
Entity Framework  code-fist  的SaveChanges()方法一次性提交对实体的更改到数据库。类似于ADO.net 的

DataAdapter 对象提交 DataSet 的更新。 只不过,EF作为ORM ,实体是强类型的,这样linq也能做很好的支持。

最近,在做工作流的项目中,使用EF作为数据库访问层,需要在 EF提交实体的更新的时候,同时执行一段sql语句或者存储过程,而且要保证在同一个事务当中。

关于EF事务提交的问题,网上已经有方案,主要是通过 TransactionScope

using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
     dbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, param);


甚至在TransactionScope包含的代码中可以 提交多个 DBContext,当然如果多个DBContext对于的是不同的数据库,这个事务肯定要上升到分布式事务 msdtc.

而且我们同时执行的sql语句,只能通过ExecuteSqlCommand 这条通道,如果不是的话,还是会上升到msdtc,可以参考 http://www.cnblogs.com/lovvver/archive/2012/06/10/2543762.html

由于,EF每次查询或者更新操作, 无论是ExecuteSqlCommand 还是SaveChanges,都是打开Connection,然后及时就关闭。所以,上面的事务是在多个连接 的事务。要命的是,在不支持多连接事务的数据库中,比如sql server 2005, 还是会上升为 msdtc。关于这个问题,请参考 http://www.digitallycreated.net/Blog/48/entity-framework-transactionscope-and-msdtc

   因为,在实际并不是分布式的场景中,要用到以上的方式提交事务,就不得不配置msdtc,msdtc服务浪费系统资源 和 不易配置 不讲,我们并没有实实在在做分布式操作,而且

可以的话,我们提交的各个操作都可以在一个连接内完成的。EF 没有提供方法让我们实现我们的功能,因此开始怀念ADO.net。

  但是又不舍得,仅仅是因为操作提交的通道问题 ,就要舍弃 EF提供的强大的映射和查询功能吗 ? 要知道这方面的确比 SQLinq , L2S , 强大很多。

 如果我们能获取SaveChanges要提交的sql语句,然后我们就能为所欲为。查询的时候走的是传统的ef通道,提交的时候走的是ado.net 爱怎么样就怎么样,而EF参与提交的方式,只是提供sql语句. 查询和操作分离这种架构也符合CQRS。

     前段时间,EF不是开源了吗http://www.cnblogs.com/shanyou/archive/2012/07/20/2600465.html  ,嘿嘿 ,还有什么是我们做不到的呢?

 首先从http://entityframework.codeplex.com/下载源代码,下载的版本需要用vs2012 打开,而且framework版本是4.5的。


下载vs2012 rc ,打开解决方案。实际只需要 EntityFramework 和 EntityFramework.SqlServer 两个项目,其他的强制签名和nuget和其他不相关的项目可以移除。并且编译成功。

找到  ,DbContext 的类 , 的SaveChanges方法,顺藤摸瓜,   

DbContext -》  InternalContext -》ObjectContext-》EntityAdapter-》UpdateTranslator -》 DynamicUpdateCommand

终于找到 DynamicUpdateCommand 的方法 Execute ,里面看到了 DbCommand 如何被创建出来。

internal override long Execute(
            Dictionary<int, object> identifierValues,
            List<KeyValuePair<PropagatorResult, object>> generatedValues)
            // Compile command
            using (var command = CreateCommand(identifierValues))
                var connection = Translator.Connection;
                // configure command to use the connection and transaction for this session
                command.Transaction = ((null == connection.CurrentTransaction)
                                           ? null
                                           : connection.CurrentTransaction.StoreTransaction);
                command.Connection = connection.StoreConnection;
                if (Translator.CommandTimeout.HasValue)
                    command.CommandTimeout = Translator.CommandTimeout.Value;

                // Execute the query
                int rowsAffected;
                if (_modificationCommandTree.HasReader)
                    Debug.WriteLine("查询的sql :" + command.CommandText);
                    // retrieve server gen results
                    rowsAffected = 0;
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess))
                        if (reader.Read())

                            var members = TypeHelpers.GetAllStructuralMembers(CurrentValues.StructuralType);

                            for (var ordinal = 0; ordinal < reader.FieldCount; ordinal++)
                                // column name of result corresponds to column name of table
                                var columnName = reader.GetName(ordinal);
                                var member = members[columnName];
                                object value;
                                if (Helper.IsSpatialType(member.TypeUsage)
                                    && !reader.IsDBNull(ordinal))
                                    value = SpatialHelpers.GetSpatialValue(Translator.MetadataWorkspace, reader, member.TypeUsage, ordinal);
                                    value = reader.GetValue(ordinal);

                                // retrieve result which includes the context for back-propagation
                                var columnOrdinal = members.IndexOf(member);
                                var result = CurrentValues.GetMemberValue(columnOrdinal);

                                // register for back-propagation
                                generatedValues.Add(new KeyValuePair<PropagatorResult, object>(result, value));

