基于修改iOS内核绕过iOS 基于svc 0x80的ptrace反调试

看到一个帖子:[原创]绕过iOS 基于svc 0x80的ptrace反调试

我的设备是:iphone7 iOS 14.1 , Darwin Kernel Version 20.0.0: Wed Sep 30 03:24:41 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.0.46~41/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010

iOSFuckDenyAttach-iPhone7-14.1 15





struct  proc {
LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_list;                /* List of all processes. */

void *          XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("proc.task") task;       /* corresponding task (static)*/
struct  proc *  XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("proc.p_pptr") p_pptr;   /* Pointer to parent process.(LL) */
pid_t           p_ppid;                 /* process's parent pid number */
pid_t           p_original_ppid;        /* process's original parent pid number, doesn't change if reparented */
pid_t           p_pgrpid;               /* process group id of the process (LL)*/
uid_t           p_uid;
gid_t           p_gid;
uid_t           p_ruid;
gid_t           p_rgid;
uid_t           p_svuid;
gid_t           p_svgid;
uint64_t        p_uniqueid;             /* process unique ID - incremented on fork/spawn/vfork, remains same across exec. */
uint64_t        p_puniqueid;            /* parent's unique ID - set on fork/spawn/vfork, doesn't change if reparented. */

lck_mtx_t       p_mlock;                /* mutex lock for proc */
pid_t           p_pid;                  /* Process identifier. (static)*/
char            p_stat;                 /* S* process status. (PL)*/
char            p_shutdownstate;
char            p_kdebug;               /* P_KDEBUG eq (CC)*/
char            p_btrace;               /* P_BTRACE eq (CC)*/

LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_pglist;              /* List of processes in pgrp.(PGL) */
LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_sibling;             /* List of sibling processes. (LL)*/
LIST_HEAD(, proc) p_children;           /* Pointer to list of children. (LL)*/
TAILQ_HEAD(, uthread) p_uthlist;        /* List of uthreads  (PL) */

LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_hash;                /* Hash chain. (LL)*/

struct persona  *p_persona;
LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_persona_list;

lck_mtx_t       p_fdmlock;              /* proc lock to protect fdesc */
lck_mtx_t       p_ucred_mlock;          /* mutex lock to protect p_ucred */

    /* substructures: */
kauth_cred_t    XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("proc.p_ucred") p_ucred; /* Process owner's identity. (PUCL) */
struct  filedesc *p_fd;                 /* Ptr to open files structure. (PFDL) */
struct  pstats *p_stats;                /* Accounting/statistics (PL). */
struct  plimit *p_limit;                /* Process limits.(PL) */

struct  sigacts *p_sigacts;             /* Signal actions, state (PL) */
lck_spin_t      p_slock;                /* spin lock for itimer/profil protection */

int             p_siglist;              /* signals captured back from threads */
unsigned int    p_flag;                 /* P_* flags. (atomic bit ops) */
unsigned int    p_lflag;                /* local flags  (PL) */
unsigned int    p_listflag;             /* list flags (LL) */
unsigned int    p_ladvflag;             /* local adv flags (atomic) */
int             p_refcount;             /* number of outstanding users(LL) */
int             p_childrencnt;          /* children holding ref on parent (LL) */
int             p_parentref;            /* children lookup ref on parent (LL) */
pid_t           p_oppid;                /* Save parent pid during ptrace. XXX */
u_int           p_xstat;                /* Exit status for wait; also stop signal. */

    /* may need cleanup, not used */
u_int           p_estcpu;               /* Time averaged value of p_cpticks.(used by aio and proc_comapre) */
fixpt_t         p_pctcpu;               /* %cpu for this process during p_swtime (used by aio)*/
u_int           p_slptime;              /* used by proc_compare */
#endif /* _PROC_HAS_SCHEDINFO_ */

struct  itimerval p_realtimer;          /* Alarm timer. (PSL) */
struct  timeval p_rtime;                /* Real time.(PSL)  */
struct  itimerval p_vtimer_user;        /* Virtual timers.(PSL)  */
struct  itimerval p_vtimer_prof;        /* (PSL) */

struct  timeval p_rlim_cpu;             /* Remaining rlim cpu value.(PSL) */
int             p_debugger;             /*  NU 1: can exec set-bit programs if suser */
boolean_t       sigwait;        /* indication to suspend (PL) */
void    *sigwait_thread;        /* 'thread' holding sigwait(PL)  */
void    *exit_thread;           /* Which thread is exiting(PL)  */
void *  p_vforkact;             /* activation running this vfork proc)(static)  */
int     p_vforkcnt;             /* number of outstanding vforks(PL)  */
int     p_fpdrainwait;          /* (PFDL) */
    /* Following fields are info from SIGCHLD (PL) */
pid_t   si_pid;                 /* (PL) */
u_int   si_status;              /* (PL) */
u_int   si_code;                /* (PL) */
uid_t   si_uid;                 /* (PL) */

void * vm_shm;                  /* (SYSV SHM Lock) for sysV shared memory */

user_addr_t                     p_dtrace_argv;                  /* (write once, read only after that) */
user_addr_t                     p_dtrace_envp;                  /* (write once, read only after that) */
lck_mtx_t                       p_dtrace_sprlock;               /* sun proc lock emulation */
uint8_t                         p_dtrace_stop;                  /* indicates a DTrace-desired stop */
int                             p_dtrace_probes;                /* (PL) are there probes for this proc? */
u_int                           p_dtrace_count;                 /* (sprlock) number of DTrace tracepoints */
struct dtrace_ptss_page*        p_dtrace_ptss_pages;            /* (sprlock) list of user ptss pages */
struct dtrace_ptss_page_entry*  p_dtrace_ptss_free_list;        /* (atomic) list of individual ptss entries */
struct dtrace_helpers*          p_dtrace_helpers;               /* (dtrace_lock) DTrace per-proc private */
struct dof_ioctl_data*          p_dtrace_lazy_dofs;             /* (sprlock) unloaded dof_helper_t's */
#endif /* CONFIG_DTRACE */

