/* set statistics io on; set statistics time on; */
二、 查出重复数据
select [GUID] from @Tab where [GUID] in (select [GUID] from @Tab group by [GUID] having count([GUID])>1) order by [GUID]
UPDATE a SET a.SaleZQ = b.OrganizationName FROM @WaitCheckImei a,EmoAsp.dbo.TB_ASP_Organization b,EmoAsp.dbo.TB_ASP_RetailStore c,EmoAsp.dbo.TB_ASP_Organization d WHERE LEFT(d.OrganizationCode, 12) = b.OrganizationCode AND c.RetailStoreID = a.RetailStoreID
四、when case的 嵌套
select A.Oid,A.Nick as Buyer,A.Content,A.Result,@SellerNick as SellerNick,A.AddTime ,case b.Result when 'good' then '好评' when 'bad' then '差评' when 'neutral' then '中评' else '未审核' end as Result ,case when b.oid is null or b.SellerNick is null then '未审核' else '审核' end as IsRate from
select * from ( select row_number() over(order by guid) as RowNum, TableName.* from TableName) t where t.RowNum between 1120000 and 1120022
create Table T_Product (Product_ID int ,Product_Name nvarchar(50)) declare @Product_ID int declare @Product_Name nvarchar(50) set @Product_ID=1 set @Product_Name='' while @product_ID<30000 begin set @Product_ID=@Product_ID+1 set @Product_Name=('win'+cast(@Product_ID as nvarchar(10))) insert into T_Product (Product_ID ,Product_Name) select @Product_ID,@Product_Name end
insert into DB..abc select * from abc --其中abc为当前数据库的表