EPICS Archiver Appliance在Centos7的定制部署

 EPICS Archiver Appliance的定制部署1

 EPICS Archiver Appliance的定制部署2



Dear Jeong:

    I am an engineer at NSRL of USTC in China, your work is very nice and I can make archive operate on Centos 8 with your instructions.


and I wrote an process on CSDN as above. Now I want to make it work on Centos 7, I met the following fault and can't go further:

I don't how can I solve this error:ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 2: Unknown column 'default_role' in 'field list' as above 



Dear lup,

Please call me Han. I updated the repository, you may check them now. The main issue is your MariaDB is too old in CentOS7. I removed its version dependency from some bash script.
At this moment, I don't have any time to test this environment with CentOS 7, which I don't think I can use in near future. If you test it with CentOS 7 and work with them with your modifications, I always welcome you to push back to my repository through pull request. I am willing to accept your modification with minimal reviews. 

Take care and stay well during this uncertain period!




Dear Han:

  I meet the followings:




You have to upgrade MariaDB or MySQL. That message tells me you use <=MySQL 5.6. Its support is going to end next month. 

Please check  the following site:



And don't use "root" account, your normal account is fine. 




按照jeonghanlee 先生的指导,在centos7下也成功了,欢迎大家按上面的并结合centos8的流程试一下。记住在/usr/bin/下面ln -s yum dnf一下哦(这还是杰杰站长指导的)


    6  git clone https://github.com/jeonghanlee/epicsarchiverap-env
    8  sudo yum install wget
   10  wget https://downloads.mariadb.com/MariaDB/mariadb_repo_setup
   12  chmod +x mariadb_repo_setup 
   13  echo "b7519209546e1656e5514c04b4dcffdd9b4123201bcd1875a361ad79eb943bbe mariadb_repo_setup"     | sha256sum -c -
   14  ./mariadb_repo_setup    --mariadb-server-version="mariadb-10.5"
   17  cd epicsarchiverap-env/
   19  make init
   22  make install.pkgs
   23  make db.secure
   24  make db.addAdmin
   25  make db.show
   26  make db.create
   29  make db.show
   30  make sql.fill
   31  make sql.show
   32  make tomcat.get
   33  vi configure/CONFIG_COMMON 
   34  make tomcat.install
   35  make tomcat.sd_start
   36  make tomcat.sd_status
   37  make build
   40  vi configure/CONFIG_COMMON 
   41  make build
   42  make install
   43  make sd_start
   44  make sd_status
   45  sudo systemctl enable epicsarchiverap.service
   47  sudo systemctl disable firewalld
   49  sudo systemctl stop firewalld
   50  sudo systemctl start epicsarchiverap.service

posted @ 2021-01-15 15:09  卡西莫多了  阅读(185)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报