
1 封装: 2 体现在两点: 3 1、数据的封装(将数据封装到对象中) 4 obj = Foo('宝宝',22) 5 2、封装方法和属性,将一类操作封装到一个类中 6 7 class Foo: 8 def __init__(self,name,age): 9 self.name = name 10 self.age = age 11 def show (self): 12 print(self.name,self.age)

1 1.用我们常用的__init__方法里的self取值 2 class Course:#恰好给我们提供了实现这种思路的方法 3 # #一种思路,python 4 def __init__(self,price,period,name): 5 self.price = price 6 self.period = period 7 self.name = name 8 c = Course(2000,'linux','6 months') 9 print(c.period) 10 11 2.在类里面定义一个空字典,然后装在字典里面取值 12 def course(price,name ,period): 13 dic = {} 14 dic['price'] = price 15 dic ['name'] = name 16 dic ['period'] = period 17 return dic 18 19 c = Course(2000,'python','6 months') 20 print(c.period) #对象名.属性名 查看属性的值 21 22 3.利用namedtuple方法 23 from collections import namedtuple #只有属性没有方法的类 24 Course = namedtuple('Course',['name','price','period']) #传两个参数,第一个为自定义的名字,第二个传进去的是属性 25 python = Course('python',10000,'6 moths') #相当于实例化了 26 print(python.name) 27 28 对象名.属性名取值的三种方法

1 class Goods: 2 # 按照打八折计算 (定义了一个私有类属性) 3 __discount = 0.8 #变形后:_Goods__discount 4 def __init__(self,name,price): 5 self.name = name 6 self.price = price 7 def goods_price(self): 8 return self.price * Goods.__discount 9 apple = Goods('apple',10) 10 print(apple.goods_price()) 11 # print(Goods.__dict__) #类名.__dict__ 12 print(Goods._Goods__discount) 13 14 类属性1

1 # 封装:把你不想让人看的隐藏起来 2 # 数据封装:目的保护隐私 3 class Teacher: 4 __School = 'oldboy' #类属性 5 def __init__(self,name,salary): 6 self.name = name 7 self .__salary = salary #_Teacher__salary 8 # 老师的属性 值 9 #怎么把薪水隐藏起来? 10 self.__salary=salary 11 def foo(self): 12 print('------') 13 14 t=Teacher('egon',2000) 15 print(t.__dict__) 16 # print(t.name) 17 print(t._Teacher__salary)#让显示出来 18 print(Teacher._Teacher__School) #类属性使用_类名__属性名 19 t.foo() 20 #在本类内是可以正常调用的 21 #在本类外就必须以_类名__属性名调用(但是不建议你调) 22 23 类属性的私有方法
1 成人的BMI数值: 2 过轻:低于18.5 3 正常:18.5-23.9 4 过重:24-27 5 肥胖:28-32 6 非常肥胖, 高于32 7 体质指数(BMI)=体重(kg)÷身高^2(m) 8 EX:70kg÷(1.75×1.75)=22.86

1 class Person: 2 def __init__(self,height,weight,name,sex): 3 self.__height = height #私有属性(让你不再外面调它) 4 # 在本类中可以调用,在类外就不可以调用了 5 self.__weigth = weight 6 self.__name = name 7 self.__sex = sex 8 def tell_bmi(self): #体重指数 9 return self.__weigth/self.__height ** 2 #在本类中可以调用 10 11 def tell_height(self): 12 print(self.__height) 13 def tell_weight(self): #告诉体重 14 return self.__weigth 15 def set_weigth(self,new_weight): #修改体重 16 if new_weight >20: 17 self.__weigth = new_weight 18 else: 19 raise TypeError('你也太瘦了,瘦的连斤数都(快)没了') #如果体重小于20或者负的,就主动提示一个报错 20 egg = Person(1.6,96,'haiyan','female') 21 print(egg.tell_bmi()) 22 # egg.__height #在类外不能调用 23 # print(egg._Person__height) #在类外查看得这样调用 24 print(egg.__dict__) #查看变形后的类型 25 # egg.set_weigth(-10) 26 # print(egg.tell_weigth()) 27 egg.set_weigth(66) #修改体重为66 28 print(egg.tell_weight()) 29 30 计算体质指数,衡量人健康的标准(对象的私有属性一)

1 class People: 2 def __init__(self,name,age,sex,height): 3 self.__name = name 4 self.__age = age 5 self.__sex = sex 6 self.__height = height 7 8 def tell_name(self): #看人名字 9 print(self.name) 10 def set_name(self,val): #修改名字 11 if not isinstance(val, str): 12 raise TypeError('名字必须是字符串类型') 13 self.__name = val 14 def tell_info(self): 15 print(''' 16 ---------%s info----------- 17 name:%s 18 age:%s 19 sex:%s 20 height:%s'''%(self.__name,self.__name,self.__age,self.__sex,self.__height)) 21 22 p=People('egon',21,'male','180') 23 p.tell_info() 24 p.set_name('haiyan') #调用修改名字的方法 25 p.tell_info() 26 # print(p._People__name)#就可以看到了 27 28 对象属性的私有属性二

1 # 方法的私有属性 2 class Parent: 3 def __init__(self): 4 self.__func() #__func==_Parent__func 5 def __func(self): 6 print('Parent func') 7 8 class Son(Parent): 9 def __init__(self): 10 self.__func() #_Son__func 11 def __func(self): 12 print('Son func') 13 14 def _Parent__func(self): 15 print('son _Parent__func') 16 s = Son() 17 print(Parent.__dict__) #类名.__dict__查看变形后的结果 18 19 # 私有属性:在本类内是可以正常调用的 20 # 在本类外就必须以_类名__属性名调用(但是不建议你调) 21 22 类方法的私有属性1

