[RTT例程练习] 2.8 消息队列message queue
首先创建了三个线程,三个线程处于同一优先级,但由于thread1首先被启动,所以它先运行,thread2,3紧随其后。thread3中调用了delay 5s,所以一开始便被挂起了。thread1由于要等消息队列的消息,而此时消息队列为空,所以也被挂起了。
所以thread2便开始调用rt_mq_send() 发送消息,但由于thread1和thread2处于同一个优先级,所以虽然thread1等待的条件满足了,但仍旧不能从就绪态转为运行态。等到thread2的时间片用完之后(这里是50),thread1便开始运行。也就出现了如下的情况,thread2打印的信息被打断了。
thread2: send message - this is message No.7 thread2: send message - this is message No.8 thread2: send message - this is message No.9 thread2: send message - this is message No.10 thread2: send message - this is message No.11 thread2: send message - thread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:this is message No.0 tg queue, the content:thread2: send message - this is message No.13
thread1收到一个消息后,继续delay,这时thread2继续发送,直道队列满之后退出调度。thread3 delay 5s 之后,开始调度,它发送了一条 urgent message,所谓urgent message 就是立马放到消息队列的最前端,thread1收到 此消息后也退出了调度。
#include <rtthread.h> #include <string.h> void rt_init_thread_entry(void *parameter) { } #define MSG_VIP "over" static struct rt_messagequeue mq; static rt_uint8_t msg_pool[2048]; static rt_uint8_t thread1_stack[1024]; struct rt_thread thread1; static void thread1_entry(void *parameter) { char buf[128]; while (1) { rt_memset(&buf[0], 0, sizeof(buf)); if (rt_mq_recv(&mq, &buf[0], sizeof(buf), RT_WAITING_FOREVER) == RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("thread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:%s\n", buf); if (strcmp(buf, MSG_VIP) == 0) break; } rt_thread_delay(RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); } rt_kprintf("thread1: got an urgent message, leave.\n"); } static rt_uint8_t thread2_stack[1024]; struct rt_thread thread2; static void thread2_entry(void *parameter) { int i, result; char buf[128]; i = 0; while (1) { rt_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "this is message NO.%d", i); result = rt_mq_send(&mq, &buf[0], sizeof(buf)); if (result == -RT_EFULL) break ; rt_kprintf("thread2: send message - %s\n", buf); i++; } rt_kprintf("message queue full, thread2 leave.\n"); } static rt_uint8_t thread3_stack[1024]; struct rt_thread thread3; static void thread3_entry(void *parameter) { char msg[] = MSG_VIP; rt_err_t result; rt_thread_delay(RT_TICK_PER_SECOND * 5); rt_kprintf("thread3: send an urgent message <%s> \n", msg); do { result = rt_mq_urgent(&mq, &msg[0], sizeof(msg)); if (result != RT_EOK) rt_thread_delay(20); } while (result != RT_EOK); } int rt_application_init() { rt_thread_t init_thread; rt_err_t result; result = rt_mq_init(&mq, "mqt", &msg_pool[0], /* 内存池指向msg_pool */ 128 - sizeof(void*), /* 每个消息的大小是 128 - void* */ sizeof(msg_pool), /* 内存池的大小是msg_pool的大小 */ RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO);/* 如果有多个线程等待,按照先来先得到的方法分配消息 */ if (result != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("init message queue failed.\n"); return -1; } init_thread = rt_thread_create("init", rt_init_thread_entry, RT_NULL, 2048, 8, 20); if (init_thread != RT_NULL) rt_thread_startup(init_thread); rt_thread_init(&thread1, "t1", thread1_entry, RT_NULL, &thread1_stack[0], sizeof(thread1_stack), 10, 50); rt_thread_startup(&thread1); rt_thread_init(&thread2, "thread2", thread2_entry, RT_NULL, &thread2_stack[0], sizeof(thread2_stack),10,50); rt_thread_startup(&thread2); rt_thread_init(&thread3, "thread3", thread3_entry, RT_NULL, &thread3_stack[0], sizeof(thread3_stack),10,50); rt_thread_startup(&thread3); return 0; }
thread2: send message - this is message No.0 thread2: send message - this is message No.1 thread2: send message - this is message No.2 thread2: send message - this is message No.3 thread2: send message - this is message No.4 thread2: send message - this is message No.5 thread2: send message - this is message No.6 thread2: send message - this is message No.7 thread2: send message - this is message No.8 thread2: send message - this is message No.9 thread2: send message - this is message No.10 thread2: send message - this is message No.11 thread2: send message - thread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:this is message No.0 tg queue, the content:thread2: send message - this is message No.13 thread2: send message - this is message No.14 thread2: send message - this is message No.15 message queue full, thread2 leave thread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:this is message No.1 thread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:this is message No.2 thread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:this is message No.3 thread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:this is message No.4 thread3: send an urgent message <over> thread1: recv msg from msg queue, the content:over thread1: got an urgent message, leave
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