Using Lua API and tag method facilities, tolua maps C/C++ constants, external variables, functions, classes, and methods to Lua.

How tolua works

(1)创建a package file (a C/C++ cleaned header file) listing the constants, variables, functions, classes, and methods we want to export to the Lua environment.

(2)parses this file and creates a C/C++ file that automatically binds the C/C++ code to Lua. 
(3) accesed from Lua

How to use toLua
由(1)an executable (2)and a library组成
the executable represents the parser that reads a package file and output a C/C++ code that implements the binding to access the C/C++ features from Lua.

tolua -o myfile.c myfile.pkg

tolua -n pkgname -o myfile.c myfile.pkg

when using C++, we can opt for automatic initialization
tolua -a -n pkgname -o myfile.c myfile.pkg
automatic initialization sometimes does not work



void tolua_restorestate (void);

Basic Concepts

package file may include other package file, use $<include_file>

Basic types
char int float double     ->       number
char*       ->              string
void*       ->              userdata
tolua ignores const modifier

Functions in C/C++ can also manipulate Lua objects explicitly.

User defined types

非Basic Types均为用户自己定义类型,are mapped to tagged userdata type in Lua.
Lua can only store pointers to 自己定义类型。

NULL and nil
posted on 2017-06-09 12:07  lxjshuju  阅读(132)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报