

    It looks like this account was associated with multiple other accounts, or created by a program, and used to violate Google’s policies. Learn more
    If you think your account was disabled by mistake, request a review of this decision as soon as possible.
    We understand that what’s in your account is important, so you can also download your data for some Google services.


    此帐户似乎与多个其他帐户相关联,或由某个程序创建,并用于违反 Google 的政策。
    我们了解您帐户中的内容很重要,因此您还可以下载某些 Google 服务的数据。




    I am a user in China, and I can only access Google Play through the proxy app (XSpace) because my device does not have the GMS environment and Internet connection. I really need Google Play and those apps which depend on GMS. I am sure that I have not done anything that may violate Google's policy and could you please resume my account? Thanks a lot!

posted on 2023-06-16 09:48  断掌  阅读(1233)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
