/prometheus-nats-exporter 2.5.1 0.6.2 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for prometheus-nats-exporter stable/prometheus-node-exporter 1.11.2 1.0.1 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for prometheus node-exporter stable/prometheus-operator 9.3.2 0.38.1 DEPRECATED Provides easy monitoring definitions for Kuber... stable/prometheus-postgres-exporter 1.3.1 0.8.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for prometheus postgres-exporter stable/prometheus-pushgateway 1.4.3 1.2.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for prometheus pushgateway stable/prometheus-rabbitmq-exporter 0.5.6 v0.29.0 DEPRECATED Rabbitmq metrics exporter for prometheus stable/prometheus-redis-exporter 3.5.1 1.3.4 DEPRECATED Prometheus exporter for Redis metrics stable/prometheus-snmp-exporter 0.0.6 0.14.0 DEPRECATED Prometheus SNMP Exporter stable/prometheus-to-sd 0.3.1 0.5.2 DEPRECATED Scrape metrics stored in prometheus format and... stable/quassel 0.2.13 0.13.1 DEPRECATED - Quassel IRC is a modern, cross-platform, dis... stable/rabbitmq 6.18.2 3.8.2 DEPRECATED Open source message broker software that imple... stable/rabbitmq-ha 1.47.1 3.8.7 DEPRECATED - Highly available RabbitMQ cluster, the open ... stable/redis 10.5.7 5.0.7 DEPRECATED Open source, advanced key-value store. It is o... stable/redis-ha 4.4.6 5.0.6 DEPRECATED - Highly available Kubernetes implementation o... stable/redmine 14.1.12 4.1.0 DEPRECATED A flexible project management web application. stable/reloader 1.3.0 v0.0.41 DEPRECATED - Reloader chart that runs on kubernetes stable/rethinkdb 1.1.4 0.1.0 DEPRECATED - The open-source database for the realtime web stable/risk-advisor 2.0.6 1.0.0 DEPRECATED - Risk Advisor add-on module for Kubernetes stable/rocketchat 2.0.10 3.6.0 DEPRECATED - Prepare to take off with the ultimate chat p... stable/rookout 0.1.2 1.0 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for Rookout agent on Kubernetes stable/sapho 0.2.4 8-jre8 DEPRECATED A micro application development and integratio... stable/satisfy 1.1.2 3.0.4 DEPRECATED - Composer repo hosting with Satisfy stable/schema-registry-ui 0.4.4 v0.9.5 DEPRECATED - This is a web tool for the confluentinc/sche... stable/sealed-secrets 1.12.2 0.13.1 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for Sealed Secrets stable/searchlight 0.3.3 5.0.0 DEPRECATED Searchlight by AppsCode - Alerts for Kubernetes stable/selenium 1.2.3 3.141.59 DEPRECATED - Chart for selenium grid stable/sematext-agent 1.0.31 1.0 DEPRECATED Helm chart for deploying Sematext Agent and Lo... stable/sematext-docker-agent 1.0.1 1.31.53 DEPRECATED Sematext Docker Agent stable/sensu 0.2.5 0.28 DEPRECATED Sensu monitoring framework backed by the Redis... stable/sentry 4.3.3 9.1.2 DEPRECATED - Sentry is a cross-platform crash reporting a... stable/seq 2.3.2 2020 DEPRECATED - Seq is the easiest way for development teams... stable/signalfx-agent 0.3.1 3.6.1 DEPRECATED The SignalFx Kubernetes agent stable/signalsciences 2.0.2 4.5.0 DEPRECATED - SignalSciences is a web application firewall... stable/socat-tunneller 0.1.2 1.0 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for socat-tunneller stable/sonarqube 4.0.1 7.9.2 DEPRECATED SonarQube is an open sourced code quality scan... stable/sonatype-nexus 1.23.1 3.20.1-01 DEPRECATED - Sonatype Nexus is an open source repository ... stable/spark 1.0.5 1.5.1 DEPRECATED - Fast and general-purpose cluster computing s... stable/spark-history-server 1.4.3 2.4.0 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for Spark History Server stable/spartakus 1.1.8 1.0.0 DEPRECATED - Collect information about Kubernetes cluster... stable/spinnaker 2.2.6 1.16.2 DEPRECATED - Open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery... stable/spotify-docker-gc 1.0.2 latest DEPRECATED - A simple Docker container and image garbage ... stable/spring-cloud-data-flow 2.8.1 2.6.0 DEPRECATED Toolkit for building data processing pipelines. stable/stackdriver-exporter 1.3.2 0.6.0 DEPRECATED - Stackdriver exporter for Prometheus stable/stash 0.5.3 0.7.0-rc.1 DEPRECATED Stash by AppsCode - Backup your Kubernetes Vol... stable/stellar-core 1.0.2 10.0.0 DEPRECATED Backbone node of the Stellar cryptocurrency ne... stable/stolon 1.6.5 0.16.0 DEPRECATED - Stolon - PostgreSQL cloud native High Availa... stable/sugarcrm 1.0.7 6.5.26 DEPRECATED SugarCRM enables businesses to create extraord... stable/suitecrm 8.0.11 7.11.12 DEPRECATED SuiteCRM is a completely open source enterpris... stable/sumokube 1.0.2 latest DEPRECATED - Sumologic Log Collector stable/sumologic-fluentd 2.1.2 2.4.2 DEPRECATED - Sumologic Log Collector stable/superset 1.1.13 0.36.0 DEPRECATED - Apache Superset (incubating) is a modern, en... stable/swift 0.6.3 0.7.3 DEPRECATED swift by AppsCode - Ajax friendly Helm Tiller ... stable/sysdig 1.7.16 10.0.0 Sysdig Monitor and Secure agent stable/telegraf 1.6.1 1.12 DEPRECATED Telegraf is an agent written in Go for collect... stable/tensorflow-notebook 0.1.5 1.6.0 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for tensorflow notebook and ten... stable/tensorflow-serving 1.1.2 1.14.0 DEPRECATED - TensorFlow Serving is an open-source softwar... stable/terracotta 1.1.2 5.6.0 DEPRECATED - Terracotta Ehcache is an improved version of... stable/testlink 7.1.7 1.9.20 DEPRECATED Web-based test management system that facilita... stable/tomcat 0.4.3 7.0 DEPRECATED - Deploy a basic tomcat application server wit... stable/traefik 1.87.7 1.7.26 DEPRECATED - A Traefik based Kubernetes ingress controlle... stable/uchiwa 1.0.2 0.22 DEPRECATED Dashboard for the Sensu monitoring framework stable/unbound 1.1.4 1.6.7 DEPRECATED - Unbound is a fast caching DNS resolver stable/unifi 0.10.2 5.12.35 DEPRECATED - Ubiquiti Network's Unifi Controller stable/vault-operator 0.1.4 0.1.9 DEPRECATED - CoreOS vault-operator Helm chart for Kubernetes stable/velero 2.7.4 1.2.0 A Helm chart for velero stable/verdaccio 0.7.8 3.11.6 DEPRECATED - A lightweight private npm proxy registry (si... stable/voyager 3.2.4 6.0.0 DEPRECATED Voyager by AppsCode - Secure Ingress Controlle... stable/vsphere-cpi 0.2.3 1.2.1 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for vSphere Cloud Provider Inte... stable/wavefront 1.1.2 1.0.3 DEPRECATED Wavefront Kubernetes collector stable/weave-cloud 0.3.9 1.4.0 DEPRECATED - Weave Cloud is a add-on to Kubernetes which ... stable/weave-scope 1.1.12 1.12.0 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for the Weave Scope cluster vis... stable/wordpress 9.0.3 5.3.2 DEPRECATED Web publishing platform for building blogs and... stable/xray 0.4.3 2.3.0 DEPRECATED Universal component scan for security and lice... stable/zeppelin 1.1.3 0.7.2 DEPRECATED - Web-based notebook that enables data-driven,... stable/zetcd 0.1.11 0.0.3 DEPRECATED CoreOS zetcd Helm chart for Kubernetes [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm search mysql #关键字搜索 NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION stable/mysql 1.6.9 5.7.30 DEPRECATED - Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use op... stable/mysqldump 2.6.2 2.4.1 DEPRECATED! - A Helm chart to help backup MySQL databases... stable/prometheus-mysql-exporter 0.7.1 v0.11.0 DEPRECATED A Helm chart for prometheus mysql exporter wit... stable/percona 1.2.3 5.7.26 DEPRECATED - free, fully compatible, enhanced, open sourc... stable/percona-xtradb-cluster 1.0.8 5.7.19 DEPRECATED - free, fully compatible, enhanced, open sourc... stable/phpmyadmin 4.3.5 5.0.1 DEPRECATED phpMyAdmin is an mysql administration frontend stable/gcloud-sqlproxy 0.6.1 1.11 DEPRECATED Google Cloud SQL Proxy stable/mariadb 7.3.14 10.3.22 DEPRECATED Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use open... [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ #安装,这是因为Tiller服务器权限不足 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm install stable/mysql WARNING: This chart is deprecated Error: no available release name found
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller serviceaccount/tiller created [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/tiller-cluster-rule created [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}' deployment.apps/tiller-deploy patched
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get serviceaccount NAME SECRETS AGE default 1 31d [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl describe serviceaccount default Name: default Namespace: default Labels: <none> Annotations: <none> Image pull secrets: <none> Mountable secrets: default-token-9qbhw Tokens: default-token-9qbhw Events: <none> [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get serviceaccount --namespace kube-system NAME SECRETS AGE attachdetach-controller 1 31d bootstrap-signer 1 31d certificate-controller 1 31d clusterrole-aggregation-controller 1 31d coredns 1 31d cronjob-controller 1 31d daemon-set-controller 1 31d default 1 31d deployment-controller 1 31d disruption-controller 1 31d endpoint-controller 1 31d endpointslice-controller 1 31d endpointslicemirroring-controller 1 31d ephemeral-volume-controller 1 31d expand-controller 1 31d flannel 1 31d generic-garbage-collector 1 31d horizontal-pod-autoscaler 1 31d job-controller 1 31d kube-proxy 1 31d namespace-controller 1 31d node-controller 1 31d persistent-volume-binder 1 31d pod-garbage-collector 1 31d pv-protection-controller 1 31d pvc-protection-controller 1 31d replicaset-controller 1 31d replication-controller 1 31d resourcequota-controller 1 31d root-ca-cert-publisher 1 31d service-account-controller 1 31d service-controller 1 31d statefulset-controller 1 31d tiller 1 6m49s token-cleaner 1 31d ttl-after-finished-controller 1 31d ttl-controller 1 31d [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl describe serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller Name: tiller Namespace: kube-system Labels: <none> Annotations: <none> Image pull secrets: <none> Mountable secrets: tiller-token-dd6pt Tokens: tiller-token-dd6pt Events: <none> [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get clusterrolebinding NAME ROLE AGE cluster-admin ClusterRole/cluster-admin 31d flannel ClusterRole/flannel 31d kubeadm:get-nodes