一 复习内容
1 转义字符 :\t \n \' \\
2 format格式化函数 ——三种不同的打印方法
- "{}".format(变量名)
- f"{变量名}"
- "{}{}{}".format(*元组)
3 三引号的使用:程序头部或者尾部用来做注释(文档字符串),代码中间使用并将其赋给一个变量
4 算术运算符 + - * /
5 定义函数并设置返回值 def
6 函数调用 函数名(参数)
二 代码及运算结果
1 ex24.py文件
print("Let's practice everthing.") # 打印一些提示信息 print('You\'d need to know \'bout escapes with \\ that do:') print('\n newlines and \t tabs.') # 用三引号定义一首诗 poem = """ \tThe lovely world with logic so firmly planted cannot discern \n the needs of love nor comprehend passion from intuition and requires an explanation \n\twhere there is none """ # 将诗句的内容打印出来 print("----------------------------------") print(poem) print("----------------------------------") # 完成数学运算 five = 10 - 2 + 3 - 6 print(f"This should be five:{five}") # 定义一个secret_formula函数,并返回三个变量的值 def secret_formula(started): jelly_beans = started * 500 jars = jelly_beans / 1000 crates = jars / 100 return jelly_beans,jars,crates # 调用secret_formula函数,并将其函数返回值分别赋给beans,jars,crates start_point = 10000 beans,jars,crates = secret_formula(start_point) # 使用三种不同的format格式化函数输出方法 # remember that this is another way to format a string print("With a starting point of: {}".format(start_point)) # "{}".format(变量名) # is's just like with an f"" string print(f"We have {beans} beans,{jars} jars, and {crates}crates.") # f"{变量名}" start_point = start_point / 10 print("We can also do that this way:") formula = secret_formula(start_point) print(type(formula)) # this is an easy way to apply a list to a format string print("W'd have {}beans,{}jars,and {} crates.".format(*formula)) #"{}{}{}".format(*元组)
2 运行结果
PS E:\3_work\4_python\2_code_python\02_LearnPythonTheHardWay> python ex24.py Let's practice everthing. You'd need to know 'bout escapes with \ that do: newlines and tabs. ---------------------------------- The lovely world with logic so firmly planted cannot discern the needs of love nor comprehend passion from intuition and requires an explanation where there is none ---------------------------------- This should be five:5 With a starting point of: 10000 We have 5000000 beans,5000.0 jars, and 50.0crates. We can also do that this way: <class 'tuple'> W'd have 500000.0beans,500.0jars,and 5.0 crates.