Configure IntelliSense (SQL Server Management Studio)
SQL Server 2012
Most Microsoft IntelliSense options are on by default. You can turn off an IntelliSense option and instead invoke it through a menu command or keystroke combination.
To turn statement completion options off by default
1.On the Tools menu, click Options.
2.Expand Text Editor, expand either All Languages, Transact-SQL, or XML, and then click General.
3.Clear the check boxes for the Statement completion options that you do not want, and then click OK.
To modify Transact-SQL IntelliSense options
1.On the Tools menu, click Options.
2.Expand Text Editor, expand Transact-SQL, and then click IntelliSense.
3.Clear the check boxes for the IntelliSense options that you do not want.
4.To change the script size at which IntelliSense features are disabled, select a size from the Maximum script size list.
5.To change the casing applied to function names in completion lists, select a casing specification from the Casing for built-in function names list.
6. Click OK.
To Completely Disable IntelliSense
To disable Transact-SQL IntelliSense