/* The following fields are all copied upon creation in fork. */
#define p_startcopy     p_argslen

u_int   p_argslen;       /* Length of process arguments. */
int     p_argc;                 /* saved argc for sysctl_procargs() */
user_addr_t user_stack;         /* where user stack was allocated */
struct  vnode * XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("proc.p_textvp") p_textvp;       /* Vnode of executable. */
off_t   p_textoff;              /* offset in executable vnode */

sigset_t p_sigmask;             /* DEPRECATED */
sigset_t p_sigignore;   /* Signals being ignored. (PL) */
sigset_t p_sigcatch;    /* Signals being caught by user.(PL)  */

u_char  p_priority;     /* (NU) Process priority. */
u_char  p_resv0;        /* (NU) User-priority based on p_cpu and p_nice. */
char    p_nice;         /* Process "nice" value.(PL) */
u_char  p_resv1;        /* (NU) User-priority based on p_cpu and p_nice. */

// types currently in sys/param.h
command_t   p_comm;
proc_name_t p_name;     /* can be changed by the process */
uint8_t p_xhighbits;    /* Stores the top byte of exit status to avoid truncation*/
pid_t   p_contproc;     /* last PID to send us a SIGCONT (PL) */

struct  pgrp *  XNU_PTRAUTH_SIGNED_PTR("proc.p_pgrp") p_pgrp; /* Pointer to process group. (LL) */
uint32_t        p_csflags;      /* flags for codesign (PL) */
uint32_t        p_pcaction;     /* action  for process control on starvation */
uint8_t p_uuid[16];             /* from LC_UUID load command */

     * CPU type and subtype of binary slice executed in
     * this process.  Protected by proc lock.
cpu_type_t      p_cputype;
cpu_subtype_t   p_cpusubtype;

uint8_t  *syscall_filter_mask;          /* syscall filter bitmask (length: nsysent bits) */
uint32_t        p_platform;
uint32_t        p_min_sdk;
uint32_t        p_sdk;

/* End area that is copied on creation. */
#define p_endcopy       p_aio_total_count
int             p_aio_total_count;              /* all allocated AIO requests for this proc */
TAILQ_HEAD(, aio_workq_entry ) p_aio_activeq;   /* active async IO requests */
TAILQ_HEAD(, aio_workq_entry ) p_aio_doneq;     /* completed async IO requests */

struct klist p_klist;  /* knote list (PL ?)*/

struct  rusage_superset *p_ru;  /* Exit information. (PL) */
thread_t        p_signalholder;
thread_t        p_transholder;
int             p_sigwaitcnt;
    /* DEPRECATE following field  */
u_short p_acflag;       /* Accounting flags. */
volatile u_short p_vfs_iopolicy;        /* VFS iopolicy flags. (atomic bit ops) */

user_addr_t     p_threadstart;          /* pthread start fn */
user_addr_t     p_wqthread;             /* pthread workqueue fn */
int     p_pthsize;                      /* pthread size */
uint32_t        p_pth_tsd_offset;       /* offset from pthread_t to TSD for new threads */
user_addr_t     p_stack_addr_hint;      /* stack allocation hint for wq threads */
struct workqueue *_Atomic p_wqptr;                      /* workq ptr */

struct  timeval p_start;                /* starting time */
void *  p_rcall;
int             p_ractive;
int     p_idversion;            /* version of process identity */
void *  p_pthhash;                      /* pthread waitqueue hash */
volatile uint64_t was_throttled __attribute__((aligned(8))); /* Counter for number of throttled I/Os */
volatile uint64_t did_throttle __attribute__((aligned(8)));  /* Counter for number of I/Os this proc throttled */

unsigned int p_fdlock_pc[4];
unsigned int p_fdunlock_pc[4];
unsigned int lockpc[8];
unsigned int unlockpc[8];
#endif /* SIGNAL_DEBUG */
#endif /* DIAGNOSTIC */
uint64_t        p_dispatchqueue_offset;
uint64_t        p_dispatchqueue_serialno_offset;
uint64_t        p_dispatchqueue_label_offset;
uint64_t        p_return_to_kernel_offset;
uint64_t        p_mach_thread_self_offset;
struct timeval  vm_pressure_last_notify_tstamp;

