算法与数据结构9 - 哈希表

1. 哈希表(计算一个字符串或数组里的元素存不存在、唯不唯一、重复、计数、匹配)

  数据成员(Data Member)









2. 哈希表起源:




    牺牲空间换取时间 ——‘holes’会吃掉很多存储空间


 3. Python中关于hash的模块:

  1. Dictionary<key, value>

  2. set(与dictionary是孪生兄弟)<key>

  3. Counter

4. 自己实现一个dictionary的代码


class MapBase():
    class _Item:
        __slots__ = '_key' , '_value'
        def __init__ (self, k, v):
            self._key = k
            self._value = v
        def __eq__ (self, other):
            return self._key == other._key
        def __ne__ (self, other):
            return not (self == other)
        def __lt__ (self, other):
            return self._key < other._key
        def __print__ (self):
            print(str(self._key) + ":" + str(self._value),  end = ", ")


from MapBase import MapBase
from random import randrange

class HashMapBase(MapBase):
    def __init__ (self, cap=11, p=109345121):
        self._table = cap * [ None ]
        self._prime = p
        self._scale = 1 + randrange(p-1)
        self._shift = randrange(p)
    def _hash_function(self, k):
        return (hash(k) * self._scale + self._shift) % self._prime % len(self._table)  # index
    def __len__ (self):
        return self._n
    # O(1)
    def __getitem__ (self, k):
        j = self._hash_function(k) #index
        return self._bucket_getitem(j, k)
    # O(1)
    def __setitem__ (self, k, v):
        j = self._hash_function(k) #index
        print("hash for", k, "is", j)
        self._bucket_setitem(j, k, v)
        if self._n > len(self._table) // 2:  # keep load factor <= 0.5
            self.resize(2 * len(self._table) - 1)
    # O(1) 
    def __delitem__ (self, k):
        j = self._hash_function(k)
        self._bucket_delitem(j, k)
        self._table[j] = None
        self._n -= 1
    def resize(self, c):
        old = list(self.items( ))
        self._table = c * [None]
        self._n = 0
        for (k,v) in old:
            self[k] = v
from HashMapBase import HashMapBase
from SimpleUnsortedTableMap import UnsortedTableMap

class ProbeHashMap(HashMapBase):
    """Hash map implemented with linear probing for collision resolution."""
    _AVAIL = object()       # sentinal marks locations of previous deletions

    def _is_available(self, j):
        """Return True if index j is available in table."""
        return self._table[j] is None or self._table[j] is ProbeHashMap._AVAIL

    def _find_slot(self, j, k):
        """Search for key k in bucket at index j.
        Return (success, index) tuple, described as follows:
        If match was found, success is True and index denotes its location.
        If no match found, success is False and index denotes first available slot.
        firstAvail = None
        while True:                               
            if self._is_available(j):
                if firstAvail is None:
                    firstAvail = j                      # mark this as first avail
                if self._table[j] is None:
                    return (False, firstAvail)          # search has failed
            elif k == self._table[j]._key:
                return (True, j)                      # found a match
            j = (j + 1) % len(self._table)          # keep looking (cyclically)

    def _bucket_getitem(self, j, k):
        found, s = self._find_slot(j, k)
        if not found:
            raise KeyError('Key Error: ' + repr(k))        # no match found
        return self._table[s]._value

    def _bucket_setitem(self, j, k, v):
        found, s = self._find_slot(j, k)
        if not found:
            self._table[s] = self._Item(k,v)               # insert new item
            self._n += 1                                   # size has increased
            self._table[s]._value = v                      # overwrite existing

    def _bucket_delitem(self, j, k):
        print(j, k)
        found, s = self._find_slot(j, k)
        print(found, s)
        if not found:
            raise KeyError('Key Error: ' + repr(k))        # no match found
        self._table[s] = ProbeHashMap._AVAIL             # mark as vacated

    def __iter__(self):
        for j in range(len(self._table)):                # scan entire table
            if not self._is_available(j):
                yield self._table[j]._key
    def _print_ (self):
        for bucket in self._table:
            if bucket is not None: # a nonempty slot

