首先添加一个Linq to sql文件,以.dbml结尾的文件。无法把表拖拽到.dbml文件中,提示“所选对象使用不支持的数据提供程序”



     在服务器资源管理器中右键单击连接,选择"修改连接",将数据源由"用于 OLE DB 的 .NET Framework 数据提供程序"

     修改为"用于 SQL Server 的 .NET Framework 数据提供程序"即可:













      var result = from c in db.Categorys select c  被编译器编译为:

      Table<Category>  table = db.GetTable<Category>();

      var result = from c in table select c;




     添加命名空间:using System.Data.Linq.Mapping;


 1 [Table(Name = "Student")]
 2     public class Student
 3     {
 4         private int stu_Id;
 5         [Column(IsPrimaryKey=true)]
 6         public int Stu_Id
 7         {
 8             get { return stu_Id; }
 9             set { stu_Id = value; }
10         }
11         private string stu_Name;
12         [Column]
13         public string Stu_Name
14         {
15             get { return stu_Name; }
16             set { stu_Name = value; }
17         }
18         private int cla_Id;
19         [Column]
20         public int Cla_Id
21         {
22             get { return cla_Id; }
23             set { cla_Id = value; }
24         }
25     }



       添加命名空间:using System.Data.Linq;


        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataContext db = new DataContext("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Test;Integrated Security=SSPI;");
            Table<Student> student= db.GetTable<Student>();
            //var result = student.Where(s => s.Stu_Name == "zhangsan").Select(s => s);
            var result = student.Select(s => s);
            foreach (Student stu in result)
                Response.Write("学号:" + stu.Stu_Id + " -- " + "姓名:" + stu.Stu_Name +"</br>");








          public MSPetShop(string connection) :base(connection);







       这是 Category实体类





       3.1 在实体类中添加映射关系







       3.2 两表联合查询





       3.3 添加或修改数据










      创建一个实体 Class.cs 文件


 1     [Table(Name = "Class")]
 2     public class Class
 3     {
 4         private int class_Id;    //班级号
 5         [Column(IsPrimaryKey=true)]
 6         public int Class_Id
 7         {
 8             get { return class_Id; }
 9             set { class_Id = value; }
10         }
11         private string class_Name;  //班级名称
12         [Column] 
13         public string Class_Name
14         {
15             get { return class_Name; }
16             set { class_Name = value; }
17         }
19         private EntitySet<Student> students;
20         [Association(Storage = "students",OtherKey = "Class_Id")]
21         public EntitySet<Student> Students
22         {
23             get { return this.students; }
24             set { this.students.Assign(value); }
25         }
26     }



 1   [Table(Name = "Student")]
 2     public class Student
 3     {
 4         private int stu_Id;    //学号
 5         [Column(IsPrimaryKey=true)]
 6         public int Stu_Id
 7         {
 8             get { return stu_Id; }
 9             set { stu_Id = value; }
10         }
11         private string stu_Name;    //学生姓名
12         [Column]
13         public string Stu_Name
14         {
15             get { return stu_Name; }
16             set { stu_Name = value; }
17         }
18         private int cla_Id;     //班级号(外键)
19         [Column]
20         public int Cla_Id
21         {
22             get { return cla_Id; }
23             set { cla_Id = value; }
24         }
26         private EntityRef<Class> classes;
27         [Association(Storage = "classes",ThisKey="Class_Id")]
28         public Class Classes
29         {
30             get { return this.classes.Entity; }
31             set { this.classes.Entity = value; }
32         }   
33     }


        添加Linq to sql文件,以.dbml结尾的文件





1     public class MyDBContext :DataContext
2     {
3         public Table<Class> Class;
4         public Table<Student> Student;
5         public MyDBContext(string connection) : base(connection) { }
6     }



 1         protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
 2         {
 3             MyDBContext db = new MyDBContext("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Test;Integrated Security=SSPI;");
 4             var result = from c in db.Student
 5                          from s in c.Class
 6                          select s;
 8             foreach (var item in result)
 9             {
10                 Response.Write("学号:" + item.Student.Stu_Id + " -- " + "姓名:" + item.Student.Stu_Name + " -- " + "班级:" + item.Class_Name + "</br>");
11             }
12         }

