




















You can create a memory dump of the SQL Server process space in several ways.  There are many external tools that can help you accomplish this such as userdump.exe, debugdiag.exe, and ADPlus.exe.  In this post, I’ll cover 3 common ways to accomplish this for SQL Server:  The most common way (sqldumper), using the debugger, and three methods from within SQL Server itself.

First, two of these methods will require that you get the process id (PID) of SQL Server.   Here are a few simple ways to do that:

1.  From a command window, execute --> tasklist | find /i “sqlservr” or from the Debugging tools directory execute –> tlist | find /i “sqlservr”

2.  Open task manager, and find sqlservr.exe and get the PID from the PID column.  If you don’t see this column, then select View –> Select Columns to add it.

3.  In a query window inside of SSMS on the instance you wish to dump, execute –> “SELECT SERVERPROPERTY(‘PROCESSID’)

4.  Get the process ID from the SQL Server Errorlog.

Now that you have the PID, you can use one of the following ways to create the dump:

Method 1 (Using SqlDumper)

The most common way (and the way used internally by SQL Server) is to run SqlDumper.exe.   You will find SqlDumper.exe in the following directory for a default installation of SQL Server:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared

The syntax of SqlDumper is as follows:

SqlDumper <process id (PID)> <thread id (TID)> <Flags:Minidump Flags> <SQLInfoPtr> <Dump Directory>

more parameters can be seen with SqlDumper /?

The common flags are as follows:

0x0120 – Minidump (this is a dump of just the stacks and loaded modules – this is the smallest of the dump types – this is normally the type of dump created automatically by SQL Server during AVs and other exceptions) 

0x01100 – Full Dump (this dumps the entire process space – this can be very large on a 64 bit system or any system with a large amount of memory assigned to SQL Server) 

0x8100 – Filtered Dump (a filtered dump is a dump of all of Stolen Memory plus certain areas of the buffer pool)

NOTICE:  SQLDumper can be used to dump ANY user mode process – not just SQL Server.

Some examples for SQLServer running under SPID 4024 to c:\temp:

Minidump:  sqldumper 4024 0 0x0120 0 c:\temp 
Full Dump:  sqldumper 4024 0 0x01100 0 c:\temp 
Filtered Dump:  sqldumper 4024 0 0x8100 0 c:\temp

The dump file will have the naming convention of:   SQLDmpr####.mdmp (i.e.  SQLDmpr0001.mdmp)

Method 2 (Using a debugger)

To dump SQL Server from WINDBG or other debugger, attach the debugger to the process using the PID:


Once connected, just use the .dump command which has the following syntax:

Options are: 
  /a - Create dumps for all processes (requires -u) 
  /b[a] - Package dump in a CAB and delete dump 
  /c <comment> - Add a comment (not supported in all formats) 
  /j <addr> - Provide a JIT_DEBUG_INFO address 
  /f - Create a legacy style full dump 
  /m[acdfFhiprRtuw] - Create a minidump (default) 
  /o - Overwrite any existing file 
  /u - Append unique identifier to dump name

“.dump /ma” is the recommend method of creating a complete memory dump of a user mode process.

So, to create a complete memory dump of the SQL Server to c:\temp, execute the following:

.dump /ma c:\temp\sqldump.dmp

Method 3 (From within SQL Server)

From inside SQL Server, you can create a dump using two different methods.  First, to create a manual dump immediately, use the following undocumented command:


This will create a memory dump in the LOG directory of your SQL Server instance installation.  To enable this method to create a FULL DUMP, you must turn on trace flags 2544 and 2546:

dbcc traceon(2544, -1) 

dbcc traceon(2546, -1) 

dbcc stackdump

To create only a minidump, enable trace flag 2546.  To create a full-filtered dump, use trace flag 2551.