                                // register identifier if it exists
                                var identifier = result.Identifier;
                                if (PropagatorResult.NullIdentifier != identifier)
                                    identifierValues.Add(identifier, value);

                        // Consume the current reader (and subsequent result sets) so that any errors
                        // executing the command can be intercepted
                    Debug.WriteLine("更新的sql :" + command.CommandText);

                   // return 1;
                    rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

                return rowsAffected;


rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); 这个代码正是真正执行的操作。
思路是我们对 DbCommand 阻止提交 ,并且记录到一个集合里面。因此我们新建一个类:
public class CommandItem
       public string CommandText { get; set; }

       public CommandType CommandType { get; set; }

       public DbParameterCollection Parameters { get; set; }

  并且组合到 ObjectContext  之中


public List<CommandItem> CommandItems { get; set; }




 public List<CommandItem> CommandItems {
            get {
                return this.InternalContext.ObjectContext.CommandItems;


拷贝 DynamicUpdateCommand类里面的方法Excute方法,传入List<CommandItem> items 作为容器


internal override long AtawExecute(List<CommandItem> items, Dictionary<int, object> identifierValues, List<KeyValuePair<PropagatorResult, object>> generatedValues)
            // Compile command
            using (var command = CreateCommand(identifierValues))

                //var connection = Translator.Connection;
                //// configure command to use the connection and transaction for this session
                //command.Transaction = ((null == connection.CurrentTransaction)
                //                           ? null
                //                           : connection.CurrentTransaction.StoreTransaction);
                //command.Connection = connection.StoreConnection;
                //if (Translator.CommandTimeout.HasValue)
                //    command.CommandTimeout = Translator.CommandTimeout.Value;

                // Execute the query
               // int rowsAffected;
                if (_modificationCommandTree.HasReader)
                    Debug.WriteLine("查询的sql :" + command.CommandText);
                    // retrieve server gen results
                    //rowsAffected = 0;
                    //using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess))
                    //    if (reader.Read())
                    //    {
                    //        rowsAffected++;

                    //        var members = TypeHelpers.GetAllStructuralMembers(CurrentValues.StructuralType);

                    //        for (var ordinal = 0; ordinal < reader.FieldCount; ordinal++)
                    //        {
                    //            // column name of result corresponds to column name of table
                    //            var columnName = reader.GetName(ordinal);
                    //            var member = members[columnName];
                    //            object value;
                    //            if (Helper.IsSpatialType(member.TypeUsage)
                    //                && !reader.IsDBNull(ordinal))
                    //            {
                    //                value = SpatialHelpers.GetSpatialValue(Translator.MetadataWorkspace, reader, member.TypeUsage, ordinal);
                    //            }
                    //            else
                    //            {
                    //                value = reader.GetValue(ordinal);
                    //            }

                    //            // retrieve result which includes the context for back-propagation
                    //            var columnOrdinal = members.IndexOf(member);
                    //            var result = CurrentValues.GetMemberValue(columnOrdinal);

                    //            // register for back-propagation
                    //            generatedValues.Add(new KeyValuePair<PropagatorResult, object>(result, value));

                    //            // register identifier if it exists
                    //            var identifier = result.Identifier;
                    //            if (PropagatorResult.NullIdentifier != identifier)
                    //            {
                    //                identifierValues.Add(identifier, value);
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    //    // Consume the current reader (and subsequent result sets) so that any errors
                    //    // executing the command can be intercepted
                    //    CommandHelper.ConsumeReader(reader);
                    Debug.WriteLine("更新的sql :" + command.CommandText);
                    items.Add(new CommandItem() { 
                         CommandText = command.CommandText ,
                          CommandType = command.CommandType ,
                            Parameters = command.Parameters                          

                    //return 1;
                    // rowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

                return 1;
            //throw new NotImplementedException();



  internal virtual List<CommandItem> AtawUpdate(List<CommandItem> items)

 public int AtawUpdate(IEntityStateManager entityCache, List<CommandItem> items)
            //if (!IsStateManagerDirty(entityCache))
            //    return 0;

            //// Check that we have a connection before we proceed
            //if (_connection == null)
            //    throw Error.EntityClient_NoConnectionForAdapter();

            //// Check that the store connection is available
            //if (_connection.StoreProviderFactory == null
            //    || _connection.StoreConnection == null)
            //    throw Error.EntityClient_NoStoreConnectionForUpdate();

            //// Check that the connection is open before we proceed
            //if (ConnectionState.Open
            //    != _connection.State)
            //    throw Error.EntityClient_ClosedConnectionForUpdate();

            var updateTranslator = _updateTranslatorFactory(entityCache, this);
             return 0;
private void AtawSaveChangesToStore(SaveOptions options)
            int entriesAffected;
           // var mustReleaseConnection = false;
           var connection = (EntityConnection)Connection;
            // get data adapter
            if (_adapter == null)
                _adapter = (IEntityAdapter)((IServiceProvider)EntityProviderFactory.Instance).GetService(typeof(IEntityAdapter));

