Peng Lv

毋意,毋必,毋固,毋我。 言必行,行必果。




According to 《The TeXBook》


=============Update at 2012.01==============

hello this is a quote

> fonts
---\bf Bold fonts
---\it Italy fonts
---\rm Roman fonts
---\sl Slanted fonts
> {} mean a group like in C/C++.
> % ignores everything following it untill end of line.
> Something should be noted:
---A <return> is like a space.
---Two spaces in a row seem as one space.
---A blank line denotes the end of a paragraph
> In mathematics, '\$'->$, '\}'->}, '\%'->%, '\&'->&, '\#'->#.
> '\char<number>' stand for the symbel ( 0~255 )
> Must know '\S' '\dag' '\ddag'
> Unit of measure:
---pt point (baselines are 12pt)
---pc pica (1pc = 12pt)
---in inch (1in = 72.27pt)
---bp big point (72bp = 1in)
---cm centimeter (2.54cm = 1in)
---mm millimeter
---dd didot point
---cc cicero
---sp scaled point
> Should use \/ when shifting from a slanted font to unslanted one.
> symbel '~' or '\ ' donates a normal space.
> '\indent' does a indentation in horizontal mode.(\noindent)
> '$$(a+b)$$' would interrupts an paragraph.
> '\par' denotes an end of a paragraph.
> '~' seems as a space except don't broken by TeX.
> In mathematic mode, TeX will ignore any spaces between $'s.
> $$\alpha,\beta,\gamma,\delta;$$
> Note the difference: ${x^y}^z$, $x^{y^z}$
> Some important mathematic characters:

$\root n \of x$
$\bar a$
$\vec a$

 > $q_i^e$ == $q^e_i$
> Backslash: $\backslash$ or \textbackslash
> Note the difference: $(f+g)'$ and ${(f+g)}'$
> Some More Infomation about Math

$$a+b\over c+d$$
$$k\choose n$$
$$a+b\atop d+c$$
$$\sum x_n$$

 > The Size of Pairs: \bigl,\Bigl,\biggr,\Biggr
> If you want use Roman type in formulas: {\rm roman}
> Use \quad \qquad  in the formula of blank.
> \ldots,\cdots,\vdots,\ddots
> Macros: \def\REP{for}
=============Update at 2012.04.06==============

> insert a figure:


 =============Update at 2012.04.08==============

> use columns in beamer

	\item foo
	\item bar
	\item hello
	\item world

 > multiple authors list in beamer

  A & B & C\\
  123 & 234 &456


posted on 2012-01-30 20:08  Lvpengms  阅读(555)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报