    /* Fields protected by proc list lock */
TAILQ_ENTRY(proc) p_memstat_list;               /* priority bucket link */
uint32_t          p_memstat_state;              /* state. Also used as a wakeup channel when the memstat's LOCKED bit changes */
int32_t           p_memstat_effectivepriority;  /* priority after transaction state accounted for */
int32_t           p_memstat_requestedpriority;  /* active priority */
int32_t           p_memstat_assertionpriority;  /* assertion driven priority */
uint32_t          p_memstat_dirty;              /* dirty state */
uint64_t          p_memstat_userdata;           /* user state */
uint64_t          p_memstat_idledeadline;       /* time at which process became clean */
uint64_t          p_memstat_idle_start;         /* abstime process transitions into the idle band */
uint64_t          p_memstat_idle_delta;         /* abstime delta spent in idle band */
int32_t           p_memstat_memlimit;           /* cached memory limit, toggles between active and inactive limits */
int32_t           p_memstat_memlimit_active;    /* memory limit enforced when process is in active jetsam state */
int32_t           p_memstat_memlimit_inactive;  /* memory limit enforced when process is in inactive jetsam state */
int32_t           p_memstat_relaunch_flags;     /* flags indicating relaunch behavior for the process */
uint32_t          p_memstat_freeze_sharedanon_pages; /* shared pages left behind after freeze */
uint32_t          p_memstat_frozen_count;
uint32_t          p_memstat_thaw_count;
#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */

    /* cached proc-specific data required for corpse inspection */
pid_t             p_responsible_pid;    /* pid resonsible for this process */
_Atomic uint32_t  p_user_faults; /* count the number of user faults generated */

uint32_t          p_memlimit_increase; /* byte increase for memory limit for dyld SPI rdar://problem/49950264, structure packing 32-bit and 64-bit */

struct os_reason     *p_exit_reason;

uint64_t        p_user_data;                    /* general-purpose storage for userland-provided data */

char * p_subsystem_root_path;
lck_rw_t        p_dirs_lock;                    /* keeps fd_cdir and fd_rdir stable across a lookup */
pid_t           p_sessionid;



#include <assert.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "find_kernel_base_under_checkra1n.h"

#include <sys/proc.h>
#include <sys/param.h>

//#define CONFIG_DTRACE 1

//#define _PROC_HAS_SCHEDINFO_ 1

typedef char command_t[MAXCOMLEN + 1];
typedef char proc_name_t[2*MAXCOMLEN + 1];
typedef void * lck_mtx_t;
typedef void * kauth_cred_t;
typedef void * lck_spin_t;
 * Description of a process.
 * This structure contains the information needed to manage a thread of
 * control, known in UN*X as a process; it has references to substructures
 * containing descriptions of things that the process uses, but may share
 * with related processes.  The process structure and the substructures
 * are always addressible except for those marked "(PROC ONLY)" below,
 * which might be addressible only on a processor on which the process
 * is running.

// struct  proc {
// 	LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_list;                /* List of all processes. */

// 	void *           task;       /* corresponding task (static)*/
// 	struct  proc *  p_pptr;   /* Pointer to parent process.(LL) */
// 	pid_t           p_ppid;                 /* process's parent pid number */
// 	pid_t           p_original_ppid;        /* process's original parent pid number, doesn't change if reparented */
// 	pid_t           p_pgrpid;               /* process group id of the process (LL)*/
// 	uid_t           p_uid;
// 	gid_t           p_gid;
// 	uid_t           p_ruid;
// 	gid_t           p_rgid;
// 	uid_t           p_svuid;
// 	gid_t           p_svgid;
// 	uint64_t        p_uniqueid;             /* process unique ID - incremented on fork/spawn/vfork, remains same across exec. */
// 	uint64_t        p_puniqueid;            /* parent's unique ID - set on fork/spawn/vfork, doesn't change if reparented. */

// 	lck_mtx_t       p_mlock;                /* mutex lock for proc */
// 	pid_t           p_pid;                  /* Process identifier. (static)*/
// 	char            p_stat;                 /* S* process status. (PL)*/
// 	char            p_shutdownstate;
// 	char            p_kdebug;               /* P_KDEBUG eq (CC)*/
// 	char            p_btrace;               /* P_BTRACE eq (CC)*/

// 	LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_pglist;              /* List of processes in pgrp.(PGL) */
// 	LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_sibling;             /* List of sibling processes. (LL)*/
// 	LIST_HEAD(, proc) p_children;           /* Pointer to list of children. (LL)*/
// 	TAILQ_HEAD(, uthread) p_uthlist;        /* List of uthreads  (PL) */

// 	LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_hash;                /* Hash chain. (LL)*/

// 	struct persona  *p_persona;
// 	LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_persona_list;
// #endif

// 	lck_mtx_t       p_fdmlock;              /* proc lock to protect fdesc */
// 	lck_mtx_t       p_ucred_mlock;          /* mutex lock to protect p_ucred */

// 	/* substructures: */
// 	kauth_cred_t    p_ucred; /* Process owner's identity. (PUCL) */
// 	struct  filedesc *p_fd;                 /* Ptr to open files structure. (PFDL) */
// 	struct  pstats *p_stats;                /* Accounting/statistics (PL). */
// 	struct  plimit *p_limit;                /* Process limits.(PL) */

// 	struct  sigacts *p_sigacts;             /* Signal actions, state (PL) */
// 	lck_spin_t      p_slock;                /* spin lock for itimer/profil protection */