            // only accept changes after the local transaction commits
            _adapter.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate = false;
            _adapter.Connection = connection;
            _adapter.CommandTimeout = CommandTimeout;

                // mustReleaseConnection = true;

                // determine what transaction to enlist in
                //  var needLocalTransaction = false;

                //if (null == connection.CurrentTransaction
                //    && !connection.EnlistedInUserTransaction)
                //    // If there isn't a local transaction started by the user, we'll attempt to enlist 
                //    // on the current SysTx transaction so we don't need to construct a local
                //    // transaction.
                //    needLocalTransaction = (null == _lastTransaction);

                //// else the user already has his own local transaction going; user will do the abort or commit.
                //DbTransaction localTransaction = null;
                //    // EntityConnection tracks the CurrentTransaction we don't need to pass it around
                //    if (needLocalTransaction)
                //    {
                //        localTransaction = connection.BeginTransaction();
                //    }

                entriesAffected = _adapter.AtawUpdate(ObjectStateManager, CommandItems);

                //        if (null != localTransaction)
                //        {
                //            // we started the local transaction; so we also commit it
                //            localTransaction.Commit();
                //        }
                //        // else on success with no exception is thrown, user generally commits the transaction
                //    }
                //    finally
                //    {
                //        if (null != localTransaction)
                //        {
                //            // we started the local transaction; so it requires disposal (rollback if not previously committed
                //            localTransaction.Dispose();
                //        }
                //        // else on failure with an exception being thrown, user generally aborts (default action with transaction without an explict commit)
                //    }
                //    if (mustReleaseConnection)
                //    {
                //        // Release the connection when we are done with the save
                //        ReleaseConnection();
                //    }

                //if ((SaveOptions.AcceptAllChangesAfterSave & options) != 0)
                //    // only accept changes after the local transaction commits

                //    try
                //    {
                //        AcceptAllChanges();
                //    }
                //    catch (Exception e)
                //    {
                //        // If AcceptAllChanges throw - let's inform user that changes in database were committed 
                //        // and that Context and Database can be in inconsistent state.
                //        throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ObjectContext_AcceptAllChangesFailure(e.Message));
                //    }

                // return items;
 public int  AtawSaveChanges(SaveOptions options)

            var entriesAffected =
                ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntriesCount(EntityState.Added | EntityState.Deleted | EntityState.Modified);

            // if there are no changes to save, perform fast exit to avoid interacting with or starting of new transactions
            if (0 < entriesAffected)
                entriesAffected = 0;

            //return items;
            return 0;
 public virtual int AtawSaveChanges()
                if (ValidateOnSaveEnabled)
                    var validationResults = Owner.GetValidationErrors();
                    if (validationResults.Any())
                        throw new DbEntityValidationException(
                            Strings.DbEntityValidationException_ValidationFailed, validationResults);

                var shouldDetectChanges = AutoDetectChangesEnabled && !ValidateOnSaveEnabled;
                var saveOptions = SaveOptions.AcceptAllChangesAfterSave |
                                  (shouldDetectChanges ? SaveOptions.DetectChangesBeforeSave : 0);
                return ObjectContext.AtawSaveChanges(saveOptions);
            catch (UpdateException ex)
                throw WrapUpdateException(ex);

  最外面的DbContext 调用:

 public virtual void SaveAtawChanges()
            HasSaveChanges = true;
           // List<CommandItem> items = new List<CommandItem>();
           // return items;



   WorkflowDbContext context = new WorkflowDbContext();
            var list = context.WF_WORKFLOW_INST.ToList();
            list.ForEach(a => a.WI_NAME = "ff123");
            var gg = context.CommandItems.Select(a =>
                string ff = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < a.Parameters.Count; i++)
                    var par = a.Parameters[i];
                    ff = ff + par.ParameterName + "=" + par.Value;
                return new { sql语句 = a.CommandText, 语句类型 = a.CommandType, 参数 = ff };

           int ggg = 0;
           var con = context.Database.Connection as SqlConnection;
           using (con)
               var trans = con.BeginTransaction();

                   foreach (var com in context.CommandItems)
                       List<SqlParameter> sqls = new List<SqlParameter>();
                       for (int i = 0; i < com.Parameters.Count; i++)
                           sqls.Add((((ICloneable)com.Parameters[i]).Clone() as SqlParameter));
                       // SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(
                       ggg = ggg + SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(trans, com.CommandType, com.CommandText, sqls.ToArray());
               catch (Exception ex)
                   Response.Write("数据更新错误:" + ggg);

           this.GridView1.DataSource = gg;



sqls.Add((((ICloneable)com.Parameters[i]).Clone() asSqlParameter)); 
SqlParameter 不允许被两个DbCommond引用,所以要克隆出来。
最终 我们用
GridView上 显示生产的sql 语句



posted @ 2012-08-12 15:59  罗素  阅读(3080)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报