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一、禁用selinux 由于Selinux和LXC有冲突,所以需要禁用selinux。编辑/etc/selinux/config,设置两个关键变量。     SELINUX=disabled  SELINUXTYPE=targeted

二、配置Fedora EPEL源 1 sudo yum install


cd /etc/yum.repos.d  sudo wget

四、安装Docker sudo yum install docker-io



图1 yum install docker-io输出截图

五、初步验证docker   输入docker -h,如果有如下输出,就证明docker在形式上已经安装成功。

# docker -h  Usage of docker:    -D=false: Enable debug mode    -H=[]: Multiple tcp://host:port or unix://path/to/socket to bind in daemon mode, single connection otherwise    -api-enable-cors=false: Enable CORS headers in the remote API    -b="": Attach containers to a pre-existing network bridge; use 'none' to disable container networking    -bip="": Use this CIDR notation address for the network bridge's IP, not compatible with -b    -d=false: Enable daemon mode    -dns=[]: Force docker to use specific DNS servers    -g="/var/lib/docker": Path to use as the root of the docker runtime    -icc=true: Enable inter-container communication    -ip="": Default IP address to use when binding container ports    -iptables=true: Disable docker's addition of iptables rules    -p="/var/run/": Path to use for daemon PID file   -r=true: Restart previously running containers    -s="": Force the docker runtime to use a specific storage driver    -v=false: Print version information and quit

posted @ 2016-07-21 15:00  lvyafei  阅读(726)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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