ClusterRole/kubeadm:get-nodes 31d kubeadm:kubelet-bootstrap ClusterRole/system:node-bootstrapper 31d kubeadm:node-autoapprove-bootstrap ClusterRole/system:certificates.k8s.io:certificatesigningrequests:nodeclient 31d kubeadm:node-autoapprove-certificate-rotation ClusterRole/system:certificates.k8s.io:certificatesigningrequests:selfnodeclient 31d kubeadm:node-proxier ClusterRole/system:node-proxier 31d system:basic-user ClusterRole/system:basic-user 31d system:controller:attachdetach-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:attachdetach-controller 31d system:controller:certificate-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:certificate-controller 31d system:controller:clusterrole-aggregation-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:clusterrole-aggregation-controller 31d system:controller:cronjob-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:cronjob-controller 31d system:controller:daemon-set-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:daemon-set-controller 31d system:controller:deployment-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:deployment-controller 31d system:controller:disruption-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:disruption-controller 31d system:controller:endpoint-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:endpoint-controller 31d system:controller:endpointslice-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:endpointslice-controller 31d system:controller:endpointslicemirroring-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:endpointslicemirroring-controller 31d system:controller:ephemeral-volume-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:ephemeral-volume-controller 31d system:controller:expand-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:expand-controller 31d system:controller:generic-garbage-collector ClusterRole/system:controller:generic-garbage-collector 31d system:controller:horizontal-pod-autoscaler ClusterRole/system:controller:horizontal-pod-autoscaler 31d system:controller:job-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:job-controller 31d system:controller:namespace-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:namespace-controller 31d system:controller:node-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:node-controller 31d system:controller:persistent-volume-binder ClusterRole/system:controller:persistent-volume-binder 31d system:controller:pod-garbage-collector ClusterRole/system:controller:pod-garbage-collector 31d system:controller:pv-protection-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:pv-protection-controller 31d system:controller:pvc-protection-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:pvc-protection-controller 31d system:controller:replicaset-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:replicaset-controller 31d system:controller:replication-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:replication-controller 31d system:controller:resourcequota-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:resourcequota-controller 31d system:controller:root-ca-cert-publisher ClusterRole/system:controller:root-ca-cert-publisher 31d system:controller:route-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:route-controller 31d system:controller:service-account-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:service-account-controller 31d system:controller:service-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:service-controller 31d system:controller:statefulset-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:statefulset-controller 31d system:controller:ttl-after-finished-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:ttl-after-finished-controller 31d system:controller:ttl-controller ClusterRole/system:controller:ttl-controller 31d system:coredns ClusterRole/system:coredns 31d system:discovery ClusterRole/system:discovery 31d system:kube-controller-manager ClusterRole/system:kube-controller-manager 31d system:kube-dns ClusterRole/system:kube-dns 31d system:kube-scheduler ClusterRole/system:kube-scheduler 31d system:monitoring ClusterRole/system:monitoring 31d system:node ClusterRole/system:node 31d system:node-proxier ClusterRole/system:node-proxier 31d system:public-info-viewer ClusterRole/system:public-info-viewer 31d system:service-account-issuer-discovery ClusterRole/system:service-account-issuer-discovery 31d system:volume-scheduler ClusterRole/system:volume-scheduler 31d tiller-cluster-rule ClusterRole/cluster-admin 8m12s [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller serviceaccount/tiller created [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/tiller-cluster-rule created [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}' deployment.apps/tiller-deploy patched [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get deployment --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE tiller-deploy 1/1 1 1 48m [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl edit deployment tiller-deploy --namespace kube-system Edit cancelled, no changes made. [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ 当编辑这个deployment时,就可以看到应用已经在指定的结构下有了如下键值对了 {"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}} serviceAccount: tiller
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm install stable/mysql WARNING: This chart is deprecated NAME: kindled-guppy LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Feb 21 02:15:09 2022 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: DEPLOYED RESOURCES: ==> v1/ConfigMap NAME DATA AGE kindled-guppy-mysql-test 1 0s ==> v1/Deployment NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE kindled-guppy-mysql 0/1 1 0 0s ==> v1/PersistentVolumeClaim NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE kindled-guppy-mysql Pending 0s ==> v1/Pod(related) NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kindled-guppy-mysql-b9c77555-n5ngw 0/1 Pending 0 0s ==> v1/Secret NAME TYPE DATA AGE kindled-guppy-mysql Opaque 2 0s ==> v1/Service NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kindled-guppy-mysql ClusterIP <none> 3306/TCP 0s NOTES: MySQL can be accessed via port 3306 on the following DNS name from within your cluster: kindled-guppy-mysql.default.svc.cluster.local To get your root password run: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default kindled-guppy-mysql -o jsonpath="{.data.mysql-root-password}" | base64 --decode; echo) To connect to your database: 1. Run an Ubuntu pod that you can use as a client: kubectl run -i --tty ubuntu --image=ubuntu:16.04 --restart=Never -- bash -il 2. Install the mysql client: $ apt-get update && apt-get install mysql-client -y 3. Connect using the mysql cli, then provide your password: $ mysql -h kindled-guppy-mysql -p To connect to your database directly from outside the K8s cluster: MYSQL_HOST= MYSQL_PORT=3306 # Execute the following command to route the connection: kubectl port-forward svc/kindled-guppy-mysql 3306 mysql -h ${MYSQL_HOST} -P${MYSQL_PORT} -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ 查看部署的各个的信息 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get servie kindled-guppy-mysql error: the server doesn't have a resource type "servie" [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get service kindled-guppy-mysql NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kindled-guppy-mysql ClusterIP <none> 3306/TCP 2m50s [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get deployment kindled-guppy-mysql NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE kindled-guppy-mysql 0/1 1 0 4m22s [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pod kindled-guppy-mysql-b9c77555-n5ngw NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kindled-guppy-mysql-b9c77555-n5ngw 0/1 Pending 0 4m47s [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pvc kindled-guppy-mysql #由于没有pv,所以当前release不可用 NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE kindled-guppy-mysql Pending 5m42s [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm list #已经部署的release NAME REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION NAMESPACE kindled-guppy 1 Mon Feb 21 02:15:09 2022 DEPLOYED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 default [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm delete kindled-guppy #删除 release "kindled-guppy" deleted [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pv #没有pv,pod没部署起来,所以release不可用 No resources found
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls .helm/cache/
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls .helm/cache/archive/ #部署了release后就有了这个包缓存
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get service #之前删除了release,相关部署的资源都没了
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 31d
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get deployment
No resources found in default namespace.
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm list
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ tar xf .helm/cache/archive/mysql-1.6.9.tgz -C /tmp/
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls /tmp/
healthy kubectl-edit-3200805539.yaml systemd-private-5f46703ba8d64ed3896e6b0ce6d85f96-vgauthd.service-h1QhSc
kubectl-edit-2777326135.yaml mysql systemd-private-5f46703ba8d64ed3896e6b0ce6d85f96-vmtoolsd.service-E9nP2C
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls /tmp/mysql/ #查看包里有啥文件
Chart.yaml README.md templates values.yaml
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls /tmp/mysql/templates/
configurationFiles-configmap.yaml _helpers.tpl NOTES.txt secrets.yaml servicemonitor.yaml tests
deployment.yaml initializationFiles-configmap.yaml pvc.yaml serviceaccount.yaml svc.yaml
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ tree /tmp/mysql/ #目录名就是chart名字
├── Chart.yaml
├── README.md
├── templates
│ ├── configurationFiles-configmap.yaml
│ ├── deployment.yaml
│ ├── _helpers.tpl
│ ├── initializationFiles-configmap.yaml
│ ├── NOTES.txt
│ ├── pvc.yaml
│ ├── secrets.yaml
│ ├── serviceaccount.yaml
│ ├── servicemonitor.yaml
│ ├── svc.yaml
│ └── tests
│ ├── test-configmap.yaml
│ └── test.yaml
└── values.yaml
2 directories, 15 files
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$

