

Set sum to0
Read num1
Set sum to sum + num1
Read num2
Set sum to sum + num2
Read num3
Set sum to sum + num3
If (sum<0)
Write sum

(2)用PEP/9 机器指令实现(1)中的算法,提交测试结果截图:

12 00 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 09 31 00
07 C1 00 03 61 00 07 E1 00 03 C1 00 05 60 00 01
E1 00 05 A1 00 09 18 00 2C 12 00 0E 39 00 03 00



(3)用PEP/9 汇编语言实现(1)中的算法,提交测试结果截图:

BR main ; Branch to main program

sum: .WORD 0x0000 ; Set up sum and initialize to zero
counter: .WORD 0x0000 ; Set up the counter
num: .BLOCK 2 ; Set up a twe byte block for num
limit: .BLOCK 2 ; Set up a twe byte block for limit

main: DECI limit,d ; Read the number of values to add up

loop: DECI num,d ; Read a number
LDWA sum,d ; Load the current sum into the accumulator
ADDA num,d ; Add the number to the sum
STWA sum,d ; Store the sum
LDWA counter,d ; Load the counter into the accumulator
ADDA 1,i ; Add one to the counter
STWA counter,d ; Store the counter
CPWA limit,d ; Compare counter and limit
BREQ finish ; Branch to finish if conter has reached limit
BR loop; ; Otherwise, branch to loop to read another number

finish: DECO sum,d ; Output sum
STOP ; Stop

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