


create table fruits (
f_id char(10) not null,
s_id int not null,
f_name char(255) not null,
f_price decimal(8,2) not null,
primary key(f_id) );
insert into fruits values

create table customers (
c_id int not null auto_increment,
c_name char(50) not null,
c_address char(50) null,
c_city char(50) null,
c_zip char(50) null,
c_contact char(50) null,
c_email char(50) null,
primary key(c_id)
insert into customers values
(10001,'RedHook','200 Street','Tianjin','300000','LiMing',''),
(1002,'Stars','333 Fromage Lane','Dalian','116000','Zhangbo',''),
(10003,'Netbhood','1 Sunny Place','Qingdao','266000','LuoCong',NULL),
(1004,'JOTO','829 Riverside Drive','Haikou','570000','YangShan','');


select * from fruits;
| f_id | s_id | f_name     | f_price |
| a1   |  101 | apple      |    5.20 |
| a2   |  103 | apricot    |    2.20 |
| b1   |  101 | blackberry |   10.20 |
| b2   |  104 | berry      |    7.60 |
| b5   |  107 | xxxx       |    3.60 |
| bs1  |  102 | orange     |   11.20 |
| bs2  |  105 | melon      |    8.20 |
| c0   |  101 | cherry     |    3.20 |
| l2   |  104 | lemon      |    6.40 |
| m1   |  106 | mango      |   15.70 |
| m2   |  105 | xbabay     |    2.60 |
| m3   |  105 | xxtt       |   11.60 |
| o2   |  103 | coconut    |    9.20 |
| t1   |  102 | banana     |   10.30 |
| t2   |  102 | grape      |    5.30 |
| t4   |  107 | xbababa    |    2.60 |
select * from customers;
| c_id  | c_name   | c_address           | c_city  | c_zip  | c_contact | c_email           |
|  1002 | Stars    | 333 Fromage Lane    | Dalian  | 116000 | Zhangbo   | |
|  1004 | JOTO     | 829 Riverside Drive | Haikou  | 570000 | YangShan  |   |
| 10001 | RedHook  | 200 Street          | Tianjin | 300000 | LiMing    |     |
| 10003 | Netbhood | 1 Sunny Place       | Qingdao | 266000 | LuoCong   | NULL              |


select f_name from fruits;
| f_name     |
| apple      |
| apricot    |
| blackberry |
| berry      |
| xxxx       |
| orange     |
| melon      |
| cherry     |
| lemon      |
| mango      |
| xbabay     |
| xxtt       |
| coconut    |
| banana     |
| grape      |
| xbababa    |


select f_name,f_price from fruits;
| f_name     | f_price |
| apple      |    5.20 |
| apricot    |    2.20 |
| blackberry |   10.20 |
| berry      |    7.60 |
| xxxx       |    3.60 |
| orange     |   11.20 |
| melon      |    8.20 |
| cherry     |    3.20 |
| lemon      |    6.40 |
| mango      |   15.70 |
| xbabay     |    2.60 |
| xxtt       |   11.60 |
| coconut    |    9.20 |
| banana     |   10.30 |
| grape      |    5.30 |
| xbababa    |    2.60 |


select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price=5.2;
| f_name | f_price |
| apple  |    5.20 |


select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price>=10;
| f_name     | f_price |
| blackberry |   10.20 |
| orange     |   11.20 |
| mango      |   15.70 |
| xxtt       |   11.60 |
| banana     |   10.30 |


select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price between 2 and 8;
| f_name  | f_price |
| apple   |    5.20 |
| apricot |    2.20 |
| berry   |    7.60 |
| xxxx    |    3.60 |
| cherry  |    3.20 |
| lemon   |    6.40 |
| xbabay  |    2.60 |
| grape   |    5.30 |
| xbababa |    2.60 |



select f_name,s_id from fruits where s_id = 101 or s_id = 103;
| f_name     | s_id |
| apple      |  101 |
| apricot    |  103 |
| blackberry |  101 |
| cherry     |  101 |
| coconut    |  103 |