apiVersion: v1 appVersion: 5.7.30 deprecated: true description: DEPRECATED - Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use open-source relational database system. home: https://www.mysql.com/ icon: https://www.mysql.com/common/logos/logo-mysql-170x115.png keywords: - mysql - database - sql name: mysql sources: - https://github.com/kubernetes/charts - https://github.com/docker-library/mysql version: 1.6.9

# ⚠️ Repo Archive Notice As of Nov 13, 2020, charts in this repo will no longer be updated. For more information, see the Helm Charts [Deprecation and Archive Notice](https://github.com/helm/charts#%EF%B8%8F-deprecation-and-archive-notice), and [Update](https://helm.sh/blog/charts-repo-deprecation/). # MySQL [MySQL](https://MySQL.org) is one of the most popular database servers in the world. Notable users include Wikipedia, Facebook and Google. ## DEPRECATION NOTICE This chart is deprecated and no longer supported. ## Introduction This chart bootstraps a single node MySQL deployment on a [Kubernetes](http://kubernetes.io) cluster using the [Helm](https://helm.sh) package manager. ## Prerequisites - Kubernetes 1.10+ with Beta APIs enabled - PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure ## Installing the Chart To install the chart with the release name `my-release`: ```bash $ helm install --name my-release stable/mysql ``` The command deploys MySQL on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The [configuration](#configuration) section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation. By default a random password will be generated for the root user. If you'd like to set your own password change the mysqlRootPassword in the values.yaml. You can retrieve your root password by running the following command. Make sure to replace [YOUR_RELEASE_NAME]: printf $(printf '\%o' `kubectl get secret [YOUR_RELEASE_NAME]-mysql -o jsonpath="{.data.mysql-root-password[*]}"`) > **Tip**: List all releases using `helm list` ## Uninstalling the Chart To uninstall/delete the `my-release` deployment: ```bash $ helm delete --purge my-release ``` The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release completely. ## Configuration The following table lists the configurable parameters of the MySQL chart and their default values. | Parameter | Description | Default | | -------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | | `args` | Additional arguments to pass to the MySQL container. | `[]` | | `initContainer.resources` | initContainer resource requests/limits | Memory: `10Mi`, CPU: `10m` | | `image` | `mysql` image repository. | `mysql` | | `imageTag` | `mysql` image tag. | `5.7.30` | | `busybox.image` | `busybox` image repository. | `busybox` | | `busybox.tag` | `busybox` image tag. | `1.32` | | `testFramework.enabled` | `test-framework` switch. | `true` | | `testFramework.image` | `test-framework` image repository. | `bats/bats` | | `testFramework.tag` | `test-framework` image tag. | `1.2.1` | | `testFramework.imagePullPolicy` | `test-framework` image pull policy. | `IfNotPresent` | | `testFramework.securityContext` | `test-framework` securityContext | `{}` | | `imagePullPolicy` | Image pull policy | `IfNotPresent` | | `existingSecret` | Use Existing secret for Password details | `nil` | | `extraVolumes` | Additional volumes as a string to be passed to the `tpl` function | | | `extraVolumeMounts` | Additional volumeMounts as a string to be passed to the `tpl` function | | | `extraInitContainers` | Additional init containers as a string to be passed to the `tpl` function | | | `extraEnvVars` | Additional environment variables as a string to be passed to the `tpl` function | | | `mysqlRootPassword` | Password for the `root` user. Ignored if existing secret is provided | Random 10 characters | | `mysqlUser` | Username of new user to create. | `nil` | | `mysqlPassword` | Password for the new user. Ignored if existing secret is provided | Random 10 characters | | `mysqlDatabase` | Name for new database to create. | `nil` | | `livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before liveness probe is initiated | 30 | | `livenessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | 10 | | `livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | 5 | | `livenessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. | 1 | | `livenessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. | 3 | | `readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before readiness probe is initiated | 5 | | `readinessProbe.periodSeconds` | How often to perform the probe | 10 | | `readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | 1 | | `readinessProbe.successThreshold` | Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed. | 1 | | `readinessProbe.failureThreshold` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded. | 3 | | `schedulerName` | Name of the k8s scheduler (other than default) | `nil` | | `mysqlx.port.enabled` | Boolean to toggle a port for mysqlx `33060` protocol. | false | | `persistence.enabled` | Create a volume to store data | true | | `persistence.size` | Size of persistent volume claim | 8Gi RW | | `persistence.storageClass` | Type of persistent volume claim | nil | | `persistence.accessMode` | ReadWriteOnce or ReadOnly | ReadWriteOnce | | `persistence.existingClaim` | Name of existing persistent volume | `nil` | | `persistence.subPath` | Subdirectory of the volume to mount | `nil` | | `persistence.annotations` | Persistent Volume annotations | {} | | `nodeSelector` | Node labels for pod assignment | {} | | `affinity` | Affinity rules for pod assignment | {} | | `tolerations` | Pod taint tolerations for deployment | {} | | `metrics.enabled` | Start a side-car prometheus exporter | `false` | | `metrics.image` | Exporter image | `prom/mysqld-exporter` | | `metrics.imageTag` | Exporter image | `v0.10.0` | | `metrics.imagePullPolicy` | Exporter image pull policy | `IfNotPresent` | | `metrics.resources` | Exporter resource requests/limit | `nil` | | `metrics.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before metrics liveness probe is initiated | 15 | | `metrics.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | 5 | | `metrics.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` | Delay before metrics readiness probe is initiated | 5 | | `metrics.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds` | When the probe times out | 1 | | `metrics.flags` | Additional flags for the mysql exporter to use | `[]` | | `metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled` | Set this to `true` to create ServiceMonitor for Prometheus operator | `false` | | `metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels` | Additional labels that can be used so ServiceMonitor will be discovered by Prometheus | `{}` | | `resources` | CPU/Memory resource requests/limits | Memory: `256Mi`, CPU: `100m` | | `configurationFiles` | List of mysql configuration files | `nil` | | `configurationFilesPath` | Path of mysql configuration files | `/etc/mysql/conf.d/` | | `securityContext.enabled` | Enable security context (mysql pod) | `false` | | `securityContext.fsGroup` | Group ID for the container (mysql pod) | 999 | | `securityContext.runAsUser` | User ID for the container (mysql pod) | 999 | | `service.annotations` | Kubernetes annotations for mysql | {} | | `service.type` | Kubernetes service type | ClusterIP | | `service.loadBalancerIP` | LoadBalancer service IP | `""` | | `serviceAccount.create` | Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created | `false` | | `serviceAccount.name` | The name of the ServiceAccount to create | Generated using the mysql.fullname template | | `ssl.enabled` | Setup and use SSL for MySQL connections | `false` | | `ssl.secret` | Name of the secret containing the SSL certificates | mysql-ssl-certs | | `ssl.certificates[0].name` | Name of the secret containing the SSL certificates | `nil` | | `ssl.certificates[0].ca` | CA certificate | `nil` | | `ssl.certificates[0].cert` | Server certificate (public key) | `nil` | | `ssl.certificates[0].key` | Server key (private key) | `nil` | | `imagePullSecrets` | Name of Secret resource containing private registry credentials | `nil` | | `initializationFiles` | List of SQL files which are run after the container started | `nil` | | `timezone` | Container and mysqld timezone (TZ env) | `nil` (UTC depending on image) | | `podAnnotations` | Map of annotations to add to the pods | `{}` | | `podLabels` | Map of labels to add to the pods | `{}` | | `priorityClassName` | Set pod priorityClassName | `{}` | | `deploymentAnnotations` | Map of annotations for deployment | `{}` | | `strategy` | Update strategy policy | `{type: "Recreate"}` | Some of the parameters above map to the env variables defined in the [MySQL DockerHub image](https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql/). Specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`. For example, ```bash $ helm install --name my-release \ --set mysqlRootPassword=secretpassword,mysqlUser=my-user,mysqlPassword=my-password,mysqlDatabase=my-database \ stable/mysql ``` The above command sets the MySQL `root` account password to `secretpassword`. Additionally it creates a standard database user named `my-user`, with the password `my-password`, who has access to a database named `my-database`. Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example, ```bash $ helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml stable/mysql ``` > **Tip**: You can use the default [values.yaml](values.yaml) ## Persistence The [MySQL](https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql/) image stores the MySQL data and configurations at the `/var/lib/mysql` path of the container. By default a PersistentVolumeClaim is created and mounted into that directory. In order to disable this functionality you can change the values.yaml to disable persistence and use an emptyDir instead. > *"An emptyDir volume is first created when a Pod is assigned to a Node, and exists as long as that Pod is running on that node. When a Pod is removed from a node for any reason, the data in the emptyDir is deleted forever."* **Notice**: You may need to increase the value of `livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` when enabling persistence by using PersistentVolumeClaim from PersistentVolume with varying properties. Since its IO performance has impact on the database initialization performance. The default limit for database initialization is `60` seconds (`livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds` + `livenessProbe.periodSeconds` * `livenessProbe.failureThreshold`). Once such initialization process takes more time than this limit, kubelet will restart the database container, which will interrupt database initialization then causing persisent data in an unusable state. ## Custom MySQL configuration files The [MySQL](https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql/) image accepts custom configuration files at the path `/etc/mysql/conf.d`. If you want to use a customized MySQL configuration, you can create your alternative configuration files by passing the file contents on the `configurationFiles` attribute. Note that according to the MySQL documentation only files ending with `.cnf` are loaded. ```yaml configurationFiles: mysql.cnf: |- [mysqld] skip-host-cache skip-name-resolve sql-mode=STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION mysql_custom.cnf: |- [mysqld] ``` ## MySQL initialization files The [MySQL](https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql/) image accepts *.sh, *.sql and *.sql.gz files at the path `/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d`. These files are being run exactly once for container initialization and ignored on following container restarts. If you want to use initialization scripts, you can create initialization files by passing the file contents on the `initializationFiles` attribute. ```yaml initializationFiles: first-db.sql: |- CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS first DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci; second-db.sql: |- CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS second DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci; ``` ## SSL This chart supports configuring MySQL to use [encrypted connections](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encrypted-connections.html) with TLS/SSL certificates provided by the user. This is accomplished by storing the required Certificate Authority file, the server public key certificate, and the server private key as a Kubernetes secret. The SSL options for this chart support the following use cases: * Manage certificate secrets with helm * Manage certificate secrets outside of helm ## Manage certificate secrets with helm Include your certificate data in the `ssl.certificates` section. For example: ``` ssl: enabled: false secret: mysql-ssl-certs certificates: - name: mysql-ssl-certs ca: |- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- cert: |- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- key: |- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ``` > **Note**: Make sure your certificate data has the correct formatting in the values file. ## Manage certificate secrets outside of helm 1. Ensure the certificate secret exist before installation of this chart. 2. Set the name of the certificate secret in `ssl.secret`. 3. Make sure there are no entries underneath `ssl.certificates`. To manually create the certificate secret from local files you can execute: ``` kubectl create secret generic mysql-ssl-certs \ --from-file=ca.pem=./ssl/certificate-authority.pem \ --from-file=server-cert.pem=./ssl/server-public-key.pem \ --from-file=server-key.pem=./ssl/server-private-key.pem ``` > **Note**: `ca.pem`, `server-cert.pem`, and `server-key.pem` **must** be used as the key names in this generic secret. If you are using a certificate your configurationFiles must include the three ssl lines under [mysqld] ``` [mysqld] ssl-ca=/ssl/ca.pem ssl-cert=/ssl/server-cert.pem ssl-key=/ssl/server-key.pem ```

