
 1 #!/bin/bash
 2 #Function: Add system user from a file list
 3 #Author: Mach
 4 #Email:
 5 #Modify time: 04.10/2017, refactoring
 6 #Modiry time: 04.15/2017, add function Filteruser()
 8 Adduser(){
 9     if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
10         echo "Error: $1 file non-existent."
11         exit 1
12     fi
13     Filteruser $1
14     for NM in $(cat $1)
15     do
16         useradd $NM && echo "Add user $NM successful."
17     done
18 }
20 Filteruser(){
21     rm exisuserlist.log > /dev/null 2>&1
22     for NM in $(cat $1)
23     do
24         grep -w "^$NM" /etc/passwd > /dev/null 2>&1
25         if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
26             echo -e "user '$NM' has existent.\n" | tee -a ./exisuserlist.log
27         fi
28     done
29     if [ -f exisuserlist.log ]; then
30         echo "Please handle the above user name.(./exisuserlist.log)"
31         exit 1
32     fi
33 }
35 Addgroup(){
36     grep -w "^$2" /etc/group > /dev/null 2>&1
37     if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
38         useradd -Ms /bin/fales $2 && echo "Add UNIgroup $2 successful."
39         echo -e "$(id -gn $2) (unified IDnum group)\n" >> ./newadduserlist.log
40     fi
41     for NM in $(cat $1)
42     do
43         usermod -G $2 $NM && echo "Add user $NM to group $2 successful."
44     done
45 }
47 PDandlog(){
48     for NM in $(cat $1)
49     do
50         echo -en "$NM\t\t$(id -Gn $NM)\t\t" >> ./newadduserlist.log
51         PD=`echo $RANDOM | md5sum | head -c 8`
52         echo $PD | tee -a ./newadduserlist.log | passwd --stdin $NM
53         echo -e "\n" >> ./newadduserlist.log
54     done
55 }
57 if [ "$UID" -ne 0 ]; then
58     echo "Error: Need root permission!"
59     exit 1
60 fi
62 case $# in
63     1)
64         Adduser $1
65         PDandlog $1
66         ;;
67     2)
68         Adduser $1
69         Addgroup $1 $2
70         PDandlog $1
71         ;;
72     *)
73         echo "Error: Parameters error."
74         echo "usage: $0 UserListFile [GroupName]"
75         ;;
76 esac


posted @ 2017-04-10 15:47  Mach_cn  阅读(392)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报