select f_name,s_id from fruits where s_id in (101,103);
| f_name     | s_id |
| apple      |  101 |
| apricot    |  103 |
| blackberry |  101 |
| cherry     |  101 |
| coconut    |  103 |



select f_name,s_id from fruits where s_id != 101 and s_id != 103;
| f_name  | s_id |
| berry   |  104 |
| xxxx    |  107 |
| orange  |  102 |
| melon   |  105 |
| lemon   |  104 |
| mango   |  106 |
| xbabay  |  105 |
| xxtt    |  105 |
| banana  |  102 |
| grape   |  102 |
| xbababa |  107 |


select f_name,s_id from fruits where s_id not in (101,103);
| f_name  | s_id |
| berry   |  104 |
| xxxx    |  107 |
| orange  |  102 |
| melon   |  105 |
| lemon   |  104 |
| mango   |  106 |
| xbabay  |  105 |
| xxtt    |  105 |
| banana  |  102 |
| grape   |  102 |
| xbababa |  107 |


① 查询fruits表中的f_name列,并且值以“b”开头
select f_name from fruits where f_name like 'b%';
| f_name     |
| blackberry |
| berry      |
| banana     |
② 查询fruits表中的f_name列,并且值以“b”开头,以“y”结尾
select f_name from fruits where f_name like 'b%y';
| f_name     |
| blackberry |
| berry      |
③ 查询fruits表中的f_name列,值以“b”开头,以“y”结尾,并且b和y之间有三个字符
select f_name from fruits where f_name like 'b___y';
| f_name |
| berry  |


 select * from fruits where s_id = 101 and f_price > 2.0;
| f_id | s_id | f_name     | f_price |
| a1   |  101 | apple      |    5.20 |
| b1   |  101 | blackberry |   10.20 |
| c0   |  101 | cherry     |    3.20 |


 select * from fruits where s_id in (101,103) and f_price > 5;
| f_id | s_id | f_name     | f_price |
| a1   |  101 | apple      |    5.20 |
| b1   |  101 | blackberry |   10.20 |
| o2   |  103 | coconut    |    9.20 |


select distinct s_id from fruits;
| s_id |
|  101 |
|  103 |
|  104 |
|  107 |
|  102 |
|  105 |
|  106 |


select s_id,f_name from fruits order by s_id;
| s_id | f_name     |
|  101 | apple      |
|  101 | blackberry |
|  101 | cherry     |
|  102 | orange     |
|  102 | banana     |
|  102 | grape      |
|  103 | apricot    |
|  103 | coconut    |
|  104 | berry      |
|  104 | lemon      |
|  105 | melon      |
|  105 | xbabay     |
|  105 | xxtt       |
|  106 | mango      |
|  107 | xxxx       |
|  107 | xbababa    |


select distinct f_name,f_price from fruits order by f_name,f_price;
| f_name     | f_price |
| apple      |    5.20 |
| apricot    |    2.20 |
| banana     |   10.30 |
| berry      |    7.60 |
| blackberry |   10.20 |
| cherry     |    3.20 |
| coconut    |    9.20 |
| grape      |    5.30 |
| lemon      |    6.40 |
| mango      |   15.70 |
| melon      |    8.20 |
| orange     |   11.20 |
| xbababa    |    2.60 |
| xbabay     |    2.60 |
| xxtt       |   11.60 |
| xxxx       |    3.60 |




select f_price from fruits order by f_price desc;
| f_price |
|   15.70 |
|   11.60 |
|   11.20 |
|   10.30 |
|   10.20 |
|    9.20 |
|    8.20 |
|    7.60 |
|    6.40 |
|    5.30 |
|    5.20 |
|    3.60 |
|    3.20 |
|    2.60 |
|    2.60 |
|    2.20 |


调用count(*)函数统计次数,并通过as来对其设置别名,group by来进行分组!

