Parameters |
Type |
sp_Msforeachtable |
sp_Msforeachdb |
Description |
@precommand |
nvarchar(2000) |
Yes |
Yes |
This command is executed before any commands and can be used for setting up an environment for commands execution. |
@command1 |
nvarchar(2000) |
Yes |
Yes |
First command to be executed against each table/database. |
@command2 |
nvarchar(2000) |
Yes |
Yes |
Second command to be executed against each table/database. |
@command3 |
nvarchar(2000) |
Yes |
Yes |
Third command to be executed against each table/database. |
@postcommand |
nvarchar(2000) |
Yes |
Yes |
This command is executed after any other commands and can be used for cleanup process after commands execution. |
@replacechar |
nchar(1) |
Yes |
Yes |
Default value is “?” which represents the database/table name. You may need to change this value if you want “?” mark to be used in your query. |
@whereand |
nvarchar(2000) |
Yes |
No |
With this you can specify the filtering criteria for your table collection. For details see the script section, |
脚本1演示了sp_MSForEachTable的用法。第1条语句列出当前库所有的表和总的记录数,而语句2输出当前库下各表的空间占用情况。(注:在@cmd里用’’表示单引号,如select ‘’?’’)
Script #1 : sp_MSForEachTable system stored procedure |
–List all the tables of current database and total no rows in it –List all the tables of current database and space used by it EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable ‘EXECUTE sp_spaceused [?];’; |
Script #2 : sp_MSForEachTable system stored procedure |
–Creates a temporary table to hold the resultsets |
sp_MSForEachTable默认使用OBJECTPROPERTY(o.id, N”IsUserTable”) = 1作为where条件,即只针对用户表进行操作。你可以通过@whereand加入系统表、视图、存储过程或者所有这些以及其他对象。例如在以下的脚本3中,语句1在上面脚本基础上加入了系统表,即对象既包括用户表也包括系统表。在语句2中,分别只显示视图和存储过程的定义。
Script #3 : sp_MSForEachTable system stored procedure |
–Creates a temporary table to hold the resultsets Use AdventureWorks Use AdventureWorks |
脚本4演示了sp_MSForEachDb的用法。语句1对所有db运行dbcc checkdb,以检查所有对象的分配、逻辑和物理上的结构性完整度。语句2首先过滤系统数据库,再对所有用户数据库实施备份。
Script #4 : sp_MSForEachDb system stored procedure |
–Checks the allocation, logical and physical structural |
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command1='IF ''?'' IN (''AdventureWorks2012'',''AdventureWorks2012_test'') BEGIN SELECT name,object_id,modify_date FROM ?.sys.tables WHERE [name]=''Person'' END'
EXEC sys.[sp_MSforeachdb] @command1 = N'IF ''?'' NOT IN (''master'',''tempdb'',''model'',''msdb'',''ReportServer'',''ReportServerTempDB'',''distribution'') BEGIN USE ? IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb..#TablesSizes'') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TablesSizes CREATE TABLE #TablesSizes ( TableName sysname , Rows BIGINT , reserved VARCHAR(100) , data VARCHAR(100) , index_size VARCHAR(100) , unused VARCHAR(100) ) DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @sql = COALESCE(@sql, '''') + ''INSERT INTO #TablesSizes execute sp_spaceused '''''' + QUOTENAME(TABLE_SCHEMA,''[]'') + ''.''+ QUOTENAME(Table_Name, ''[]'') +'''''''' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE = ''BASE TABLE'' EXECUTE (@SQL) alter table #TablesSizes add [DBNAME] VARCHAR(100) null update #TablesSizes set [DBNAME] = ''?'' SELECT * FROM #TablesSizes ORDER BY Rows DESC END' -- nvarchar(2000)
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