// 	int             p_siglist;              /* signals captured back from threads */
// 	unsigned int    p_flag;                 /* P_* flags. (atomic bit ops) */
// 	unsigned int    p_lflag;                /* local flags  (PL) */
// 	unsigned int    p_listflag;             /* list flags (LL) */
// 	unsigned int    p_ladvflag;             /* local adv flags (atomic) */
// 	int             p_refcount;             /* number of outstanding users(LL) */
// 	int             p_childrencnt;          /* children holding ref on parent (LL) */
// 	int             p_parentref;            /* children lookup ref on parent (LL) */
// 	pid_t           p_oppid;                /* Save parent pid during ptrace. XXX */
// 	u_int           p_xstat;                /* Exit status for wait; also stop signal. */

// 	/* may need cleanup, not used */
// 	u_int           p_estcpu;               /* Time averaged value of p_cpticks.(used by aio and proc_comapre) */
// 	fixpt_t         p_pctcpu;               /* %cpu for this process during p_swtime (used by aio)*/
// 	u_int           p_slptime;              /* used by proc_compare */
// #endif /* _PROC_HAS_SCHEDINFO_ */

// 	struct  itimerval p_realtimer;          /* Alarm timer. (PSL) */
// 	struct  timeval p_rtime;                /* Real time.(PSL)  */
// 	struct  itimerval p_vtimer_user;        /* Virtual timers.(PSL)  */
// 	struct  itimerval p_vtimer_prof;        /* (PSL) */

// 	struct  timeval p_rlim_cpu;             /* Remaining rlim cpu value.(PSL) */
// 	int             p_debugger;             /*  NU 1: can exec set-bit programs if suser */
// 	boolean_t       sigwait;        /* indication to suspend (PL) */
// 	void    *sigwait_thread;        /* 'thread' holding sigwait(PL)  */
// 	void    *exit_thread;           /* Which thread is exiting(PL)  */
// 	void *  p_vforkact;             /* activation running this vfork proc)(static)  */
// 	int     p_vforkcnt;             /* number of outstanding vforks(PL)  */
// 	int     p_fpdrainwait;          /* (PFDL) */
// 	/* Following fields are info from SIGCHLD (PL) */
// 	pid_t   si_pid;                 /* (PL) */
// 	u_int   si_status;              /* (PL) */
// 	u_int   si_code;                /* (PL) */
// 	uid_t   si_uid;                 /* (PL) */

// 	void * vm_shm;                  /* (SYSV SHM Lock) for sysV shared memory */

// 	user_addr_t                     p_dtrace_argv;                  /* (write once, read only after that) */
// 	user_addr_t                     p_dtrace_envp;                  /* (write once, read only after that) */
// 	lck_mtx_t                       p_dtrace_sprlock;               /* sun proc lock emulation */
// 	uint8_t                         p_dtrace_stop;                  /* indicates a DTrace-desired stop */
// 	int                             p_dtrace_probes;                /* (PL) are there probes for this proc? */
// 	u_int                           p_dtrace_count;                 /* (sprlock) number of DTrace tracepoints */
// 	struct dtrace_ptss_page*        p_dtrace_ptss_pages;            /* (sprlock) list of user ptss pages */
// 	struct dtrace_ptss_page_entry*  p_dtrace_ptss_free_list;        /* (atomic) list of individual ptss entries */
// 	struct dtrace_helpers*          p_dtrace_helpers;               /* (dtrace_lock) DTrace per-proc private */
// 	struct dof_ioctl_data*          p_dtrace_lazy_dofs;             /* (sprlock) unloaded dof_helper_t's */
// #endif /* CONFIG_DTRACE */

// /* The following fields are all copied upon creation in fork. */
// #define p_startcopy     p_argslen

// 	u_int   p_argslen;       /* Length of process arguments. */
// 	int     p_argc;                 /* saved argc for sysctl_procargs() */
// 	user_addr_t user_stack;         /* where user stack was allocated */
// 	struct  vnode *  p_textvp;       /* Vnode of executable. */
// 	off_t   p_textoff;              /* offset in executable vnode */

// 	sigset_t p_sigmask;             /* DEPRECATED */
// 	sigset_t p_sigignore;   /* Signals being ignored. (PL) */
// 	sigset_t p_sigcatch;    /* Signals being caught by user.(PL)  */

// 	u_char  p_priority;     /* (NU) Process priority. */
// 	u_char  p_resv0;        /* (NU) User-priority based on p_cpu and p_nice. */
// 	char    p_nice;         /* Process "nice" value.(PL) */
// 	u_char  p_resv1;        /* (NU) User-priority based on p_cpu and p_nice. */

// 	// types currently in sys/param.h
// 	command_t   p_comm;
// 	proc_name_t p_name;     /* can be changed by the process */
// 	uint8_t p_xhighbits;    /* Stores the top byte of exit status to avoid truncation*/
// 	pid_t   p_contproc;     /* last PID to send us a SIGCONT (PL) */

// 	struct  pgrp *   p_pgrp; /* Pointer to process group. (LL) */
// 	uint32_t        p_csflags;      /* flags for codesign (PL) */
// 	uint32_t        p_pcaction;     /* action  for process control on starvation */
// 	uint8_t p_uuid[16];             /* from LC_UUID load command */

// 	/*
// 	 * CPU type and subtype of binary slice executed in
// 	 * this process.  Protected by proc lock.
// 	 */
// 	cpu_type_t      p_cputype;
// 	cpu_subtype_t   p_cpusubtype;

// 	uint8_t  *syscall_filter_mask;          /* syscall filter bitmask (length: nsysent bits) */
// 	uint32_t        p_platform;
// 	uint32_t        p_min_sdk;
// 	uint32_t        p_sdk;

