
function db_create_login_line_xml($startDate, $endDate, $path, $beginRow = "", $endRow = "") {
global $languagesArray;
$xml = new DOMDocument('1.0','utf-8');
$xml->formatOutput = true;
$chart = $xml->createElement('graph');
$VsubCaption=$xml->createTextNode($startDate." -> ".$endDate);


$VexportFormats=$xml->createTextNode('JPG=保存为 JPG 图片|PDF=保存为 PDF 文件|PNG=保存为 PNG 图片');




global $bidb;
$s = "SELECT sername,working FROM `serverauth` order by sername asc";
$q = $bidb->query($s);
if (DB::iserror($q)) {die($q->getMessage());}
while ($row = $q->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)){

global $loginlogdb;
$startDateArray = explode('-',$startDate);
$endDateArray = explode('-',$endDate);
//默认今天输入的时间从0点开始 到24点结束;
$startDate =$startDate;
$endDate =$endDate;

$startYear = $startDateArray[0];
$startMonth = $startDateArray[1];
$startDay = $startDateArray[2];
$endYear = $endDateArray[0];
$endMonth = $endDateArray[1];
$endDay = $endDateArray[2];

$attachDBs = array();
$showtablesql = 'show tables;'; //显示所有表

$rs = $loginlogdb->query($showtablesql);
if (DB::iserror($rs)) {die($rs->getMessage());}

while ($row = $rs->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
$table = $row['Tables_in_loginlog'];
if ((strcasecmp($table, "${startYear}-${startMonth}") < 0 || strcasecmp($table, "${endYear}-${endMonth}") > 0)) {
continue; //如果匹配不到表则跳出循环
$attachDBs[] = $table;

if (!empty($attachDBs)){
$selectSQL = "SELECT `uname`,`servname`";
$fromSQL = " FROM ";
$whereSQL = " WHERE 1 ";

$whereSQL1 = " AND `logintime`>='${startDate}'";
$whereSQL2 = " AND `logintime`<='${endDate}'";

$unionAllSQL = NULL;
$rowCountSQL = NULL;

$i = 0;
foreach ($attachDBs as $tableName){
$unionAllSQL .= "UNION ALL {$selectSQL} {$fromSQL} `{$tableName}`{$whereSQL}";
if ($i == 1) {
$unionAllSQL .= $whereSQL1;

$unionAllSQL = substr($unionAllSQL,9);
$unionAllSQL .= $whereSQL2;

$sql="SELECT pro.servname,pro.uname,COUNT(distinct `uname`) AS number FROM ($unionAllSQL) AS pro GROUP BY `servname` ORDER BY `number` DESC limit ".$beginRow.",".$endRow.";";

$q = $loginlogdb->query($sql);
//echo $sql;exit;
if (DB::iserror($q)) {die($q->getMessage());}

$bool = TRUE;//只执行一次 设置y轴最大值
while($row = $q->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)){

foreach($ser as $key=>$val){
if($servname == $key){
$num = $number/$val;
$num = sprintf("%.2f", $num);
$set = $xml->createElement('set');
$label = $xml->createAttribute('label');

$Vlabel = $xml->createTextNode( $servname );
$value = $xml->createAttribute('value');

if ($bool) {
$yAxisMaxValue = $xml->createAttribute('yAxisMaxValue');
$VyAxisMaxValue = $xml->createTextNode($num+0.1);

$bool = FALSE;

$Vvalue = $xml->createTextNode($num);


posted @ 2015-08-13 13:12  梁小粽  阅读(168)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报