You can use the undocumented DBCC DUMPTRIGGER command to enable SQL Server to create a dump on the occurrence of an error.  You can use the following to enable a full dump on error 802 (There is insufficient memory available in the buffer pool):

-- turn on TFs for full dump 
dbcc traceon(2544, -1) 
dbcc traceon(2546, -1) 

-- set DUMP TRIGGER for exception 802 
dbcc dumptrigger('set', 802) 

-- view exceptions set for DUMP TRIGGER 
dbcc traceon(3604, -1) 
dbcc dumptrigger('display') 
dbcc traceoff(3604, -1) 

-- Turn off dumptrigger for exception 802 
dbcc dumptrigger('clear', 802) 

Finally, you can also use the –y parameter on SQL Server startup to achieve the same functionality as SQL Server’s DBCC DUMPTRIGGER.   For more information refer to:


One method not covered in this post is to create the dump from within Task Manager as seen here:


I am not a big fan of this method since you have little control over it.  It will create a full dump inside your user profile by default.   It is also only available on Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2 (or Vista and Windows 7).  However, it is yet another way to dump the SQL Server process.

- Jay



A message about the previous post on finding queries in a SQL Memory Dump file:

Back in October I did a post on finding queries in SQL Server Memory Dumps.  It has been a popular topic, but some have had difficulties following it.  After reviewing this with a reader, I realized there was an issue with this post for 64 bit dumps.  Rather than make corrections, I decided I’d do another example here so we can learn more from the issue with that post and use this opportunity to view another dump.

The dump analysis detailed in that post worked as described in the post.  However, in my attempt to convert the necessary steps taken from using internal symbols to something that can be applied using public symbols (dumping the right addresses with the right offsets), I mistakenly used the ‘dd’ command.  The ‘dd’ command dumps what we call double words.  Double words are 32 bits – or 32 bit addresses.  The architecture of the system used for that post is 64 bit.  Ironically this worked fine and went undetected in my previous example because the higher order digits were all zero – likely because my test box’s memory had not been stressed enough to use any higher range memory addresses.  Therefore the lower 8 digits in the hex number (the right half) representing our memory addresses worked with ‘dd’ because the bottom half is 32 bits  (0xFFFFFFFF) and the leading zeros in the higher 32 bits were not significant.  Then when applying this method to a system that was under greater memory pressure, we begin to see those higher ordered digits on a 64 bit machine being used.  The ‘dd’ doesn’t work for this.  So, we’ll now use ‘dq’ to dump quad words.  This will accurately display our 64 bit memory addresses and work more reliably on 64 architecture.  The previous post would work fine for 32 bit architecture.  Remember, we only need to use ‘dq’ with 64 bit addresses.  Otherwise, ‘dd’ is appropriate for 32 bit addresses.



Finding your query in a dump file:

I’d like to thank the read mentioned above, Dylan, for allowing me to write this blog post using his SQL Memory dump as a sample (so we’ll have the higher addresses ranges in use).

But first the basics, we first setup our symbols.  Once this is done, I see this dump is a “symptom” or “SPID” mini-dump in that it contains only the thread that encountered the problem:

0:000> ~ 
.  0  Id: 12a8.1870 Suspend: 0 Teb: 000007ff`fff0a000 Unfrozen

If we view the stack trace of that thread to see what was going on:

0:000> kc 
Call Site 

We can see that we hit an assertion while SQL Server was attempting to roll back a transaction.  Assertions are safety checks in code to verify that a condition that shouldn’t happen - isn’t happening.  If that condition occurs (or the safety check fails), an error is generated like we see above.  So we want to get two things out of this – what is the assertion and what is the query that was running?   The latter is mostly for academic purposes here.  In general, you cannot write TSQL statements that cause assertions or corruption in databases.  TSQL just isn’t low-level enough to do that.  However, the TSQL you run may lead to the scenario which causes us to come across an issue like this.  Therefore, getting the query text is good to see if we can reproduce the issue.  If we use some different parameters for the ‘k’ (stack trace) command, we get more information returned.  When we run ‘kvnf’, we notice that we get the memory taken up by each frame on the stack (a frame is one line on the stack).  If we look at the frame that called sqlservr!utassert_fail, we see that it’s memory usage is rather large compared to other frames.  This is a good indication something is stored on the stack as opposed to the heap or in memory allocated via VirtualAlloc() calls.  Here is that frame from the ‘kvnf’ command:

05      1550 00000000`55addca0 00000000`00fb23fd : 00000000`00000000 00000000`ffffffff 00000003`00000000 0000b688`75b7282f : sqlservr!utassert_fail+0x844

You’ll notice it uses 1550 bytes of memory – much more than the other frames.  To investigate, we start dumping at the child base stack pointer – the Child-SP.  This is where this frame starts on the stack in memory.   I am going to dump Unicode data, so I’ll use the ‘du’ command:

0:000> du 00000000`55addca0 
00000000`55addca0  "¸" 
0:000> du 
00000000`55addca4  ""

Type ‘du’ twice and then you can simply hit the ENTER key and it will increment automatically.  Keep hitting ENTER and you’ll eventually find the assertion stored on the stack:

00000000`55addcf0  "Location:     "xact.cpp":4362.Expre" 
00000000`55addd30  "ssion:     !m_parNestedXactCnt.SPID" 
00000000`55addd70  ":         84.Process ID:     4776.Descrip" 
00000000`55adddb0  "tion:     Trying to use the transac" 
00000000`55adddf0  "tion while there are 1 parallel " 
00000000`55adde30  "nested xacts outstanding"

Now that we have our assertion, we can search the online support knowledge base to see if there are any known issues (http://support.microsoft.com/).

However, we still have one thing left to get from the dump file – our query.  Using the ‘dq’ command, we can follow the same general process as the previous post did.   The first thing we notice is that this thread doesn’t show a call to sqlservr!CMSqlExecContext::ExecuteStmts like the previous post.  That’s ok.  What we are looking for is the address of a particular object that is passed to a few calls on the stack.  In this dump, we’ll start with the call to sqlservr!process_request.   From this call, we need to start with the first parameter – the address to the object we are interested in:

0:000> dq 00000007`5ae70fa0+0x20 l1 
00000007`5ae70fc0  00000007`5ae70ea0

We dump a quad-word (‘dq’) with an offset of 0x20.  The ‘l1’ tells the debugger we only want 1 quad word.  Notice the higher order digits (the digits to the left of the apostrophe are not all zero – the issue with the previous post). 

Now, we need to take the address returned (the address of another object – which our first object points to) and dump that with an offset of 0x28 using ‘dq’.

0:000> dq 00000007`5ae70ea0+0x28 l1 
00000007`5ae70ec8  00000009`91862160

We aren’t there yet.  This address (another object in memory), has what we need at an offset of 0x200.  So let’s get that:

0:000> dq 00000009`91862160+0x200 l1 
00000009`91862360  00000003`408fdd30

In our chain of objects, this one has what we need at an offset of 0x20:

0:000> dq 00000003`408fdd30+0x20 l1 
00000003`408fdd50  00000003`408fdd90

Finally, this address holds the pointer we want to get to:

0:000> dq 00000003`408fdd90 l1 
00000003`408fdd90  00000003`408fde20

Which gives us the location of the buffer we’ve been after.  So now we dump Unicode with ‘du’ to get the statement:

0:000> du 00000003`408fde20 
00000003`408fde20 "(@P0 int)select count(*) as y0_ " 
00000003`408fde60  "from dbo.V_PDM_CP this_ where th" 
00000003`408fdea0  "is_.ResItNum= @P0
00000003`408fdee0  "????????????????????????????????" 
00000003`408fdf20  "????????????????????????????????"

From here we can see we have a parameterized SQL statement.  This statement either went through auto-parameterization or was submitted as a parameterized statement via a call to sp_executesql.  Now, we can move forward with researching and seeing if this is reproducible.

The approach is the same, but use ‘dq’ when dumping addresses in 64 bit SQL Memory Dumps.


posted @ 2014-12-24 16:28  桦仔  阅读(2017)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报