这100个博客分别使用什么Blog/CMS系统创建?CMS Wire 通过分析每个博客的页面代码,并询问部分博客主,最终得到以下清单:
- WordPress - 34
- Movable Type - 16
- Custom CMS - 11
- Blogsmith/Weblogs - 8
- Gawker CMS - 8
- TypePad - 7
- Blogger/Blogspot - 6
- Drupal - 5
- Plone - 1
- Scoop - 1
- Expression Engine - 1
- Community Server - 1
- City Desk (Fog Creek) - 1
Technorati 100个最受关注的博客的CMS分布图
Technorati 100个最受关注的博客的CMS清单
1) | Engadget | Blogsmith |
2) | Gizmodo | Gawker |
3) | Techcrunch | Wordpress |
4) | Huffington post | Movable Type |
5) | Boing Boing | Movable Type |
6) | Lifehacker | Gawker |
7) | Ars Technica | Custom |
8) | Mashable | Wordpress |
9) | Blog di Beppe Grillo | Movable Type |
10) | icanhascheezburger | Wordpress |
11) | Daily Kos | Scoop |
12) | TMZ Entertainment | BlogSmith |
13) | perez Hilton | Wordpress |
14) | postSecret | Hosted: BlogSpot |
15) | Seth Godin | Hosted: Typepad |
16) | ReadWriteWeb | Movable Type |
17) | proBlogger | Wordpress |
18) | Official Google Blog | Hosted: BlogSpot |
19) | treeHugger | Movable Type |
20) | Smashing Magazine | Wordpress |
21) | Kotaku, Gamers Guide | Gawker [MT]* |
22) | Gigazine | Expression Engine |
23) | Dosh Dosh | Wordpress [Thanks Maki] |
24) | CopyBlogger | Wordpress |
25) | Think progress | Wordpress |
26) | The Consumerist | Gawker |
27) | Valleywag | Gawker |
28) | GigaOM | Wordpress |
29) | ShoeMoney | Wordpress |
30) | Crooks and Liars | Wordpress |
31) | Scobleizer | Wordpress |
32) | at0mica | Wordpress |
33) | TUaW - Unofficial apple Blog | Blogsmith |
34) | uthink | plone |
35) | Gawker | Gawker* |
36) | Search Engine Land | Movable Type |
37) | Joystiq | Blogsmith |
38) | a List apart | Custom (Happy Cog) |
39) | Drudge Report | Custom |
40) | Talking points Memo | MovableType [with 'limited customization' -thanks Josh Marshall] |
41) | Neatorama | Wordpress |
42) | O'Reilly Radar | Movable Type |
43) | Threat Level- Wired | Typepad |
44) | How to Change the World | Typepad |
45) | Microsiervos | Movable Type [thanks Nacho] |
46) | Lifehack.org | Wordpress |
47) | dooce | Drupal |
48) | Engadget Japanese | Blogsmith |
49) | Zen Habits | Wordpress |
50) | Blogoscoped (unofficial Google) | Custom [Thanks philip and Haochi] |
51) | autoblog | Blogsmith |
52) | NewsBusters.org | Drupal |
53) | Xiaxue | Blogspot |
54) | “43 Folders” | Drupal |
55) | Download Squad | Blogsmith |
56) | The Daily Dish/andrew Sullivan | Typepad |
57) | ancora Imparo | CommunityServer |
58) | Secret Diary of Steve Jobs | BlogSpot |
59) | TheWrongadvices.com | Wordpress |
60) | Jauhari | Wordpress |
61) | Google Operating System blog | BlogSpot |
62) | Noscope | Wordpress |
63) | Matt Cutts | Wordpress |
64) | The Superficial | Custom |
65) | The Corner/National Review | Custom |
66) | The Sartorialist | BlogSpot |
67) | Deadspin | Gawker* |
68) | antbag.com | Wordpress |
69) | Hot air | Wordpress |
70) | kottke.org | Movable Type |
71) | SEOBook | Drupal |
72) | Crunchgear | Wordpress |
73) | Freakonomics NYTimes | Custom |
74) | Vacuous Virtuoso | Wordpress |
75) | SlashFilm | Wordpress |
76) | stereogum | Movable Type |
77) | Gothamist | Movable Type |
78) | Fanhouse aOL Sports | Blogsmith |
79) | TorrentFreak | Wordpress |
80) | Joel on Software | CityDesk (Fog Creek) |
81) | Dlisted | Drupal |
82) | Instapundit | Movable Type |
83) | Make: Blog | Movable Type |
84) | podbean Faq | Wordpress (podbean runs off Joomla!) |
85) | Coding Horror | (“..an ancient form of..”)Movable Type |
86 | incorporated suberversion | Wordpress |
87) | podbean News | Wordpress (podBean runs off Joomla!) |
88) | Jalopnik | Gawker * |
89) | Global Voices Online | Wordpress |
90) | Yanko Design | Wordpress |
91) | Go Fug Yourself | Typepad |
92) | Mac Rumours | Custom (Thanks Dr. Q) |
93) | Techdirt | MovableType |
94) | Gadget Lab | Typepad |
95) | Meta Filter | Custom |
96) | Bad Behavior | Wordpress |
97) | Little Green Footballs | Movable Type (I think) |
98) | Dilbert Blog | Typepad |
99) | Crave |Cnet | Wordpress |
100) | Daring Fireball | Custom |
Austin Liu 刘恒辉
Project Manager and Software Designer E-Mail:lzhdim@163.com Blog:https://lzhdim.cnblogs.com 欢迎收藏和转载此博客中的博文,但是请注明出处,给笔者一个与大家交流的空间。谢谢大家。 |