GMT 时间格式转换到 TDateTime (Delphi)
1 //GMT 时间格式转换到 TDateTime
2 //忽略时区
3 function GMT2DateTime(const pSour:PAnsiChar):TDateTime;
5 function GetMonthDig(const Value:PAnsiChar):Integer;
6 const
7 MonthDig:array[1..12] of PAnsiChar =
8 (
9 'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'
10 );
11 var
12 Index:Integer;
13 begin
14 Result := 0;
15 for Index := 1 to 12 do
16 begin
17 if AnsiStrIComp(Value,MonthDig[Index]) = 0 then
18 begin
19 Result := Index;
20 Break;
21 end;
22 end;
23 end;
25 var
26 A:array[1..32] of Ansichar;
27 P1,P2:PAnsiChar;
28 Len:Integer;
29 wDay,wMonth,wYear,wHour,wMinute,wSec:Word;
30 D:TDateTime;
31 begin
32 //P1 := ' Mon, 12 Aug 2013 16:20:35 GMT';
33 Result := 0;
34 P1 := pSour;
35 P2 := @A[1];
36 Len := 31;
37 while((Len > 0) and (P1^ <>#0)) do
38 begin
39 P2^ := P1^;
40 Inc(P1);
41 Inc(p2);
42 Dec(Len);
43 end;
44 P2^ := #0;
46 P1 := @A[1];
47 while((P1^<>',') and (P1^ <>#0)) do Inc(P1);Inc(p1);
49 //12
50 while((P1^ <> #32) and (P1^ <>#0)) do Inc(P1);Inc(p1);P2 := P1;
51 while((P2^ <> #32) and (P2^ <>#0)) do Inc(P2); P2^ := #0;
52 wDay := StrToIntDef(P1,-1);
54 //Aug
55 P1 := P2; Inc(P1);P2 := P1;
56 while( (P2^<>#32) and (P2^ <>#0)) do Inc(P2);P2^ := #0;
57 wMonth := GetMonthDig(P1);
58 if wMonth = 0 then
59 Exit;
61 //2013
62 P1 := P2; Inc(P1);P2 := P1;
63 while( (P2^<>#32) and (P2^ <>#0) ) do Inc(P2);P2^ := #0;
64 wYear := StrToIntDef(P1,-1);
65 if wYear = 0 then
66 Exit;
68 //Hour
69 P1 := P2; Inc(P1);P2 := P1;
70 while((P2^<>':') and (P2^ <>#0)) do Inc(P2);P2^ := #0;
71 wHour := StrToIntDef(P1,-1);
72 if wHour < 0 then
73 Exit;
75 //Min
76 P1 := P2; Inc(P1);P2 := P1;
77 while((P2^<>':') and (P2^ <>#0)) do Inc(P2);P2^ := #0;
78 wMinute := StrToIntDef(P1,-1);
79 if wMinute < 0 then
80 Exit;
82 //Sec
83 P1 := P2; Inc(P1);P2 := P1;
84 while((P2^<>#32) and (P2^ <>#0)) do Inc(P2);P2^ := #0;
85 wSec := StrToIntDef(P1,-1);
86 if wSec < 0 then
87 Exit;
89 Result := EnCodeDateTime(wYear,wMonth,wDay,wHour,wMinute,wSec,0);
91 end;
TDateTime 转换成 GMT 时间格式
1 function DateTimeToGMT(const ADate:TDateTime):string; 2 const 3 WEEK:array[1..7] of PChar = ('Sun','Mon','Tues','Wed','Thur','Fri','Sat'); 4 MonthDig:array[1..12] of PChar = 5 ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); 6 7 var 8 wWeek,wYear,wMonth,wDay,wHour,wMin,wSec,wMilliSec:Word; 9 A:array[1..32] of AnsiChar; 10 P1,P2:PAnsiChar; 11 sWeek,sMonth:string; 12 begin 13 DecodeDateTime(ADate,wYear,wMonth,wDay,wHour,wMin,wSec,wMilliSec); 14 wWeek := DayOfWeek(ADate); 15 sWeek := WEEK[wWeek]; 16 sMonth := MonthDig[wMonth]; 17 Result := Format(' %s, %d %s %d %d:%d:%d GMT',[sWeek,wDay,sMonth,wYear,wHour,wMin,wSec]); 18 end;