## mysql image version ## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/library/mysql/tags/ ## image: "mysql" imageTag: "5.7.30" strategy: type: Recreate busybox: image: "busybox" tag: "1.32" testFramework: enabled: true image: "bats/bats" tag: "1.2.1" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent securityContext: {} ## Specify password for root user ## ## Default: random 10 character string # mysqlRootPassword: testing ## Create a database user ## # mysqlUser: ## Default: random 10 character string # mysqlPassword: ## Allow unauthenticated access, uncomment to enable ## # mysqlAllowEmptyPassword: true ## Create a database ## # mysqlDatabase: ## Specify an imagePullPolicy (Required) ## It's recommended to change this to 'Always' if the image tag is 'latest' ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/images/#updating-images ## imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ## Additionnal arguments that are passed to the MySQL container. ## For example use --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password if older clients need to ## connect to a MySQL 8 instance. args: [] extraVolumes: | # - name: extras # emptyDir: {} extraVolumeMounts: | # - name: extras # mountPath: /usr/share/extras # readOnly: true extraInitContainers: | # - name: do-something # image: busybox # command: ['do', 'something'] ## A string to add extra environment variables # extraEnvVars: | # - name: EXTRA_VAR # value: "extra" # Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets. # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace. # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#specifying-imagepullsecrets-on-a-pod # imagePullSecrets: # - name: myRegistryKeySecretName ## Node selector ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector nodeSelector: {} ## Affinity ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity affinity: {} ## Tolerations for pod assignment ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] livenessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 30 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 5 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 3 readinessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 1 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 3 ## Persist data to a persistent volume persistence: enabled: true ## database data Persistent Volume Storage Class ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass> ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is ## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on ## GKE, AWS & OpenStack) ## # storageClass: "-" accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 8Gi annotations: {} ## Use an alternate scheduler, e.g. "stork". ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/configure-multiple-schedulers/ ## # schedulerName: ## Security context securityContext: enabled: false runAsUser: 999 fsGroup: 999 ## Configure resource requests and limits ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## resources: requests: memory: 256Mi cpu: 100m # Custom mysql configuration files path configurationFilesPath: /etc/mysql/conf.d/ # Custom mysql configuration files used to override default mysql settings configurationFiles: {} # mysql.cnf: |- # [mysqld] # skip-name-resolve # ssl-ca=/ssl/ca.pem # ssl-cert=/ssl/server-cert.pem # ssl-key=/ssl/server-key.pem # Custom mysql init SQL files used to initialize the database initializationFiles: {} # first-db.sql: |- # CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS first DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci; # second-db.sql: |- # CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS second DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci; # To enaable the mysql X Protocol's port # .. will expose the port 33060 # .. Note the X Plugin needs installation # ref: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/x-plugin-checking-installation.html mysqlx: port: enabled: false metrics: enabled: false image: prom/mysqld-exporter imageTag: v0.10.0 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent resources: {} annotations: {} # prometheus.io/scrape: "true" # prometheus.io/port: "9104" livenessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 15 timeoutSeconds: 5 readinessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 1 flags: [] serviceMonitor: enabled: false additionalLabels: {} ## Configure the service ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/ service: annotations: {} ## Specify a service type ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services---service-types type: ClusterIP port: 3306 # nodePort: 32000 # loadBalancerIP: ## Pods Service Account ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/ serviceAccount: ## Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created ## create: false ## The name of the ServiceAccount to use. ## If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the mariadb.fullname template # name: ssl: enabled: false secret: mysql-ssl-certs certificates: # - name: mysql-ssl-certs # ca: |- # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- # ... # -----END CERTIFICATE----- # cert: |- # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- # ... # -----END CERTIFICATE----- # key: |- # -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- # ... # -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ## Populates the 'TZ' system timezone environment variable ## ref: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/time-zone-support.html ## ## Default: nil (mysql will use image's default timezone, normally UTC) ## Example: 'Australia/Sydney' # timezone: # Deployment Annotations deploymentAnnotations: {} # To be added to the database server pod(s) podAnnotations: {} podLabels: {} ## Set pod priorityClassName # priorityClassName: {} ## Init container resources defaults initContainer: resources: requests: memory: 10Mi cpu: 10m

{{- if .Values.configurationFiles }} apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }}-configuration namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} data: {{- range $key, $val := .Values.configurationFiles }} {{ $key }}: |- {{ $val | indent 4}} {{- end }} {{- end -}}

apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} labels: app: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" {{- with .Values.deploymentAnnotations }} annotations: {{ toYaml . | indent 4 }} {{- end }} spec: strategy: {{ toYaml .Values.strategy | indent 4 }} selector: matchLabels: app: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} release: {{ .Release.Name }} template: metadata: labels: app: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} release: {{ .Release.Name }} {{- with .Values.podLabels }} {{ toYaml . | indent 8 }} {{- end }} {{- with .Values.podAnnotations }} annotations: {{ toYaml . | indent 8 }} {{- end }} spec: {{- if .Values.schedulerName }} schedulerName: "{{ .Values.schedulerName }}" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.imagePullSecrets }} imagePullSecrets: {{ toYaml .Values.imagePullSecrets | indent 8 }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.priorityClassName }} priorityClassName: "{{ .Values.priorityClassName }}" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.securityContext.enabled }} securityContext: fsGroup: {{ .Values.securityContext.fsGroup }} runAsUser: {{ .Values.securityContext.runAsUser }} {{- end }} serviceAccountName: {{ template "mysql.serviceAccountName" . }} initContainers: - name: "remove-lost-found" image: "{{ .Values.busybox.image}}:{{ .Values.busybox.tag }}" imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy | quote }} resources: {{ toYaml .Values.initContainer.resources | indent 10 }} command: ["rm", "-fr", "/var/lib/mysql/lost+found"] volumeMounts: - name: data mountPath: /var/lib/mysql {{- if .Values.persistence.subPath }} subPath: {{ .Values.persistence.subPath }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.extraInitContainers }} {{ tpl .Values.extraInitContainers . | indent 6 }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }} nodeSelector: {{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 8 }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.affinity }} affinity: {{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 8 }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.tolerations }} tolerations: {{ toYaml .Values.tolerations | indent 8 }} {{- end }} containers: - name: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} image: "{{ .Values.image }}:{{ .Values.imageTag }}" imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy | quote }} {{- with .Values.args }} args: {{- range . }} - {{ . | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} resources: {{ toYaml .Values.resources | indent 10 }} env: {{- if .Values.mysqlAllowEmptyPassword }} - name: MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD value: "true" {{- end }} {{- if not (and .Values.allowEmptyRootPassword (not .Values.mysqlRootPassword)) }} - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ template "mysql.secretName" . }} key: mysql-root-password {{- if .Values.mysqlAllowEmptyPassword }} optional: true {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if not (and .Values.allowEmptyRootPassword (not .Values.mysqlPassword)) }} - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ template "mysql.secretName" . }} key: mysql-password {{- if or .Values.mysqlAllowEmptyPassword (empty .Values.mysqlUser) }} optional: true {{- end }} {{- end }} - name: MYSQL_USER value: {{ default "" .Values.mysqlUser | quote }} - name: MYSQL_DATABASE value: {{ default "" .Values.mysqlDatabase | quote }} {{- if .Values.timezone }} - name: TZ value: {{ .Values.timezone }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.extraEnvVars }} {{ tpl .Values.extraEnvVars . | indent 8 }} {{- end }} ports: - name: mysql containerPort: 3306 {{- if .Values.mysqlx.port.enabled }} - name: mysqlx port: 33060 {{- end }} livenessProbe: exec: command: {{- if .Values.mysqlAllowEmptyPassword }} - mysqladmin - ping {{- else }} - sh - -c - "mysqladmin ping -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" {{- end }} initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds }} periodSeconds: {{ .Values.livenessProbe.periodSeconds }} timeoutSeconds: {{ .Values.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds }} successThreshold: {{ .Values.livenessProbe.successThreshold }} failureThreshold: {{ .Values.livenessProbe.failureThreshold }} readinessProbe: exec: command: {{- if .Values.mysqlAllowEmptyPassword }} - mysqladmin - ping {{- else }} - sh - -c - "mysqladmin ping -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" {{- end }} initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds }} periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readinessProbe.periodSeconds }} timeoutSeconds: {{ .Values.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds }} successThreshold: {{ .Values.readinessProbe.successThreshold }} failureThreshold: {{ .Values.readinessProbe.failureThreshold }} volumeMounts: - name: data mountPath: /var/lib/mysql {{- if .Values.persistence.subPath }} subPath: {{ .Values.persistence.subPath }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.configurationFiles }} {{- range $key, $val := .Values.configurationFiles }} - name: configurations mountPath: {{ $.Values.configurationFilesPath }}{{ $key }} subPath: {{ $key }} {{- end -}} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.initializationFiles }} - name: migrations mountPath: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d {{- end }} {{- if .Values.ssl.enabled }} - name: certificates mountPath: /ssl {{- end }} {{- if .Values.extraVolumeMounts }} {{ tpl .Values.extraVolumeMounts . | indent 8 }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.metrics.enabled }} - name: metrics image: "{{ .Values.metrics.image }}:{{ .Values.metrics.imageTag }}" imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.metrics.imagePullPolicy | quote }} {{- if .Values.mysqlAllowEmptyPassword }} command: - 'sh' - '-c' - 'DATA_SOURCE_NAME="root@(localhost:3306)/" /bin/mysqld_exporter' {{- else }} env: - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ template "mysql.secretName" . }} key: mysql-root-password command: - 'sh' - '-c' - 'DATA_SOURCE_NAME="root:$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD@(localhost:3306)/" /bin/mysqld_exporter' {{- end }} {{- range $f := .Values.metrics.flags }} - {{ $f | quote }} {{- end }} ports: - name: metrics containerPort: 9104 livenessProbe: httpGet: path: / port: metrics initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.metrics.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds }} timeoutSeconds: {{ .Values.metrics.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds }} readinessProbe: httpGet: path: / port: metrics initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.metrics.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds }} timeoutSeconds: {{ .Values.metrics.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds }} resources: {{ toYaml .Values.metrics.resources | indent 10 }} {{- end }} volumes: {{- if .Values.configurationFiles }} - name: configurations configMap: name: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }}-configuration {{- end }} {{- if .Values.initializationFiles }} - name: migrations configMap: name: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }}-initialization {{- end }} {{- if .Values.ssl.enabled }} - name: certificates secret: secretName: {{ .Values.ssl.secret }} {{- end }} - name: data {{- if .Values.persistence.enabled }} persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: {{ .Values.persistence.existingClaim | default (include "mysql.fullname" .) }} {{- else }} emptyDir: {} {{- end -}} {{- if .Values.extraVolumes }} {{ tpl .Values.extraVolumes . | indent 6 }} {{- end }}

{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}} {{/* Expand the name of the chart. */}} {{- define "mysql.name" -}} {{- default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Create a default fully qualified app name. We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec). If release name contains chart name it will be used as a full name. */}} {{- define "mysql.fullname" -}} {{- if .Values.fullnameOverride -}} {{- .Values.fullnameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- else -}} {{- $name := default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride -}} {{- if contains $name .Release.Name -}} {{- printf .Release.Name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name $name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Generate chart secret name */}} {{- define "mysql.secretName" -}} {{ default (include "mysql.fullname" .) .Values.existingSecret }} {{- end -}} {{/* Create the name of the service account to use */}} {{- define "mysql.serviceAccountName" -}} {{- if .Values.serviceAccount.create -}} {{ default (include "mysql.fullname" .) .Values.serviceAccount.name }} {{- else -}} {{ default "default" .Values.serviceAccount.name }} {{- end -}} {{- end -}}

{{- if .Values.initializationFiles }} apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }}-initialization namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} data: {{- range $key, $val := .Values.initializationFiles }} {{ $key }}: |- {{ $val | indent 4}} {{- end }} {{- end -}}

