
RocksDB Features that are not in LevelDB
We stopped maintaining this page since 2016. New features are not added to the lists.


  • Multithread compaction
  • Multithread memtable inserts
  • Reduced DB mutex holding
  • Optimized level-based compaction style and universal compaction style
  • Prefix bloom filter
  • Memtable bloom filter
  • Single bloom filter covering the whole SST file
  • Write lock optimization
  • Improved Iter::Prev() performance
  • Fewer comparator calls during SkipList searches
  • Allocate memtable memory using huge page.


  • Column Families
  • Transactions and WriteBatchWithIndex
  • Backup and Checkpoints
  • Merge Operators
  • Compaction Filters
  • Persistent Cache
  • Bulk loading
  • Delete files in range
  • Pin iterator key/value

Alternative Data Structures And Formats

  • Plain Table format for memory-only use cases
  • Vector-based and hash-based memtable format
  • Clock-based cache
  • Annotate transaction log write with blob (for replication)


  • Option to keep all index and bloom filter blocks in block cache
  • Multiple WAL recovery modes
  • Fadvise hints for readahead and to avoid caching in OS page cache
  • Option to pin indexes and bloom filters of L0 files in memory
  • More Compression Types: zlib, lz4, zstd
  • Compression Dictionary
  • Checksum Type: xxhash


Features Not in LevelDB

posted @ 2023-02-13 10:52  misaka-mikoto  阅读(34)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报