 select s_id,count(*) as total from fruits group by s_id;
| s_id | total |
|  101 |     3 |
|  102 |     3 |
|  103 |     2 |
|  104 |     2 |
|  105 |     3 |
|  106 |     1 |
|  107 |     2 |


select s_id,group_concat(f_name) as name from fruits group by s_id having count(f_name) > 1;
| s_id | name                    |
|  101 | apple,blackberry,cherry |
|  102 | orange,banana,grape     |
|  103 | apricot,coconut         |
|  104 | berry,lemon             |
|  105 | melon,xbabay,xxtt       |
|  107 | xxxx,xbababa            |


select * from customers where c_email is null;
| c_id  | c_name   | c_address     | c_city  | c_zip  | c_contact | c_email |
| 10003 | Netbhood | 1 Sunny Place | Qingdao | 266000 | LuoCong   | NULL    |


select s_id,group_concat(f_name) as name from fruits group by s_id having count(f_name) > 1;
| s_id | name                    |
|  101 | apple,blackberry,cherry |
|  102 | orange,banana,grape     |
|  103 | apricot,coconut         |
|  104 | berry,lemon             |
|  105 | melon,xbabay,xxtt       |
|  107 | xxxx,xbababa            |


select s_id,count(*) as total from fruits group by s_id with rollup;
| s_id | total |
|  101 |     3 |
|  102 |     3 |
|  103 |     2 |
|  104 |     2 |
|  105 |     3 |
|  106 |     1 |
|  107 |     2 |
| NULL |    16 |


create table orderitems (
o_num int not null,
o_item int not null,
f_id char(10) not null,
quantity int not null,
item_price decimal(8,2) not null,
primary key(o_num,o_item) );
insert into orderitems values
select * from orderitems;
| o_num | o_item | f_id | quantity | item_price |
| 30001 |      1 | a1   |       10 |       5.20 |
| 30001 |      2 | b2   |        3 |       7.60 |
| 30001 |      3 | bs1  |        5 |      11.20 |
| 30001 |      4 | bs2  |       15 |       9.20 |
| 30002 |      1 | b3   |        2 |      20.00 |
| 30003 |      1 | c0   |      100 |      10.00 |
| 30004 |      1 | o2   |       50 |       2.50 |
| 30005 |      1 | c0   |        5 |      10.00 |
| 30005 |      2 | b1   |       10 |       8.99 |
| 30005 |      3 | a2   |       10 |       2.20 |
| 30005 |      4 | m1   |        5 |      14.99 |

23) 查询同一个o_num列的quantity(数量)和item_price(价格)相乘结果大于100的行

select o_num,SUM(quantity*item_price) as total from orderitems
group by o_num having total > 100 order by total;
| o_num | total   |
| 30004 |  125.00 |
| 30005 |  236.85 |
| 30001 |  268.80 |
| 30003 | 1000.00 |


① 仅显示前四行
select * from fruits limit 4;
| f_id | s_id | f_name     | f_price |
| a1   |  101 | apple      |    5.20 |
| a2   |  103 | apricot    |    2.20 |
| b1   |  101 | blackberry |   10.20 |
| b2   |  104 | berry      |    7.60 |
② 从第四行开始,显示后三行
select * from fruits limit 4,3;
| f_id | s_id | f_name | f_price |
| b5   |  107 | xxxx   |    3.60 |
| bs1  |  102 | orange |   11.20 |
| bs2  |  105 | melon  |    8.20 |


select o_num,count(f_id) as items_total from orderitems group by o_num;
| o_num | items_total |
| 30001 |           4 |
| 30002 |           1 |
| 30003 |           1 |
| 30004 |           1 |
| 30005 |           4 |


select sum(quantity) as items_total from orderitems where o_num = 30005;
| items_total |
|          30 |


select avg(f_price) as avg_price from fruits where s_id = 103;
| avg_price |
|  5.700000 |


select s_id,avg(f_price) as avg_price from fruits group by s_id;
| s_id | avg_price |
|  101 |  6.200000 |
|  102 |  8.933333 |
|  103 |  5.700000 |
|  104 |  7.000000 |
|  105 |  7.466667 |
|  106 | 15.700000 |
|  107 |  3.100000 |