MySQL can be accessed via port 3306 on the following DNS name from within your cluster: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local {{- if .Values.mysqlx.port.enabled }} Connection to the X protocol of MySQL can be done via 33060 on the following DNS name from within your cluster: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.cluster.local {{- end }} {{- if .Values.existingSecret }} If you have not already created the mysql password secret: kubectl create secret generic {{ .Values.existingSecret }} --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} --from-file=./mysql-root-password --from-file=./mysql-password {{ else }} To get your root password run: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} -o jsonpath="{.data.mysql-root-password}" | base64 --decode; echo) {{- end }} To connect to your database: 1. Run an Ubuntu pod that you can use as a client: kubectl run -i --tty ubuntu --image=ubuntu:16.04 --restart=Never -- bash -il 2. Install the mysql client: $ apt-get update && apt-get install mysql-client -y 3. Connect using the mysql cli, then provide your password: $ mysql -h {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} -p To connect to your database directly from outside the K8s cluster: {{- if contains "NodePort" .Values.service.type }} MYSQL_HOST=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}') MYSQL_PORT=$(kubectl get svc --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}') {{- else if contains "ClusterIP" .Values.service.type }} MYSQL_HOST= MYSQL_PORT={{ .Values.service.port }} # Execute the following command to route the connection: kubectl port-forward svc/{{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} {{ .Values.service.port }} {{- end }} mysql -h ${MYSQL_HOST} -P${MYSQL_PORT} -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}

{{- if and .Values.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) }} kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} {{- with .Values.persistence.annotations }} annotations: {{ toYaml . | indent 4 }} {{- end }} labels: app: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" spec: accessModes: - {{ .Values.persistence.accessMode | quote }} resources: requests: storage: {{ .Values.persistence.size | quote }} {{- if .Values.persistence.storageClass }} {{- if (eq "-" .Values.persistence.storageClass) }} storageClassName: "" {{- else }} storageClassName: "{{ .Values.persistence.storageClass }}" {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }}

{{- if not .Values.existingSecret }} {{- if or (not .Values.allowEmptyRootPassword) (or .Values.mysqlRootPassword .Values.mysqlPassword) }} apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} labels: app: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" type: Opaque data: {{ if .Values.mysqlRootPassword }} mysql-root-password: {{ .Values.mysqlRootPassword | b64enc | quote }} {{ else }} {{ if not .Values.allowEmptyRootPassword }} mysql-root-password: {{ randAlphaNum 10 | b64enc | quote }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if .Values.mysqlPassword }} mysql-password: {{ .Values.mysqlPassword | b64enc | quote }} {{ else }} {{ if not .Values.allowEmptyRootPassword }} mysql-password: {{ randAlphaNum 10 | b64enc | quote }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{- if .Values.ssl.enabled }} {{ if .Values.ssl.certificates }} {{- range .Values.ssl.certificates }} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: {{ .name }} labels: app: {{ template "mysql.fullname" $ }} chart: "{{ $.Chart.Name }}-{{ $.Chart.Version }}" release: "{{ $.Release.Name }}" heritage: "{{ $.Release.Service }}" type: Opaque data: ca.pem: {{ .ca | b64enc }} server-cert.pem: {{ .cert | b64enc }} server-key.pem: {{ .key | b64enc }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }}

{{- if .Values.serviceAccount.create }} apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: {{ template "mysql.serviceAccountName" . }} labels: app: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" {{- end }}

{{- if and .Values.metrics.enabled .Values.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled }} apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1 kind: ServiceMonitor metadata: name: {{ include "mysql.fullname" . }} namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} labels: app: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" {{- if .Values.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels }} {{ toYaml .Values.metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels | indent 4 }} {{- end }} spec: endpoints: - port: metrics interval: 30s namespaceSelector: matchNames: - {{ .Release.Namespace }} selector: matchLabels: app: {{ include "mysql.fullname" . }} release: {{ .Release.Name }} {{- end }}

apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} labels: app: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" annotations: {{- if .Values.service.annotations }} {{ toYaml .Values.service.annotations | indent 4 }} {{- end }} {{- if and (.Values.metrics.enabled) (.Values.metrics.annotations) }} {{ toYaml .Values.metrics.annotations | indent 4 }} {{- end }} spec: type: {{ .Values.service.type }} {{- if (and (eq .Values.service.type "LoadBalancer") (not (empty .Values.service.loadBalancerIP))) }} loadBalancerIP: {{ .Values.service.loadBalancerIP }} {{- end }} ports: - name: mysql port: {{ .Values.service.port }} targetPort: mysql {{- if .Values.service.nodePort }} nodePort: {{ .Values.service.nodePort }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.mysqlx.port.enabled }} - name: mysqlx port: 33060 targetPort: mysqlx protocol: TCP {{- end }} {{- if .Values.metrics.enabled }} - name: metrics port: 9104 targetPort: metrics {{- end }} selector: app: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }}

{{- if .Values.testFramework.enabled }} apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }}-test namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} labels: app: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" data: run.sh: |- {{- if .Values.ssl.enabled | and .Values.mysqlRootPassword }} @test "Testing SSL MySQL Connection" { mysql --host={{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} --port={{ .Values.service.port | default "3306" }} --ssl-cert=/ssl/server-cert.pem --ssl-key=ssl/server-key.pem -u root -p{{ .Values.mysqlRootPassword }} } {{- else if .Values.mysqlRootPassword }} @test "Testing MySQL Connection" { mysql --host={{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} --port={{ .Values.service.port | default "3306" }} -u root -p{{ .Values.mysqlRootPassword }} } {{- end }} {{- end }}

{{- if .Values.testFramework.enabled }} apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }}-test namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} labels: app: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }} chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}" release: "{{ .Release.Name }}" annotations: "helm.sh/hook": test-success spec: {{- if .Values.testFramework.securityContext }} securityContext: {{ toYaml .Values.testFramework.securityContext | nindent 4 }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.imagePullSecrets }} imagePullSecrets: {{- range .Values.imagePullSecrets }} - name: {{ . }} {{- end}} {{- end }} {{- with .Values.nodeSelector }} nodeSelector: {{ toYaml . | indent 4 }} {{- end }} {{- with .Values.affinity }} affinity: {{ toYaml . | indent 4 }} {{- end }} {{- with .Values.tolerations }} tolerations: {{ toYaml . | indent 4 }} {{- end }} containers: - name: {{ .Release.Name }}-test image: "{{ .Values.testFramework.image }}:{{ .Values.testFramework.tag }}" imagePullPolicy: "{{ .Values.testFramework.imagePullPolicy}}" command: ["/opt/bats/bin/bats", "-t", "/tests/run.sh"] volumeMounts: - mountPath: /tests name: tests readOnly: true {{- if .Values.ssl.enabled }} - name: certificates mountPath: /ssl {{- end }} volumes: - name: tests configMap: name: {{ template "mysql.fullname" . }}-test {{- if .Values.ssl.enabled }} - name: certificates secret: secretName: {{ .Values.ssl.secret }} {{- end }} restartPolicy: Never {{- end }}
如下,可以看到是jinja2模板语言似的使用方法。{{}}调用变量,用.来寻找目录文件和文件中的yaml格式的键值。判断语句类似于jinja2,这里的是有-开头 ,而不是前后%。有时间可以写成笔记,这里的循环,判断等是怎么使用的
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master /tmp/mysql]$ tail -7 templates/tests/test.yaml {{- if .Values.ssl.enabled }} - name: certificates secret: secretName: {{ .Values.ssl.secret }} {{- end }} restartPolicy: Never {{- end }} [machangwei@mcwk8s-master /tmp/mysql]$ grep -A 5 "ssl:" values.yaml ssl: enabled: false secret: mysql-ssl-certs certificates: # - name: mysql-ssl-certs # ca: |- [machangwei@mcwk8s-master /tmp/mysql]$
helm install stable/mysql -n my 那么: {{.Chart.Name}} 值为mysql {{.Chart.Version}} 值为0.3.0 {{.Release.Name}}值为my {{.Release.Service}} 始终取值为Tiller {{template "mysql.fullname" .}} 计算结果为my-mysql
再次部署MySQL chart,(上一个存在问题)
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm inspect values stable/mysql

