OpenCV&&python_图像平滑(Smoothing Images)

  • Goals


  1. 学习用不同低通滤波方法模糊图像(Blur imagess with various low pass filter)
  2. 用用定制的滤波器处理图像(Apply custom-made filters to images (2D convolution))



images can be filtered with various low-pass filters (LPF), high-pass filters (HPF), etc.  A LPF helps in removing noise, or blurring the image. A HPF filters helps in finding edges in an image.


OpenCV  provides a function cv2.filter2D() to convolve卷积 a kernel(核) with an image. 例如:

定义一个5x5 averaging filter kernel




import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
img = cv2.imread('text.jpg')
kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.float32)/25
dst = cv2.filter2D(img,-1,kernel)
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])








Python: cv.Filter2D(src, dst, kernel, anchor=(-1, -1)

  • src – input image.
  • dst – output image of the same size and the same number of channels as src.
  • kernel – convolution kernel (or rather a correlation kernel), a single-channel floating point matrix; if you want to apply different kernels to different channels, split the image into separate color planes using split() and process them individually.
  • anchor – anchor of the kernel that indicates the relative position of a filtered point within the kernel; the anchor should lie within the kernel; default value (-1,-1) means that the anchor is at the kernel center.
  • delta – optional value added to the filtered pixels before storing them in dst.
  • borderType – pixel extrapolation method (see borderInterpolate() for details).



posted @ 2017-05-28 21:49  ucsb  阅读(3453)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报