select s_id, max(f_price) as max_price from fruits group by s_id;
| s_id | max_price |
|  101 |     10.20 |
|  102 |     11.20 |
|  103 |      9.20 |
|  104 |      7.60 |
|  105 |     11.60 |
|  106 |     15.70 |
|  107 |      3.60 |


select s_id,f_price,f_name from fruits
where f_price in(select max(f_price) from fruits group by s_id);
| s_id | f_price | f_name     |
|  101 |   10.20 | blackberry |
|  104 |    7.60 | berry      |
|  107 |    3.60 | xxxx       |
|  102 |   11.20 | orange     |
|  106 |   15.70 | mango      |
|  105 |   11.60 | xxtt       |
|  103 |    9.20 | coconut    |


create table suppliers (
s_id int not null auto_increment,
s_name char(50) not null,
s_city char(50) null,
s_zip char(10) null,
s_call char(50) not null,
primary key(s_id) );
create table orders (
o_num int not null auto_increment,
o_date datetime not null,
c_id int not null,
primary key(o_num) );
insert into suppliers values
(101,'FastFruit Inc.','tianjin','300000','48075'),
(102,'LT Supplies','chongqing','400000','44333'),
(104,'fnk inc.','zhongshan','528437','11111'),
(105,'good set','taivuang','030000','22222'),
(106,'just eat ours','beijing','010','45678'),
(107,'dk inc.','zhengzhou','450000','33332');
insert into orders values



① 内联接

内联接(inner join)是最常见的一种联接方式,只返回两个数据集合之间匹配关系的行,将位于两个互相交叉的数据集合中重叠部分以内的数据行联接起来。


② 外联接

外联接(outer join)是对内联接的扩充,除了将两个数据集合中重复部分以内的数据行联接起来之外,还可以根据要求返回左侧或右侧表中非匹配的数据或全部的数据。


  • 左外联接(left join或left outer join)的结果包括左表的所有行,如果左表的某一行在右表中没有匹配行,则右表返回空值,否则返回相应值;

  • 右外联接(right join或right outer join)是左外联接的反向联接,将返回右表的所有行,如果右表的某一行在左表中没有匹配行,则左表返回空值,否则返回相应值;

  • 全联接(full join 或full outer join)将返回左表和右表中的所有行,当某一行在另一个表中没有匹配行时,另一个表返回空值,否则返回相应值;


select suppliers.s_id,s_name,f_name,f_price from fruits inner join suppliers on fruits.s_id = suppliers.s_id;
| s_id | s_name         | f_name     | f_price |
|  101 | FastFruit Inc. | apple      |    5.20 |
|  103 | acme           | apricot    |    2.20 |
|  101 | FastFruit Inc. | blackberry |   10.20 |
|  104 | fnk inc.       | berry      |    7.60 |
|  107 | dk inc.        | xxxx       |    3.60 |
|  102 | LT Supplies    | orange     |   11.20 |
|  105 | good set       | melon      |    8.20 |
|  101 | FastFruit Inc. | cherry     |    3.20 |
|  104 | fnk inc.       | lemon      |    6.40 |
|  106 | just eat ours  | mango      |   15.70 |
|  105 | good set       | xbabay     |    2.60 |
|  105 | good set       | xxtt       |   11.60 |
|  103 | acme           | coconut    |    9.20 |
|  102 | LT Supplies    | banana     |   10.30 |
|  102 | LT Supplies    | grape      |    5.30 |
|  107 | dk inc.        | xbababa    |    2.60 |


select customers.c_id,orders.o_num from customers
left outer join orders on customers.c_id = orders.c_id;
| c_id  | o_num |
| 10001 | 30001 |
| 10003 | 30002 |
| 10001 | 30005 |
|  1002 |  NULL |
|  1004 |  NULL |


select customers.c_id,orders.o_num from customers inner join orders on customers.c_id = orders.c_id;
| c_id  | o_num |
| 10001 | 30001 |
| 10003 | 30002 |
| 10001 | 30005 |
posted @ 2020-12-27 15:01  吕振江  阅读(135)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报