// /* End area that is copied on creation. */
// #define p_endcopy       p_aio_total_count
// 	int             p_aio_total_count;              /* all allocated AIO requests for this proc */
// 	TAILQ_HEAD(, aio_workq_entry ) p_aio_activeq;   /* active async IO requests */
// 	TAILQ_HEAD(, aio_workq_entry ) p_aio_doneq;     /* completed async IO requests */

// 	struct klist p_klist;  /* knote list (PL ?)*/

// 	struct  rusage_superset *p_ru;  /* Exit information. (PL) */
// 	thread_t        p_signalholder;
// 	thread_t        p_transholder;
// 	int             p_sigwaitcnt;
// 	/* DEPRECATE following field  */
// 	u_short p_acflag;       /* Accounting flags. */
// 	volatile u_short p_vfs_iopolicy;        /* VFS iopolicy flags. (atomic bit ops) */

// 	user_addr_t     p_threadstart;          /* pthread start fn */
// 	user_addr_t     p_wqthread;             /* pthread workqueue fn */
// 	int     p_pthsize;                      /* pthread size */
// 	uint32_t        p_pth_tsd_offset;       /* offset from pthread_t to TSD for new threads */
// 	user_addr_t     p_stack_addr_hint;      /* stack allocation hint for wq threads */
// 	struct workqueue *_Atomic p_wqptr;                      /* workq ptr */

// 	struct  timeval p_start;                /* starting time */
// 	void *  p_rcall;
// 	int             p_ractive;
// 	int     p_idversion;            /* version of process identity */
// 	void *  p_pthhash;                      /* pthread waitqueue hash */
// 	volatile uint64_t was_throttled __attribute__((aligned(8))); /* Counter for number of throttled I/Os */
// 	volatile uint64_t did_throttle __attribute__((aligned(8)));  /* Counter for number of I/Os this proc throttled */

// 	unsigned int p_fdlock_pc[4];
// 	unsigned int p_fdunlock_pc[4];
// 	unsigned int lockpc[8];
// 	unsigned int unlockpc[8];
// #endif /* SIGNAL_DEBUG */
// #endif /* DIAGNOSTIC */
// 	uint64_t        p_dispatchqueue_offset;
// 	uint64_t        p_dispatchqueue_serialno_offset;
// 	uint64_t        p_dispatchqueue_label_offset;
// 	uint64_t        p_return_to_kernel_offset;
// 	uint64_t        p_mach_thread_self_offset;
// 	struct timeval  vm_pressure_last_notify_tstamp;
// #endif

// 	/* Fields protected by proc list lock */
// 	TAILQ_ENTRY(proc) p_memstat_list;               /* priority bucket link */
// 	uint32_t          p_memstat_state;              /* state. Also used as a wakeup channel when the memstat's LOCKED bit changes */
// 	int32_t           p_memstat_effectivepriority;  /* priority after transaction state accounted for */
// 	int32_t           p_memstat_requestedpriority;  /* active priority */
// 	int32_t           p_memstat_assertionpriority;  /* assertion driven priority */
// 	uint32_t          p_memstat_dirty;              /* dirty state */
// 	uint64_t          p_memstat_userdata;           /* user state */
// 	uint64_t          p_memstat_idledeadline;       /* time at which process became clean */
// 	uint64_t          p_memstat_idle_start;         /* abstime process transitions into the idle band */
// 	uint64_t          p_memstat_idle_delta;         /* abstime delta spent in idle band */
// 	int32_t           p_memstat_memlimit;           /* cached memory limit, toggles between active and inactive limits */
// 	int32_t           p_memstat_memlimit_active;    /* memory limit enforced when process is in active jetsam state */
// 	int32_t           p_memstat_memlimit_inactive;  /* memory limit enforced when process is in inactive jetsam state */
// 	int32_t           p_memstat_relaunch_flags;     /* flags indicating relaunch behavior for the process */
// 	uint32_t          p_memstat_freeze_sharedanon_pages; /* shared pages left behind after freeze */
// 	uint32_t          p_memstat_frozen_count;
// 	uint32_t          p_memstat_thaw_count;
// #endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */

// 	/* cached proc-specific data required for corpse inspection */
// 	pid_t             p_responsible_pid;    /* pid resonsible for this process */
// 	_Atomic uint32_t  p_user_faults; /* count the number of user faults generated */

// 	uint32_t          p_memlimit_increase; /* byte increase for memory limit for dyld SPI rdar://problem/49950264, structure packing 32-bit and 64-bit */

// 	struct os_reason     *p_exit_reason;

// 	uint64_t        p_user_data;                    /* general-purpose storage for userland-provided data */