[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm inspect values stable/mysql ## mysql image version ## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/library/mysql/tags/ ## image: "mysql" imageTag: "5.7.30" strategy: type: Recreate busybox: image: "busybox" tag: "1.32" testFramework: enabled: true image: "bats/bats" tag: "1.2.1" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent securityContext: {} ## Specify password for root user ## ## Default: random 10 character string # mysqlRootPassword: testing ## Create a database user ## # mysqlUser: ## Default: random 10 character string # mysqlPassword: ## Allow unauthenticated access, uncomment to enable ## # mysqlAllowEmptyPassword: true ## Create a database ## # mysqlDatabase: ## Specify an imagePullPolicy (Required) ## It's recommended to change this to 'Always' if the image tag is 'latest' ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/images/#updating-images ## imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ## Additionnal arguments that are passed to the MySQL container. ## For example use --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password if older clients need to ## connect to a MySQL 8 instance. args: [] extraVolumes: | # - name: extras # emptyDir: {} extraVolumeMounts: | # - name: extras # mountPath: /usr/share/extras # readOnly: true extraInitContainers: | # - name: do-something # image: busybox # command: ['do', 'something'] ## A string to add extra environment variables # extraEnvVars: | # - name: EXTRA_VAR # value: "extra" # Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets. # Secrets must be manually created in the namespace. # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#specifying-imagepullsecrets-on-a-pod # imagePullSecrets: # - name: myRegistryKeySecretName ## Node selector ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector nodeSelector: {} ## Affinity ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity affinity: {} ## Tolerations for pod assignment ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] livenessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 30 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 5 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 3 readinessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 1 successThreshold: 1 failureThreshold: 3 ## Persist data to a persistent volume persistence: enabled: true ## database data Persistent Volume Storage Class ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass> ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is ## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on ## GKE, AWS & OpenStack) ## # storageClass: "-" accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 8Gi annotations: {} ## Use an alternate scheduler, e.g. "stork". ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/configure-multiple-schedulers/ ## # schedulerName: ## Security context securityContext: enabled: false runAsUser: 999 fsGroup: 999 ## Configure resource requests and limits ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## resources: requests: memory: 256Mi cpu: 100m # Custom mysql configuration files path configurationFilesPath: /etc/mysql/conf.d/ # Custom mysql configuration files used to override default mysql settings configurationFiles: {} # mysql.cnf: |- # [mysqld] # skip-name-resolve # ssl-ca=/ssl/ca.pem # ssl-cert=/ssl/server-cert.pem # ssl-key=/ssl/server-key.pem # Custom mysql init SQL files used to initialize the database initializationFiles: {} # first-db.sql: |- # CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS first DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci; # second-db.sql: |- # CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS second DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci; # To enaable the mysql X Protocol's port # .. will expose the port 33060 # .. Note the X Plugin needs installation # ref: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/x-plugin-checking-installation.html mysqlx: port: enabled: false metrics: enabled: false image: prom/mysqld-exporter imageTag: v0.10.0 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent resources: {} annotations: {} # prometheus.io/scrape: "true" # prometheus.io/port: "9104" livenessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 15 timeoutSeconds: 5 readinessProbe: initialDelaySeconds: 5 timeoutSeconds: 1 flags: [] serviceMonitor: enabled: false additionalLabels: {} ## Configure the service ## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/ service: annotations: {} ## Specify a service type ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services---service-types type: ClusterIP port: 3306 # nodePort: 32000 # loadBalancerIP: ## Pods Service Account ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/ serviceAccount: ## Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created ## create: false ## The name of the ServiceAccount to use. ## If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the mariadb.fullname template # name: ssl: enabled: false secret: mysql-ssl-certs certificates: # - name: mysql-ssl-certs # ca: |- # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- # ... # -----END CERTIFICATE----- # cert: |- # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- # ... # -----END CERTIFICATE----- # key: |- # -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- # ... # -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ## Populates the 'TZ' system timezone environment variable ## ref: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/time-zone-support.html ## ## Default: nil (mysql will use image's default timezone, normally UTC) ## Example: 'Australia/Sydney' # timezone: # Deployment Annotations deploymentAnnotations: {} # To be added to the database server pod(s) podAnnotations: {} podLabels: {} ## Set pod priorityClassName # priorityClassName: {} ## Init container resources defaults initContainer: resources: requests: memory: 10Mi cpu: 10m [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$
可以看到配置中需要一个8G的pv,由于使用环境不支持动态供给,于是手动创建pv ## Persist data to a persistent volume persistence: enabled: true ## database data Persistent Volume Storage Class ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass> ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is ## set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on ## GKE, AWS & OpenStack) ## # storageClass: "-" accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 8Gi annotations: {} 预先创建pv [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ cat mysqlPv.yml apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: mysql-pv spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce capacity: storage: 8Gi persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain # storageClassName: nfs nfs: path: /nfsdata/mysql-pv server: [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl apply -f mysqlPv.yml persistentvolume/mysql-pv created [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pv NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE mysql-pv 8Gi RWO Retain Available 6s 定制化安装chart。如下两种方法 1、定制化安装chart。可以 helm inspect values mysql > myvalues.yaml #生成values文件 然后设置mysqlRootPassword ,最后执行如下:指定使用修改后的values文件 helm install --values=myvalues.yaml mysql 2、--set传参方式 release是定义的my,其它各类资源名称都是my-mysql [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm install stable/mysql --set mysqlRootPassword=abc123 -n my WARNING: This chart is deprecated NAME: my LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Feb 21 14:44:27 2022 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: DEPLOYED RESOURCES: ==> v1/ConfigMap NAME DATA AGE my-mysql-test 1 9s ==> v1/Deployment NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE my-mysql 0/1 0 0 5s ==> v1/PersistentVolumeClaim NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE my-mysql Bound mysql-pv 8Gi RWO 9s ==> v1/Pod(related) NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-mysql-857b76d499-5mjsk 0/1 Pending 0 4s ==> v1/Secret NAME TYPE DATA AGE my-mysql Opaque 2 9s ==> v1/Service NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE my-mysql ClusterIP <none> 3306/TCP 7s NOTES: MySQL can be accessed via port 3306 on the following DNS name from within your cluster: my-mysql.default.svc.cluster.local To get your root password run: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default my-mysql -o jsonpath="{.data.mysql-root-password}" | base64 --decode; echo) To connect to your database: 1. Run an Ubuntu pod that you can use as a client: kubectl run -i --tty ubuntu --image=ubuntu:16.04 --restart=Never -- bash -il 2. Install the mysql client: $ apt-get update && apt-get install mysql-client -y 3. Connect using the mysql cli, then provide your password: $ mysql -h my-mysql -p To connect to your database directly from outside the K8s cluster: MYSQL_HOST= MYSQL_PORT=3306 # Execute the following command to route the connection: kubectl port-forward svc/my-mysql 3306 mysql -h ${MYSQL_HOST} -P${MYSQL_PORT} -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ 上面查看状态发现没有部署好了,找一下原因是挂载拒绝 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-mysql-857b76d499-5mjsk 0/1 Init:0/1 0 15m [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl describe pod my-mysql-857b76d499-5mjsk Mounting arguments: -t nfs /var/lib/kubelet/pods/146dae14-9e87-4306-a941-bcdd72726212/volumes/kubernetes.io~nfs/mysql-pv Output: mount.nfs: Connection refused Warning FailedMount 28s (x7 over 13m) kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[data], unattached volumes=[data kube-api-access-k8pj5]: timed out waiting for the condition Normal Pulling 14s kubelet Pulling image "busybox:1.32"
那就可能是服务没起,然后把服务启起来 [root@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ps -ef|grep nfs root 84265 54342 0 14:59 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto nfs [root@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ps -ef|grep rpcbind rpc 930 1 0 10:44 ? 00:00:00 /sbin/rpcbind -w root 84293 54342 0 14:59 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto rpcbind [root@mcwk8s-master ~]$ systemctl start nfs 去节点上看,已经成功挂载了 [root@mcwk8s-node1 ~]$ df -h|grep mysql-pv 19G 4.2G 15G 23% /var/lib/kubelet/pods/146dae14-9e87-4306-a941-bcdd72726212/volumes/kubernetes.io~nfs/mysql-pv 再查看pod,发现虽然是运行,但是有错误信息和警告信息,不知道是否是有问题的 Warning Unhealthy 2m7s kubelet Readiness probe failed: mysqladmin: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)' Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists! Warning Unhealthy 107s kubelet Readiness probe failed: command "sh -c mysqladmin ping -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" timed out [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-mysql-857b76d499-5mjsk 1/1 Running 0 21m [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls /nfsdata/mysql-pv/ #查看,是有数据的,之前是对目录删除过得,这些是新生成的文件 auto.cnf ca.pem client-key.pem ibdata1 ib_logfile1 mysql private_key.pem server-cert.pem sys ca-key.pem client-cert.pem ib_buffer_pool ib_logfile0 ibtmp1 performance_schema public_key.pem server-key.pem 进入mysql容器 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-mysql-857b76d499-5mjsk 1/1 Running 0 23m [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl exec -it my-mysql-857b76d499-5mjsk sh kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead. Defaulted container "my-mysql" out of: my-mysql, remove-lost-found (init) # ls bin boot dev docker-entrypoint-initdb.d entrypoint.sh etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var # ps -ef|grep mysql sh: 2: ps: not found
如下两种方式进入数据库 进入容器执行连接命令 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl exec -it my-mysql-857b76d499-5mjsk sh kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead. Defaulted container "my-mysql" out of: my-mysql, remove-lost-found (init) # mysql -uroot -pabc123 mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 109 Server version: 5.7.30 MySQL Community Server (GPL) Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | mysql | | performance_schema | | sys | +--------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.03 sec) mysql> mysql> \q Bye # [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ 用创建一个临时的pod连接MySQL [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 31d my-mysql ClusterIP <none> 3306/TCP 30m [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl run -it --rm --image=mysql:5.6 --restart=Never mysql-mcwclient -- mysql -h my-mysql -pabc123 #也可以使用ip If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter. Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 150 Server version: 5.7.30 MySQL Community Server (GPL) Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | mysql | | performance_schema | | sys | +--------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.04 sec) mysql> \q Bye pod "mysql-mcwclient" deleted [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$
