Install Backtrack5 R3 on Thinkpad x201i : Solved the black screen issue when 'startx'

The Backtrack5 R3 is a KDE version.

Approach quote from


1. Installation


Ok… so after playing with it some I finally got it working:
At the boot selection screen select Default-Text-Mode (1st option) and hit Tab. Change the end of the line to:
text splash i915.modeset=1 vga=791

Hit Enter. BT5 should start to load.

I’ve successfully used this twice. It seems the i915.modeset=1 needs to be before vga=791 in my instance. Here’s my system info:

Dell Vostro 3500
Intel i5
Integrated Intel Graphics
BT 5 R2 32-bit

Hope this helps anyone having the same problem.



I used Mike’s approach from above but I couldn’t get it to work until I changed it to:
“quiet splash i915.modeset=1 vga=791″

So I went into boot selection screen, hit tab on the first one and entered it in as above. Mine had “–” at the end. I removed that as well.

After that I was able to get in and get it installed.

Acer 5742
Intel i5
Integrated Intel Graphics
BT5 R3 32-bit GNOME

One thing to keep in mind is that, you should put i915.modeset=1 in front of vga=719 and delet '-' and the end of ths line.


2. Configuation

update the file /etc/default/grub with the same info mentioned above:

GRUB_CMD_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.modeset=1 vga=791"




posted on 2013-06-28 16:25  陆大侠  阅读(269)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
