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    motitorRole @PASSWORD@
    controlRole @PASSWORD@
    motitorRole admin
    controlRole admin


    heritrix.cmd --admin=admin:admin

    自己试了几次,都提示“错误:必须限制口令文件读取访问:E:\heritrix-1.14.2\jmxremote.password 请按任意键继续。。。”。网上找了些帮助,都说是要更改为只读权限,但自己早已修改过,还是不能成功,有些纳闷。中文网页无果之后,就求助于英文网页,幸得一篇文章,其中描述到:

The start script tried to fix the JMX permissions, but you still get a permissions error:

This can happen if the owner of jmxremote.password is not the same as the current user (e.g. ownership is set to a group of user, like "Administrators"):
To check this, right click on the file, select "Properties", switch to the "Security" tab, click on "Advanced", switch to the tab "Owner", select your username from the list and click on "Apply".



posted @ 2014-06-23 13:22  lvyafei  阅读(251)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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