
 * This constraint is to be put on object level for which need to validate on the Product SKU.
 * It calls {@link ValidProductSKUValidator} to perform validation.
 * @author System-In-Montion
@Constraint(validatedBy = {ValidProductSKUValidator.class})
//This constraint annotation can be used only on class.
@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public @interface ValidProductSKU {

  /** The message to return when the instance of product SKU fails the validation.*/
  String message() default "{product.validation.SKU}";

  Class<?>[] groups() default {};
  Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};



 * The product sku validator
 * @author System-In-Motion
public class ValidProductSKUValidator implements
        ConstraintValidator<ValidProductSKU, Product> {

    private ProductRepository productRepository;
    private EventRepository<Event> eventRepository;
     * Nothing to be done for initialization
    public void initialize(ValidProductSKU constraintAnnotation) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

     * Perform validation on the {@link productSKU} via the instance for
     * {@link ValidProductSKUValidator}
    public boolean isValid(Product product, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
        if(product.getId()==null){    //validate create
            return productRepository.countBySku(product.getSku()) > 0?false:true;
        }else if(eventRepository.countByProduct(product.getId()) > 0){   //validate delete
            return false;
        }else if(productRepository.countBySkuIsAndIdIsNot(product.getSku(), product.getId()) > 0){  //validate update
            return false;
        return true;




另外:在实现过程中也遇到一个小问题,就是isValid中传递的product值始终为空,原因是在更新的form表单里没有隐藏携带id值,只需添加<input    th:field="*{id}" type="hidden"/>即可。