5. 自己动手写一个自定义可hash对象

class People:
    def __init__(self, name, age, salary):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
        self.salary = salary
    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.name, self.age))
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (self.name, self.age, self.salary) == (other.name, other.age, other.salary)
    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not (self == other)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.name + str(self.age) + str(self.salary)
    def eat(self):
    def sleep(self):

p1 = People("Tom","1",20)
p2 = People("Tom","1",18)
p3 = People("zion","2",18)
p4 = People("Adam","3",20)
p5 = People("Alice","4",18)

dict = {p1:'A', p2:'B', p3:'C', p4:'D', p5:'E'}
for key in dict:
    print(key, 'cooresponds to', dict[key])

 6. 计算一段字符串中的字母出现频率最多的一个

def letterCount(s):
    freq = {}
    for piece in s:
        word = ''.join(c for c in piece if c.isalpha())
        if word:
            freq[word] = 1 + freq.get(word, 0)
    max_word = ''
    max_count = 0
    for (w, c) in freq.items():
        if c > max_count:
            max_word = w
            max_count = c
    print("The most frequent word is", max_word)
    print("The most frequent occurrences is", max_count)
s = "Hello World How are you"
from collections import Counter
def letterCount2(s):
    c = Counter(x for x in s if x != " ")

    for letter, count in c.most_common(4):
        print('%s: %7d' % (letter, count))

7. 计算单词中出现次数最多的一个

from collections import Counter
def wordCount(s):
    wordcount = Counter(s.split())

8. 在一个字符串中找到第一个唯一的字符

def firstUniqChar(s):
    letters = 'abcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    index = [s.index(l) for l in letters if s.count(l) == 1]
    return min(index) if len(index)>0 else -1

9. 找出两个数组的交集

def intersection(num1, num2):
    return list(set(num1) & set(num2))
num1 = [1, 2, 2, 1]
num2 = [2, 2]
print(intersection(num1, num2))

10. 找出两个数组的交集,重复的元素也打印出来

def intersection1(num1, num2):
    dict1 = dict()
    for i in num1:
        if i not in dict1:
            dict1[i] = 1
            dict1[i] += 1
    ret = []
    for i in num2:
        if i in dict1 and dict1[i]>0:
            dict1[i] -= 1
    return ret

11. 珠宝和普通石头的故事

Example1: J = "aA", S = "aAAbbbb"


def numJewelsInStones_bf(J, S):
    count = 0
    for c in S:
        if c in J:
            count += 1
    return count
def numJewelsInStones_bf1(J, S):
    setJ = set(J)
    return sum(s in setJ for s in S)
J = "aA"
S = "aAAbbbb"
print(numJewelsInStones_bf1(J, S))

12. 访问的网站次数进行计数


Input : ["9001 scholar.google.com"]

output: ["9001 scholar.google.com"] ["9001 google.com"]["9001 com"]



["900 google.mail.com", "50 yahoo.com", "1 intel.mail.com", "5 wiki.org"]


["901 mail.com","50 yahoo.com","900 google.mail.com","5 wiki.org","5 org","1 intel.mail.com","951 com"]

import collections
def subdomainVisits(cpdomains):
    ans = collections.Counter()
    for domain in cpdomains:
        count, domain = domain.split()
        count = int(count)
        frages = domain.split('.')
        for i in range(len(frages)):
            ans[".".join(frages[i:])] += count
    return ["{} {}".format(ct, dom) for dom, ct in ans.items()]
cp = ["900 google.mail.com","50 yahoo.com", "1 intel.mail.com","5 wiki.org"]

13. 找到字符串在键盘上是一行的字符

Example 1:

Input: ["Hello", "Alaska", "Dad", "Peace"]

Output: ["Alaska", "Dad"]

def findWords(words):
    line1, line2, line3 = set('qwertyuiop'), set('asdfghjkl'), set('zxcvbnm')
    ret = []
    for word in words:
        w = set(word.lower())
        if w.issubset(line1) or w.issubset(line2) or w.issubset(line3):
    return ret

 14. 单词匹配


  pattern = "abba", str = "dog cat cat dog" should return true.

  pattern = "abba", str = "dog cat cat fish" should return false.

  pattern = "aaaa", str = "dog cat cat dog" should return false.

  pattern = "abba", str = "dog dog dog dog" should return false.

def WordPattern(pattern, str):
    s = pattern
    t = str.split()
    return len(set(zip(s, t))) == len(set(s)) == len(set(t)) and len(s) == len(t)


posted @ 2019-10-11 15:34  吕晓宁  阅读(277)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报