select a.字段名,b.字段名,c.字段名,d.字段名 ,case when a. 字段名=0 then '汉字' when a.字段名=1 then '汉字' end as 字段别名 from 表名1 as a inner join 表名2 as b On a.字段名=b.字段名 inner join 表名3 as c On a.字段名=c.字段名 inner join 表名4 as d On a.字段名=d.字段名.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("Select zy.zymc ,gv.postName,dv.UnitName ,sxzy,u.bkUserID,UserName,u.sfzh,u.bmxlh,u.zkzh,case when u.ifjf=0 then '未交费' when u.ifjf=1 then '已交费成功' end as iss , case when u.ifsh=0 then '未审核' when u.ifsh=1 then '审核通过' when u.ifsh=2 then '审核不通过' when u.ifsh=3 then '审核通过缴费成功' end as ifsh from bm_examcj as zy inner join bm_ExamUser as u On zy.zkzh=u.zkzh inner join bm_post as gv On gv.postID=u.postID inner join bm_ExamUnit as dv On dv.UnitID=u.bkUnitID where 1=1 ");
if (txtxm.Text != string.Empty)
sb.Append(" and UserName like '%" + txtxm.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
if (txtbmxlh.Text != string.Empty)
sb.Append(" and bmxlh like '%" + txtbmxlh.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
if (txtzy.Text != string.Empty)
sb.Append(" and zy like '%" + txtzy.Text.Trim() + "%' ");
dp.CommandText = sb.ToString();
DataTable dt = dp.ExecuteDataTable();
if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)