// 	char * p_subsystem_root_path;
// 	// lck_rw_t        p_dirs_lock;                    /* keeps fd_cdir and fd_rdir stable across a lookup */
// 	pid_t           p_sessionid;
// };

struct  proc {
    LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_list;                /* List of all processes. */

    void *          task;       /* corresponding task (static)*/
    struct  proc *  p_pptr;   /* Pointer to parent process.(LL) */
    pid_t           p_ppid;                 /* process's parent pid number */
    pid_t           p_original_ppid;        /* process's original parent pid number, doesn't change if reparented */
    pid_t           p_pgrpid;               /* process group id of the process (LL)*/
    uid_t           p_uid;
    gid_t           p_gid;
    uid_t           p_ruid;
    gid_t           p_rgid;
    uid_t           p_svuid;
    gid_t           p_svgid;
    uint64_t        p_uniqueid;             /* process unique ID - incremented on fork/spawn/vfork, remains same across exec. */
    uint64_t        p_puniqueid;            /* parent's unique ID - set on fork/spawn/vfork, doesn't change if reparented. */

    lck_mtx_t       p_mlock;                /* mutex lock for proc */
    pid_t           p_pid;                  /* Process identifier. (static)*/
    char            p_stat;                 /* S* process status. (PL)*/
    char            p_shutdownstate;
    char            p_kdebug;               /* P_KDEBUG eq (CC)*/
    char            p_btrace;               /* P_BTRACE eq (CC)*/

    LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_pglist;              /* List of processes in pgrp.(PGL) */
    LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_sibling;             /* List of sibling processes. (LL)*/
    LIST_HEAD(, proc) p_children;           /* Pointer to list of children. (LL)*/
    TAILQ_HEAD(, uthread) p_uthlist;        /* List of uthreads  (PL) */

    LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_hash;                /* Hash chain. (LL)*/

    struct persona  *p_persona;
    LIST_ENTRY(proc) p_persona_list;

    lck_mtx_t       p_fdmlock;              /* proc lock to protect fdesc */
    lck_mtx_t       p_ucred_mlock;          /* mutex lock to protect p_ucred */

    /* substructures: */
    kauth_cred_t    p_ucred; /* Process owner's identity. (PUCL) */
    struct  filedesc *p_fd;                 /* Ptr to open files structure. (PFDL) */
    struct  pstats *p_stats;                /* Accounting/statistics (PL). */
    struct  plimit *p_limit;                /* Process limits.(PL) */

    struct  sigacts *p_sigacts;             /* Signal actions, state (PL) */
    lck_spin_t      p_slock;                /* spin lock for itimer/profil protection */

    int             p_siglist;              /* signals captured back from threads */
    unsigned int    p_flag;                 /* P_* flags. (atomic bit ops) */
    unsigned int    p_lflag;                /* local flags  (PL) */
    unsigned int    p_listflag;             /* list flags (LL) */
    unsigned int    p_ladvflag;             /* local adv flags (atomic) */
    int             p_refcount;             /* number of outstanding users(LL) */
    int             p_childrencnt;          /* children holding ref on parent (LL) */
    int             p_parentref;            /* children lookup ref on parent (LL) */
    pid_t           p_oppid;                /* Save parent pid during ptrace. XXX */
    u_int           p_xstat;                /* Exit status for wait; also stop signal. */

    /* may need cleanup, not used */
    u_int           p_estcpu;               /* Time averaged value of p_cpticks.(used by aio and proc_comapre) */
    fixpt_t         p_pctcpu;               /* %cpu for this process during p_swtime (used by aio)*/
    u_int           p_slptime;              /* used by proc_compare */
#endif /* _PROC_HAS_SCHEDINFO_ */

    struct  itimerval p_realtimer;          /* Alarm timer. (PSL) */
    struct  timeval p_rtime;                /* Real time.(PSL)  */
    struct  itimerval p_vtimer_user;        /* Virtual timers.(PSL)  */
    struct  itimerval p_vtimer_prof;        /* (PSL) */

    struct  timeval p_rlim_cpu;             /* Remaining rlim cpu value.(PSL) */
    int             p_debugger;             /*  NU 1: can exec set-bit programs if suser */
    boolean_t       sigwait;        /* indication to suspend (PL) */
    void    *sigwait_thread;        /* 'thread' holding sigwait(PL)  */
    void    *exit_thread;           /* Which thread is exiting(PL)  */
    void *  p_vforkact;             /* activation running this vfork proc)(static)  */
    int     p_vforkcnt;             /* number of outstanding vforks(PL)  */
    int     p_fpdrainwait;          /* (PFDL) */
    /* Following fields are info from SIGCHLD (PL) */
    pid_t   si_pid;                 /* (PL) */
    u_int   si_status;              /* (PL) */
    u_int   si_code;                /* (PL) */
    uid_t   si_uid;                 /* (PL) */

    void * vm_shm;                  /* (SYSV SHM Lock) for sysV shared memory */

    user_addr_t                     p_dtrace_argv;                  /* (write once, read only after that) */
    user_addr_t                     p_dtrace_envp;                  /* (write once, read only after that) */
    lck_mtx_t                       p_dtrace_sprlock;               /* sun proc lock emulation */
    uint8_t                         p_dtrace_stop;                  /* indicates a DTrace-desired stop */
    int                             p_dtrace_probes;                /* (PL) are there probes for this proc? */
    u_int                           p_dtrace_count;                 /* (sprlock) number of DTrace tracepoints */
    struct dtrace_ptss_page*        p_dtrace_ptss_pages;            /* (sprlock) list of user ptss pages */
    struct dtrace_ptss_page_entry*  p_dtrace_ptss_free_list;        /* (atomic) list of individual ptss entries */
    struct dtrace_helpers*          p_dtrace_helpers;               /* (dtrace_lock) DTrace per-proc private */
    struct dof_ioctl_data*          p_dtrace_lazy_dofs;             /* (sprlock) unloaded dof_helper_t's */
#endif /* CONFIG_DTRACE */