查看两个节点都有 5.6的镜像 [root@mcwk8s-node1 ~]$ docker images|grep mysql mysql 5.6 dd3b2a5dcb48 2 months ago 303MB mysql 5.7.30 9cfcce23593a 20 months ago 448MB 查看目前使用的5.7.30的镜像 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm list NAME REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION NAMESPACE my 1 Mon Feb 21 14:44:27 2022 DEPLOYED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 default 当更新为5.6时,去节点上查看容器的报错信息,不支持的存储引擎,于是换成了5.7.15了 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm upgrade --set imageTag=5.6 my stable/mysql InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/error-creating-innodb.html 2022-02-21 07:37:42 1 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error. 2022-02-21 07:37:42 1 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed. 2022-02-21 07:37:42 1 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB 2022-02-21 07:37:42 1 [ERROR] Aborting 当重新部署为5.7.15时,成功了 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm upgrade --set imageTag=5.7.15 my stable/mysql ...... [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get deployment NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE my-mysql 1/1 1 1 59m [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get deployment -o wide #deployment可以看到现在是5.7.15 NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE CONTAINERS IMAGES SELECTOR my-mysql 1/1 1 1 59m my-mysql mysql:5.7.15 app=my-mysql,release=my [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pod -o wide NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES my-mysql-7d9687dfd6-b8xfq 1/1 Running 0 4m50s mcwk8s-node1 <none> <none> [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm list #经历了4个版本 NAME REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION NAMESPACE my 4 Mon Feb 21 15:39:16 2022 DEPLOYED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 default [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm history my #其中2,3是有问题的版本,容器都没有起来。4是5.7.15版本,这里看不出来。貌似只能deployment上看 REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION DESCRIPTION 1 Mon Feb 21 14:44:27 2022 SUPERSEDED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Install complete 2 Mon Feb 21 15:31:28 2022 SUPERSEDED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Upgrade complete 3 Mon Feb 21 15:37:24 2022 SUPERSEDED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Upgrade complete 4 Mon Feb 21 15:39:16 2022 DEPLOYED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Upgrade complete [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ 查看部署的节点上已经拉取到了5.7.15的镜像的 [root@mcwk8s-node1 ~]$ docker images |grep mysql mysql 5.6 dd3b2a5dcb48 2 months ago 303MB mysql 5.7.30 9cfcce23593a 20 months ago 448MB mysql 5.7.15 18f13d72f7f0 5 years ago 383MB [root@mcwk8s-node1 ~]$ 进入数据库查看版本 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-mysql-7d9687dfd6-b8xfq 1/1 Running 0 11m [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl exec -it my-mysql-7d9687dfd6-b8xfq sh kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead. Defaulted container "my-mysql" out of: my-mysql, remove-lost-found (init) # mysql -pabc123 mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 119 Server version: 5.7.15 MySQL Community Server (GPL) Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> select version(); +-----------+ | version() | +-----------+ | 5.7.15 | +-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> 回滚恢复到版本1,也就是mysql版本5.7.30 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm list NAME REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION NAMESPACE my 4 Mon Feb 21 15:39:16 2022 DEPLOYED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 default [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm history my REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION DESCRIPTION 1 Mon Feb 21 14:44:27 2022 SUPERSEDED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Install complete 2 Mon Feb 21 15:31:28 2022 SUPERSEDED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Upgrade complete 3 Mon Feb 21 15:37:24 2022 SUPERSEDED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Upgrade complete 4 Mon Feb 21 15:39:16 2022 DEPLOYED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Upgrade complete [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm rollback my 1 Rollback was a success. [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get deployment -o wide #查看版本,回滚成功 NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE CONTAINERS IMAGES SELECTOR my-mysql 1/1 1 1 68m my-mysql mysql:5.7.30 app=my-mysql,release=my [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm list NAME REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION NAMESPACE my 5 Mon Feb 21 15:53:02 2022 DEPLOYED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 default [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm history my #查看回滚记录 REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION DESCRIPTION 1 Mon Feb 21 14:44:27 2022 SUPERSEDED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Install complete 2 Mon Feb 21 15:31:28 2022 SUPERSEDED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Upgrade complete 3 Mon Feb 21 15:37:24 2022 SUPERSEDED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Upgrade complete 4 Mon Feb 21 15:39:16 2022 SUPERSEDED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Upgrade complete 5 Mon Feb 21 15:53:02 2022 DEPLOYED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 Rollback to 1 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ 进入数据库查看版本 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-mysql-857b76d499-f65g6 1/1 Running 0 60s [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl exec -it my-mysql-857b76d499-f65g6 sh kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead. Defaulted container "my-mysql" out of: my-mysql, remove-lost-found (init) # mysql -pabc123 mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 17 Server version: 5.7.30 MySQL Community Server (GPL) Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> select version(); +-----------+ | version() | +-----------+ | 5.7.30 | +-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql>
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm create mychart Creating mychart [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls mychart [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ tree mychart mychart ├── charts ├── Chart.yaml ├── templates │ ├── deployment.yaml │ ├── _helpers.tpl │ ├── ingress.yaml │ ├── NOTES.txt │ ├── serviceaccount.yaml │ ├── service.yaml │ └── tests │ └── test-connection.yaml └── values.yaml 3 directories, 9 files [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ cat mychart/values.yaml # Default values for mychart. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. replicaCount: 1 image: repository: nginx tag: stable pullPolicy: IfNotPresent imagePullSecrets: [] nameOverride: "" fullnameOverride: "" serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: true # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: "" podSecurityContext: {} # fsGroup: 2000 securityContext: {} # capabilities: # drop: # - ALL # readOnlyRootFilesystem: true # runAsNonRoot: true # runAsUser: 1000 service: type: ClusterIP port: 80 ingress: enabled: false annotations: {} # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" hosts: - host: chart-example.local paths: [] tls: [] # - secretName: chart-example-tls # hosts: # - chart-example.local resources: {} # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. # limits: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {} [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ cat mychart/Chart.yaml apiVersion: v1 appVersion: "1.0" description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes name: mychart version: 0.1.0 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ cat mychart/templates/deployment.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: {{ include "mychart.fullname" . }} labels: {{ include "mychart.labels" . | indent 4 }} spec: replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }} selector: matchLabels: app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ include "mychart.name" . }} app.kubernetes.io/instance: {{ .Release.Name }} template: metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ include "mychart.name" . }} app.kubernetes.io/instance: {{ .Release.Name }} spec: {{- with .Values.imagePullSecrets }} imagePullSecrets: {{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }} {{- end }} serviceAccountName: {{ template "mychart.serviceAccountName" . }} securityContext: {{- toYaml .Values.podSecurityContext | nindent 8 }} containers: - name: {{ .Chart.Name }} securityContext: {{- toYaml .Values.securityContext | nindent 12 }} image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}" imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }} ports: - name: http containerPort: 80 protocol: TCP livenessProbe: httpGet: path: / port: http readinessProbe: httpGet: path: / port: http resources: {{- toYaml .Values.resources | nindent 12 }} {{- with .Values.nodeSelector }} nodeSelector: {{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }} {{- end }} {{- with .Values.affinity }} affinity: {{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }} {{- end }} {{- with .Values.tolerations }} tolerations: {{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }} {{- end }} [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ cat mychart/templates/_helpers.tpl {{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}} {{/* Expand the name of the chart. */}} {{- define "mychart.name" -}} {{- default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Create a default fully qualified app name. We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec). If release name contains chart name it will be used as a full name. */}} {{- define "mychart.fullname" -}} {{- if .Values.fullnameOverride -}} {{- .Values.fullnameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- else -}} {{- $name := default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride -}} {{- if contains $name .Release.Name -}} {{- .Release.Name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- else -}} {{- printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name $name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Create chart name and version as used by the chart label. */}} {{- define "mychart.chart" -}} {{- printf "%s-%s" .Chart.Name .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Common labels */}} {{- define "mychart.labels" -}} app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ include "mychart.name" . }} helm.sh/chart: {{ include "mychart.chart" . }} app.kubernetes.io/instance: {{ .Release.Name }} {{- if .Chart.AppVersion }} app.kubernetes.io/version: {{ .Chart.AppVersion | quote }} {{- end }} app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: {{ .Release.Service }} {{- end -}} {{/* Create the name of the service account to use */}} {{- define "mychart.serviceAccountName" -}} {{- if .Values.serviceAccount.create -}} {{ default (include "mychart.fullname" .) .Values.serviceAccount.name }} {{- else -}} {{ default "default" .Values.serviceAccount.name }} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ cat mychart/templates/ingress.yaml {{- if .Values.ingress.enabled -}} {{- $fullName := include "mychart.fullname" . -}} {{- $svcPort := .Values.service.port -}} {{- if semverCompare ">=1.14-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.GitVersion -}} apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 {{- else -}} apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 {{- end }} kind: Ingress metadata: name: {{ $fullName }} labels: {{ include "mychart.labels" . | indent 4 }} {{- with .Values.ingress.annotations }} annotations: {{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }} {{- end }} spec: {{- if .Values.ingress.tls }} tls: {{- range .Values.ingress.tls }} - hosts: {{- range .hosts }} - {{ . | quote }} {{- end }} secretName: {{ .secretName }} {{- end }} {{- end }} rules: {{- range .Values.ingress.hosts }} - host: {{ .host | quote }} http: paths: {{- range .paths }} - path: {{ . }} backend: serviceName: {{ $fullName }} servicePort: {{ $svcPort }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ cat mychart/templates/NOTES.txt 1. Get the application URL by running these commands: {{- if .Values.ingress.enabled }} {{- range $host := .Values.ingress.hosts }} {{- range .paths }} http{{ if $.Values.ingress.tls }}s{{ end }}://{{ $host.host }}{{ . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- else if contains "NodePort" .Values.service.type }} export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services {{ include "mychart.fullname" . }}) export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}") echo http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT {{- else if contains "LoadBalancer" .Values.service.type }} NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available. You can watch the status of by running 'kubectl get --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} svc -w {{ include "mychart.fullname" . }}' export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} {{ include "mychart.fullname" . }} --template "{{"{{ range (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{.}}{{ end }}"}}") echo http://$SERVICE_IP:{{ .Values.service.port }} {{- else if contains "ClusterIP" .Values.service.type }} export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} -l "app.kubernetes.io/name={{ include "mychart.name" . }},app.kubernetes.io/instance={{ .Release.Name }}" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}") echo "Visit to use your application" kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:80 {{- end }} [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ cat mychart/templates/serviceaccount.yaml {{- if .Values.serviceAccount.create -}} apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: {{ template "mychart.serviceAccountName" . }} labels: {{ include "mychart.labels" . | indent 4 }} {{- end -}} [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ cat mychart/templates/service.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: {{ include "mychart.fullname" . }} labels: {{ include "mychart.labels" . | indent 4 }} spec: type: {{ .Values.service.type }} ports: - port: {{ .Values.service.port }} targetPort: http protocol: TCP name: http selector: app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ include "mychart.name" . }} app.kubernetes.io/instance: {{ .Release.Name }} [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ cat mychart/templates/tests/test-connection.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: "{{ include "mychart.fullname" . }}-test-connection" labels: {{ include "mychart.labels" . | indent 4 }} annotations: "helm.sh/hook": test-success spec: containers: - name: wget image: busybox command: ['wget'] args: ['{{ include "mychart.fullname" . }}:{{ .Values.service.port }}'] restartPolicy: Never [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls mychart/charts/ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls mychart/charts/ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ vim mychart/values.yaml [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ sed -n "8,11p" mychart/values.yaml #将文件改错 repository: nginx tag: stable pullPolicy IfNotPresent [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls mychart [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm lint mychart #检查chart语法,发现错误 ==> Linting mychart [INFO] Chart.yaml: icon is recommended [ERROR] values.yaml: unable to parse YAML error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 12: could not find expected ':' Error: 1 chart(s) linted, 1 chart(s) failed [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ vim mychart/values.yaml [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ sed -n "7,10p" mychart/values.yaml image: repository: nginx tag: stable pullPolicy: IfNotPresent [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm lint mychart #改正文件再检查语法 ==> Linting mychart [INFO] Chart.yaml: icon is recommended 1 chart(s) linted, no failures [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls mychart [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm install --dry-run mychart --debug #模拟安装chart,会输出米格模板生成的YAML内容。