unity3d AssetBundle包加密

Unity同意用户使用AssetBundle.CreateFromMemory从一个 byte[]数组中建立一个AssetBundle的对象。在执行传输解密时,能够用这样的加密方法来提高安全性和保护用户建立的资源管理中的内容。

string url = "http://www.mywebsite.com/mygame/assetbundles/assetbundle1.unity3d";
IEnumerator Start () {
// Start a download of the given URL
WWW www = new WWW (url);

// Wait for download to complete
yield return www;

// Get the byte data
byte[] encryptedData = www.bytes;

// Load the TextAsset object
byte[] decryptedData = YourDecryptionMethod(encryptedData);

// Create an AssetBundle from the bytes array
AssetBundle bundle = AssetBundle.CreateFromMemory(decryptedData);

// You can now use your AssetBundle

posted @ 2017-04-24 14:22  lytwajue  阅读(585)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报