/* The following fields are all copied upon creation in fork. */
#define p_startcopy     p_argslen

    u_int   p_argslen;       /* Length of process arguments. */
    int     p_argc;                 /* saved argc for sysctl_procargs() */
    user_addr_t user_stack;         /* where user stack was allocated */
    struct  vnode * p_textvp;       /* Vnode of executable. */
    off_t   p_textoff;              /* offset in executable vnode */

    sigset_t p_sigmask;             /* DEPRECATED */
    sigset_t p_sigignore;   /* Signals being ignored. (PL) */
    sigset_t p_sigcatch;    /* Signals being caught by user.(PL)  */

    u_char  p_priority;     /* (NU) Process priority. */
    u_char  p_resv0;        /* (NU) User-priority based on p_cpu and p_nice. */
    char    p_nice;         /* Process "nice" value.(PL) */
    u_char  p_resv1;        /* (NU) User-priority based on p_cpu and p_nice. */

    // types currently in sys/param.h
    command_t   p_comm;
    proc_name_t p_name;     /* can be changed by the process */
    uint8_t p_xhighbits;    /* Stores the top byte of exit status to avoid truncation*/
    pid_t   p_contproc;     /* last PID to send us a SIGCONT (PL) */

    struct  pgrp *  p_pgrp; /* Pointer to process group. (LL) */
    uint32_t        p_csflags;      /* flags for codesign (PL) */
    uint32_t        p_pcaction;     /* action  for process control on starvation */
    uint8_t p_uuid[16];             /* from LC_UUID load command */

     * CPU type and subtype of binary slice executed in
     * this process.  Protected by proc lock.
    cpu_type_t      p_cputype;
    cpu_subtype_t   p_cpusubtype;

    uint8_t  *syscall_filter_mask;          /* syscall filter bitmask (length: nsysent bits) */
    uint32_t        p_platform;
    uint32_t        p_min_sdk;
    uint32_t        p_sdk;

/* End area that is copied on creation. */
#define p_endcopy       p_aio_total_count
    int             p_aio_total_count;              /* all allocated AIO requests for this proc */
    TAILQ_HEAD(, aio_workq_entry ) p_aio_activeq;   /* active async IO requests */
    TAILQ_HEAD(, aio_workq_entry ) p_aio_doneq;     /* completed async IO requests */

    struct klist p_klist;  /* knote list (PL ?)*/

    struct  rusage_superset *p_ru;  /* Exit information. (PL) */
    thread_t        p_signalholder;
    thread_t        p_transholder;
    int             p_sigwaitcnt;
    /* DEPRECATE following field  */
    u_short p_acflag;       /* Accounting flags. */
    volatile u_short p_vfs_iopolicy;        /* VFS iopolicy flags. (atomic bit ops) */

    user_addr_t     p_threadstart;          /* pthread start fn */
    user_addr_t     p_wqthread;             /* pthread workqueue fn */
    int     p_pthsize;                      /* pthread size */
    uint32_t        p_pth_tsd_offset;       /* offset from pthread_t to TSD for new threads */
    user_addr_t     p_stack_addr_hint;      /* stack allocation hint for wq threads */
    struct workqueue *_Atomic p_wqptr;                      /* workq ptr */

    struct  timeval p_start;                /* starting time */
    void *  p_rcall;
    int             p_ractive;
    int     p_idversion;            /* version of process identity */
    void *  p_pthhash;                      /* pthread waitqueue hash */
    volatile uint64_t was_throttled __attribute__((aligned(8))); /* Counter for number of throttled I/Os */
    volatile uint64_t did_throttle __attribute__((aligned(8)));  /* Counter for number of I/Os this proc throttled */

    unsigned int p_fdlock_pc[4];
    unsigned int p_fdunlock_pc[4];
    unsigned int lockpc[8];
    unsigned int unlockpc[8];
#endif /* SIGNAL_DEBUG */
#endif /* DIAGNOSTIC */
    uint64_t        p_dispatchqueue_offset;
    uint64_t        p_dispatchqueue_serialno_offset;
    uint64_t        p_dispatchqueue_label_offset;
    uint64_t        p_return_to_kernel_offset;
    uint64_t        p_mach_thread_self_offset;
    struct timeval  vm_pressure_last_notify_tstamp;

    /* Fields protected by proc list lock */
    TAILQ_ENTRY(proc) p_memstat_list;               /* priority bucket link */
    uint32_t          p_memstat_state;              /* state. Also used as a wakeup channel when the memstat's LOCKED bit changes */
    int32_t           p_memstat_effectivepriority;  /* priority after transaction state accounted for */
    int32_t           p_memstat_requestedpriority;  /* active priority */
    int32_t           p_memstat_assertionpriority;  /* assertion driven priority */
    uint32_t          p_memstat_dirty;              /* dirty state */
    uint8_t           p_memstat_freeze_skip_reason; /* memorystaus_freeze_skipped_reason_t. Protected by the freezer mutex. */
    uint64_t          p_memstat_userdata;           /* user state */
    uint64_t          p_memstat_idledeadline;       /* time at which process became clean */
    uint64_t          p_memstat_idle_start;         /* abstime process transitions into the idle band */
    uint64_t          p_memstat_idle_delta;         /* abstime delta spent in idle band */
    int32_t           p_memstat_memlimit;           /* cached memory limit, toggles between active and inactive limits */
    int32_t           p_memstat_memlimit_active;    /* memory limit enforced when process is in active jetsam state */
    int32_t           p_memstat_memlimit_inactive;  /* memory limit enforced when process is in inactive jetsam state */
    int32_t           p_memstat_relaunch_flags;     /* flags indicating relaunch behavior for the process */
    uint32_t          p_memstat_freeze_sharedanon_pages; /* shared pages left behind after freeze */
    uint32_t          p_memstat_frozen_count;
    uint32_t          p_memstat_thaw_count;
    uint32_t          p_memstat_last_thaw_interval; /* In which freezer interval was this last thawed? */
#endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */

