There is no configured/running web-servers found! Please, run any web-configuration and hit the Refresh button!问题解决

There is no configured/running web-servers found! Please, run any web-configuration and hit the Refresh button!问题解决


  当我们在做web项目时,经常会点击右上角的浏览器来看一下页面的显示效果。然而,html文件是可以直接点击浏览,不会出现问题;但是jsp页面则不行,会出现如下错误:There is no configured/running web-servers found! Please, run any web-configuration and hit the Refresh button!



 点击Run  -->  Edit Configurations...



Templates--> Tomcat Server--> Local,然后点击Configure选择本地安装了的Tomcat路径





再次进入Edit Configurations,点击+号,表示配置当前项目的运行按钮,选择Tomcat Server --> Local


















posted @ 2022-04-15 20:55  临易  阅读(1031)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报