1 class Foo: 2 def __func(self): 3 print('from foo') 4 class Bar(Foo): 5 def __func(self): 6 print('from bar') 7 b = Bar() 8 b._Foo__func() 9 b._Bar__func() 10 11 方法的私有属性2

1 class Foo: 2 def __init__(self,height,weight): 3 self.height = height 4 self.weight = weight 5 def __heightpow(self): #私有方法 6 return self.height * self.height 7 def tell_bmi(self): 8 return self.weight/self.__heightpow() 9 10 egon = Foo(1.7,120) 11 print(egon.tell_bmi()) 12 print(Foo.__dict__) 13 print(egon._Foo__heightpow()) #虽说是私有的,但是还是可以查看的 14 15 装饰方法的私有属性3

1 from math import pi 2 class Circle: 3 def __init__(self,radius): 4 self.radius = radius 5 @property #装饰器:把一个方法当成一个属性用了 6 def area(self): 7 return self.radius * self.radius* pi 8 @property 9 def peimeter(self): 10 return 2*pi*self.radius 11 12 c = Circle(10) 13 print(c.area) #当成一个属性来调了,就不用加括号了 14 print(c.peimeter) 15 16 property

1 from urllib.request import urlopen 2 class Web_page: 3 def __init__(self,url): 4 self.url = url 5 self.__content = None #内容设置为None 6 @property 7 def content(self): 8 if self.__content: #如果不为空,就说明已经下载了 _Web_page__content 9 return self.__content 10 else: 11 self.__content = urlopen(self.url).read()#做缓存 12 return self.__content 13 mypage = Web_page('http://www.baidu.com') 14 print(mypage.content) 15 print(mypage.content) 16 print(mypage.content) 17 18 property(2)

1 class Num: 2 def __init__(self,*args): 3 print(args) 4 if len(args)==1 and (type(args[0]) is list or type(args[0]) is tuple): 5 self.numbers=args[0] 6 else: 7 self.numbers = args 8 9 @property 10 def sum(self): 11 return sum(self.numbers) 12 13 @property 14 def avg(self): 15 return self.sum/len(self.numbers) 16 17 @property 18 def min(self): 19 return min(self.numbers) 20 21 @property 22 def max(self): 23 return max(self.numbers) 24 num = Num([3,1,3]) 25 vvv = Num(8,2,3) 26 print(num.sum) 27 print(num.min) 28 print(num.avg) 29 print(num.max) 30 print('-----------') 31 print(vvv.sum) 32 print(vvv.min) 33 print(vvv.avg) 34 print(vvv.max) 35 36 property(3)

1 class Num: 2 def __init__(self,*args): 3 print(args) 4 if len(args)==1 and (type(args[0]) is list or type(args[0]) is tuple): 5 self.numbers=args[0] 6 else: 7 self.numbers = args 8 9 @property 10 def sum(self): 11 return sum(self.numbers) 12 13 @property 14 def avg(self): 15 return self.sum/len(self.numbers) 16 17 @property 18 def min(self): 19 return min(self.numbers) 20 21 @property 22 def max(self): 23 return max(self.numbers) 24 num = Num([3,1,3]) 25 vvv = Num(8,2,3) 26 print(num.sum) 27 print(num.min) 28 print(num.avg) 29 print(num.max) 30 print('-----------') 31 print(vvv.sum) 32 print(vvv.min) 33 print(vvv.avg) 34 print(vvv.max) 35 36 property(3)

1 class Goods: 2 __discount = 0.8 #类的私有属性 3 def __init__(self,name,price): 4 self.name = name 5 self.__price = price 6 7 @property 8 def price(self): 9 # if hasattr(self,'__price'): 10 return self.__price * Goods.__discount 11 # else: 12 # raise NameError 13 14 @price.setter 15 def price(self,new_price): 16 if type(new_price) is int: 17 self.__price = new_price 18 19 @price.deleter 20 def price(self): 21 del self.__price 22 23 apple = Goods('apple',10) 24 # print(apple.price) 25 apple.price = 20 26 print(apple.price) 27 28 # del apple.price 29 # print(apple.price) 30 # apple.set_price(20) 31 # apple._Goods__apple 32 33 买东西
@property把一个类中的方法 伪装成属性
现在是obj.func -->属性
obj.func = new_value 调用的是被@funcname.setter装饰器装饰的方法

1 class People: 2 def __init__(self,name,age,sex,height): 3 self.__name = name 4 self.__age = age 5 self.__sex = sex 6 self.__height = height 7 8 def tell_name(self): #看人名字 9 print(self.name) 10 def set_name(self,val): #修改名字 11 if not isinstance(val, str): 12 raise TypeError('名字必须是字符串类型') 13 self.__name = val 14 def tell_info(self): 15 print(''' 16 ---------%s info----------- 17 name:%s 18 age:%s 19 sex:%s 20 height:%s'''%(self.__name,self.__name,self.__age,self.__sex,self.__height)) 21 22 p=People('egon',21,'male','180') 23 p.tell_info() 24 p.set_name('haiyan') #调用修改名字的方法 25 p.tell_info() 26 # print(p._People__name)#就可以看到了
分类: 面向对象
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