sublime text3 配置conda环境

sublime text3 配置conda环境

1. 安装conda插件

ctrl + shift + p 后 输入 Package Control : Install Package,然后在弹出的输入框中输入conda,选择 conda然后回车安装,安装完成会跳出一个介绍界面

2. 修改编译环境

菜单栏选择 Tools -> Build System -> Conda

3. 修改Conda环境配置

菜单栏依次选择Preferences -> Package Settings -> Conda -> Setting-User ,输入如下配置:

// Default settings for sublime-text-conda:
// executable is the path to anaconda's python
// this python executable is used in order to find conda
//"executable": "~/anaconda3/bin/python3",
"executable": "E:/Anaconda3/python",

// Directory in which the conda envs are stored
// Default location is the user's home directory
//"environment_directory": "~/anaconda3/envs/",
"environment_directory": "E:/Anaconda3/envs/",

// configuration is the path to conda's configuration file
"configuration": "~/.condarc"


4. 激活conda环境

ctrl + shift + p 后输入conda能看到conda的各种命令,选择Activate Environment后会出现你已经安装conda环境,选择即可激活

若启动失效,重启sublime text3即可

posted @ 2020-05-12 10:22  lzping  阅读(1234)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报