    /* cached proc-specific data required for corpse inspection */
    pid_t             p_responsible_pid;    /* pid resonsible for this process */
    _Atomic uint32_t  p_user_faults; /* count the number of user faults generated */

    uint32_t          p_memlimit_increase; /* byte increase for memory limit for dyld SPI rdar://problem/49950264, structure packing 32-bit and 64-bit */

    struct os_reason     *p_exit_reason;

    uint64_t        p_user_data;                    /* general-purpose storage for userland-provided data */

    char * p_subsystem_root_path;
    void*        p_dirs_lock;                    /* keeps fd_cdir and fd_rdir stable across a lookup */
    pid_t           p_sessionid;

#define P_LNOATTACH     0x00001000      /* */

/* Macros to clear/set/test flags. */
#define SET(t, f)       (t) |= (f)
#define CLR(t, f)       (t) &= ~(f)
#define ISSET(t, f)     ((t) & (f))

// ---- Main --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//iPhone7 iOS14.1  kernel
// #define TARGET_KERNELCACHE_VERSION_STRING "@(#)VERSION: Darwin Kernel Version 19.4.0: Mon Feb 24 22:04:29 PST 2020; root:xnu-6153.102.3~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8015"
//										   Darwin Kernel Version 20.0.0: Wed Sep 30 03:24:41 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.0.46~41/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010
#define TARGET_KERNELCACHE_VERSION_STRING "Darwin Kernel Version 20.0.0: Wed Sep 30 03:24:41 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.0.46~41/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010"

uint64_t get_kslide(void)
    task_t tfp0;
    kern_return_t ret = task_for_pid(mach_task_self(), 0, &tfp0);
    if(ret != KERN_SUCCESS) return 0;
    task_dyld_info_data_t info;
    uint32_t count = TASK_DYLD_INFO_COUNT;
    ret = task_info(tfp0, TASK_DYLD_INFO, (task_info_t)&info, &count);
    if(ret != KERN_SUCCESS) return 0;
    return info.all_image_info_size;

int main() {
	uint64_t kb = get_kslide() + 0xFFFFFFF007004000;
	printf("kbase: 0x%llx\n" , kb);
	printf("kslide: 0x%llx\n" , get_kslide());
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		printf("%016llx\n", kernel_read64(kb + 8 * i));
	//iPhone7 iOS14.1  kernel
	uint64_t versionstraddr = kb + 0x3670f;
    char versionstr[256];
    if(kernel_read(versionstraddr, (void *)&versionstr, sizeof(versionstr)))
        printf("versionstr %s\n", versionstr);
        if(strcmp(TARGET_KERNELCACHE_VERSION_STRING,versionstr) == 0)
            printf("kernel cache hit\n");
            //iPhone7 iOS14.1  kernproc 

			uint64_t kernel_proc0 = kernel_read64(kb + 0x104240);

            struct proc * proc0 =  (void *)malloc(sizeof(struct proc));

            if(!kernel_read(kernel_proc0, (void *)proc0, sizeof(struct proc)))
                printf("proc0 read failed\n");
                return -1;
             printf("uniqueid offset 0x%llx  comm offset 0x%llx \n",(int64_t)&(proc0->p_uniqueid) - (int64_t)proc0, (int64_t)&(proc0->p_comm)- (int64_t)proc0);

            struct proc * proc1 =  (struct proc *)malloc(sizeof(struct proc));
            uint64_t preptr = (uint64_t)(proc0->p_list.le_prev);
                if(!kernel_read(preptr, (void *)proc1, sizeof(struct proc)))
                    printf("procnext read failed\n");
                    return -1;
                    if(proc1->p_list.le_prev == 0)
                        printf("proc1->p_list.le_prev == 0\n");
                    int64_t lflagoffset = (int64_t)&(proc1->p_lflag) - (int64_t)proc1;
                    int lflagvalue = proc1->p_lflag;
                    printf("(%llu)%s  proc = 0x%llx   lflag = 0x%x  lflag offset = 0x%llx"
                        proc1->p_comm,//(char *)((int64_t)proc1 + 0x258),

                        if( ISSET(lflagvalue, P_LNOATTACH))

						// change 630 to your target pid
							if(proc1->p_uniqueid == 630 ){
                  			printf(" !!!P_LNOATTACH set");
                            CLR(lflagvalue, P_LNOATTACH);
                            KERNEL_WRITE32(preptr + lflagoffset, lflagvalue);

                    preptr = (uint64_t)(proc1->p_list.le_prev);

            printf("kernel cache version mismatch\n");
        printf("failed to read kernel version string\n");
	return 0;





  • 每个版本的结构体有微小的差异.可以多看看别人的代码







posted @ 2024-06-06 18:03  达达尼亚2017  阅读(3)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报