Given an array of positive number, find maximum sum subsequence such that elements in this subsequence are not adjacent to each other. Recursive formu 阅读全文
Find longest bitonic subsequence in given array. Bitonic subsequence first increases then decreases. Same problem link Longest Bitonic Subsequence 阅读全文
Given a staircase and give you can take 1 or 2 steps at a time, how many ways you can reach nth step. Same problem link. Climbing Stairs 阅读全文
Given a 2D immutable array, Write an efficient program to support any given sub-rectangle sum query in this 2D matrix. A simple solution is to add eac 阅读全文
Find Maximum Number that can be formed using all digits in the given integer. Solution 1. O(n * log n) runtime, O(n) space using sorting A simple solu 阅读全文
Given an unsorted array of integers, sort this array using tree sort. 1. Create a binary search tree by inserting array elements. 2. Perform in order 阅读全文
Given Inorder and Preorder traversals of a binary tree, print Postorder traversal. Example: A naive solution is to first construct the given tree, the 阅读全文