指定目录mychart [debug] Created tunnel using local port: '15407' [debug] SERVER: "" [debug] Original chart version: "" [debug] CHART PATH: /home/machangwei/mychart NAME: yucky-maltese REVISION: 1 RELEASED: Mon Feb 21 18:01:39 2022 CHART: mychart-0.1.0 USER-SUPPLIED VALUES: {} COMPUTED VALUES: affinity: {} fullnameOverride: "" image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: nginx tag: stable imagePullSecrets: [] ingress: annotations: {} enabled: false hosts: - host: chart-example.local paths: [] tls: [] nameOverride: "" nodeSelector: {} podSecurityContext: {} replicaCount: 1 resources: {} securityContext: {} service: port: 80 type: ClusterIP serviceAccount: create: true name: "" tolerations: [] HOOKS: --- # yucky-maltese-mychart-test-connection apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: "yucky-maltese-mychart-test-connection" labels: app.kubernetes.io/name: mychart helm.sh/chart: mychart-0.1.0 app.kubernetes.io/instance: yucky-maltese app.kubernetes.io/version: "1.0" app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Tiller annotations: "helm.sh/hook": test-success spec: containers: - name: wget image: busybox command: ['wget'] args: ['yucky-maltese-mychart:80'] restartPolicy: Never MANIFEST: --- # Source: mychart/templates/serviceaccount.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: yucky-maltese-mychart labels: app.kubernetes.io/name: mychart helm.sh/chart: mychart-0.1.0 app.kubernetes.io/instance: yucky-maltese app.kubernetes.io/version: "1.0" app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Tiller --- # Source: mychart/templates/service.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: yucky-maltese-mychart labels: app.kubernetes.io/name: mychart helm.sh/chart: mychart-0.1.0 app.kubernetes.io/instance: yucky-maltese app.kubernetes.io/version: "1.0" app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Tiller spec: type: ClusterIP ports: - port: 80 targetPort: http protocol: TCP name: http selector: app.kubernetes.io/name: mychart app.kubernetes.io/instance: yucky-maltese --- # Source: mychart/templates/deployment.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: yucky-maltese-mychart labels: app.kubernetes.io/name: mychart helm.sh/chart: mychart-0.1.0 app.kubernetes.io/instance: yucky-maltese app.kubernetes.io/version: "1.0" app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Tiller spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app.kubernetes.io/name: mychart app.kubernetes.io/instance: yucky-maltese template: metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/name: mychart app.kubernetes.io/instance: yucky-maltese spec: serviceAccountName: yucky-maltese-mychart securityContext: {} containers: - name: mychart securityContext: {} image: "nginx:stable" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - name: http containerPort: 80 protocol: TCP livenessProbe: httpGet: path: / port: http readinessProbe: httpGet: path: / port: http resources: {} [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$
1、仓库中的: helm install stable/nginx 2、通过tar包安装:helm install ./nginx-1.2.3.tgz 3、通过chart本地目录: helm install ./nginx 4、通过URL: helm install https://example.com/charts/nginx-1.2.3.tgz 下面是通过目录装 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls mychart [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm install mychart NAME: pruning-peahen LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Feb 21 18:03:32 2022 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: DEPLOYED RESOURCES: ==> v1/Deployment NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE pruning-peahen-mychart 0/1 0 0 0s ==> v1/Pod(related) NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pruning-peahen-mychart-65b4f8889d-b2c9k 0/1 Pending 0 0s ==> v1/Service NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE pruning-peahen-mychart ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 1s ==> v1/ServiceAccount NAME SECRETS AGE pruning-peahen-mychart 1 1s NOTES: 1. Get the application URL by running these commands: export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=mychart,app.kubernetes.io/instance=pruning-peahen" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}") echo "Visit to use your application" kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:80 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pod #查看装成功了 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-mysql-857b76d499-f65g6 1/1 Running 0 143m pruning-peahen-mychart-65b4f8889d-b2c9k 1/1 Running 0 12m
创建http服务 [root@mcwk8s-node1 ~]$ yum install nginx [root@mcwk8s-node1 ~]$ nginx [root@mcwk8s-node1 ~]$ curl -I HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx/1.20.1 Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2022 10:36:57 GMT Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 4833 Last-Modified: Fri, 16 May 2014 15:12:48 GMT Connection: keep-alive ETag: "53762af0-12e1" Accept-Ranges: bytes [root@mcwk8s-node1 ~]$ ls /usr/share/nginx/html/ 404.html 50x.html en-US icons img index.html nginx-logo.png poweredby.png 将我们写的chart目录打包 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls mychart [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm package mychart Successfully packaged chart and saved it to: /home/machangwei/mychart-0.1.0.tgz [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ mkdir myrepo [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ mv mychart-0.1.0.tgz myrepo/ #将包移到新建目录下 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ tree myrepo myrepo └── mychart-0.1.0.tgz [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm repo index myrepo --url #给目录中的包建立index,index文件记录当前仓库所以chart信息 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls myrepo/ index.yaml mychart-0.1.0.tgz [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ cat myrepo/index.yaml #查看仓库中chart信息 apiVersion: v1 entries: mychart: - apiVersion: v1 appVersion: "1.0" created: "2022-02-21T18:41:02.718170305+08:00" description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes digest: 5160a945cc5af88ee64c5131376896af791b6ad01be74272cd2ebdadbe3da6c4 name: mychart urls: - version: 0.1.0 generated: "2022-02-21T18:41:02.717147821+08:00"
节点1上创建服务目录 [root@mcwk8s-node1 ~]$ mkdir /usr/share/nginx/html/charts/ 主节点上传文件到Nginx站点目录 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ scp -rp myrepo/* root@ root@'s password: index.yaml 100% 395 134.3KB/s 00:00 mychart-0.1.0.tgz 100% 3247 1.0MB/s 00:00 复制到站点目录后,并不能curl访问到 [root@mcwk8s-node1 /usr/share/nginx/html]$ ls charts mcwbak [root@mcwk8s-node1 /usr/share/nginx/html]$ ls charts/ index.yaml mychart-0.1.0.tgz [root@mcwk8s-node1 /usr/share/nginx/html]$ curl <html> <head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head> <body> <center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx/1.20.1</center> </body> </html> [root@mcwk8s-node1 /usr/share/nginx/html]$ 但是主节点上搜索这个chart仓库中的chart,能搜索到 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm repo add newrepo "newrepo" has been added to your repositories [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm repo list #可以查看到新的chart仓库地址 NAME URL stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable local newrepo [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm search mychart #能搜索到我们创建的chart,在新建的newrepo仓库里, NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION local/mychart 0.1.0 1.0 A Helm chart for Kubernetes newrepo/mychart 0.1.0 1.0 A Helm chart for Kubernetes [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm list #查看现在有的release NAME REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION NAMESPACE my 5 Mon Feb 21 15:53:02 2022 DEPLOYED mysql-1.6.9 5.7.30 default pruning-peahen 1 Mon Feb 21 18:03:32 2022 DEPLOYED mychart-0.1.0 1.0 default [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm delete pruning-peahen #把这个Nginx的release删除 release "pruning-peahen" deleted [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pod #查看没有跟它相关的服务了 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-mysql-857b76d499-f65g6 1/1 Running 0 3h12m [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get deployment # NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE my-mysql 1/1 1 1 4h21m [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm install newrepo/mychart #安装新建仓库newrepo中的mychart NAME: ulterior-lion LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Feb 21 19:06:41 2022 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: DEPLOYED RESOURCES: ==> v1/Deployment NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE ulterior-lion-mychart 0/1 1 0 0s ==> v1/Pod(related) NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE ulterior-lion-mychart-5d5fd77ccb-hwdzx 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 0s ==> v1/Service NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE ulterior-lion-mychart ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 0s ==> v1/ServiceAccount NAME SECRETS AGE ulterior-lion-mychart 1 0s NOTES: 1. Get the application URL by running these commands: export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=mychart,app.kubernetes.io/instance=ulterior-lion" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}") echo "Visit to use your application" kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:80 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ kubectl get pod #查看,已经成功创建并运行了pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE my-mysql-857b76d499-f65g6 1/1 Running 0 3h15m ulterior-lion-mychart-5d5fd77ccb-hwdzx 1/1 Running 0 2m20s [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm create mcwchart #创建一个chart Creating mcwchart [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm package mcwchart #将自己的chart打包 Successfully packaged chart and saved it to: /home/machangwei/mcwchart-0.1.0.tgz [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls mcwchart mcwchart-0.1.0.tgz mychart myrepo [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ scp -rp mcwchart-0.1.0.tgz root@ root@'s password: mcwchart-0.1.0.tgz 100% 3255 1.5MB/s 00:00 去节点Nginx服务目录上查看,包已经存在了 [root@mcwk8s-node1 /usr/share/nginx/html]$ ls charts/ index.yaml mcwchart-0.1.0.tgz mychart-0.1.0.tgz [root@mcwk8s-node1 /usr/share/nginx/html]$ 更新前,newchart仓库中没有mcwchart,执行更新命令后还是没有,说明这样更新是有问题的。那么我就在主节点上将Nginx站点目录下的index文件更新,重新上传过去吧,不过这里需要保证更新index时,主节点所在的目录下有Nginx站点目录下所有包,不然就是加一个丢一堆了。 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm search mcwchart NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION local/mcwchart 0.1.0 1.0 A Helm chart for Kubernetes [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm repo update Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... ...Skip local chart repository ...Successfully got an update from the "newrepo" chart repository ...Successfully got an update from the "stable" chart repository Update Complete. [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm search mcwchart NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION local/mcwchart 0.1.0 1.0 A Helm chart for Kubernetes [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls mcwchart mcwchart-0.1.0.tgz mychart myrepo [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ mv mcwchart-0.1.0.tgz myrepo/ #将包传到这个目录下 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ ls myrepo/ #目录下包含Nginx站点目录下的所有包,以及新加的包 index.yaml mcwchart-0.1.0.tgz mychart-0.1.0.tgz [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm repo index myrepo/ --url #根据这个目录重新创建index文件 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ cat myrepo/index.yaml #查看新生成的index文件,每个chart都作为entries下一个元素。 apiVersion: v1 entries: mcwchart: - apiVersion: v1 appVersion: "1.0" created: "2022-02-21T19:28:03.046517034+08:00" description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes digest: b7e235d8ea60a68ab8b40d5c7fad6ccce709a25ca0dc7a603251dcb61ea4117f name: mcwchart urls: - version: 0.1.0 mychart: - apiVersion: v1 appVersion: "1.0" created: "2022-02-21T19:28:03.046966566+08:00" description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes digest: 5160a945cc5af88ee64c5131376896af791b6ad01be74272cd2ebdadbe3da6c4 name: mychart urls: - version: 0.1.0 generated: "2022-02-21T19:28:03.045856607+08:00" [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ scp -rp myrepo/index.yaml root@ #之前已经将包传输过去了,现在将新的index文件传输过去 root@'s password: index.yaml 100% 720 288.2KB/s 00:00 [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ 再Nginx上可以看到已经更新了index文件了 [root@mcwk8s-node1 /usr/share/nginx/html]$ ls charts/ index.yaml mcwchart-0.1.0.tgz mychart-0.1.0.tgz [root@mcwk8s-node1 /usr/share/nginx/html]$ cat charts/index.yaml apiVersion: v1 entries: mcwchart: - apiVersion: v1 appVersion: "1.0" created: "2022-02-21T19:28:03.046517034+08:00" description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes digest: b7e235d8ea60a68ab8b40d5c7fad6ccce709a25ca0dc7a603251dcb61ea4117f name: mcwchart urls: - version: 0.1.0 mychart: - apiVersion: v1 appVersion: "1.0" created: "2022-02-21T19:28:03.046966566+08:00" description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes digest: 5160a945cc5af88ee64c5131376896af791b6ad01be74272cd2ebdadbe3da6c4 name: mychart urls: - version: 0.1.0 generated: "2022-02-21T19:28:03.045856607+08:00"
[machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm search mcwchart #虽然Nginx站点目录下更新了index文件和包。但是目前新建仓库还是无法搜索到这个新的chart NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION local/mcwchart 0.1.0 1.0 A Helm chart for Kubernetes [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm repo update #helm更新一下repo Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... ...Skip local chart repository ...Successfully got an update from the "newrepo" chart repository ...Successfully got an update from the "stable" chart repository Update Complete. [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ helm search mcwchart #再次查询,就可以看到,新建仓库newrepo中也存在新建的chart了。 NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION local/mcwchart 0.1.0 1.0 A Helm chart for Kubernetes newrepo/mcwchart 0.1.0 1.0 A Helm chart for Kubernetes [machangwei@mcwk8s-master ~]$ #也就是说必须将包传到Nginx站点目录并且更新站点目录下的index文件,然后helm repo update,才能成功更新chart到这个仓库中。
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