一 相关知识点
1 需要记住的命令
- close--关闭文件,就像编辑器中的”文件-->另存为“一样。
- read--读取文件内容。你可以把读取结果赋给一个变量。
- readline--只读取文本文件的一行内容
- truncate--清空文件。清空的时候要当心
- write("stuff")--给文件写入一些“东西”。
- seek(0)--把读写的位置移到文件最开头
2 相关问题
- truncate() 对于'w' 参数来说是必须的的吗?是
- 'w'到底是什么意思? 它真的只是一个有字符的字符串,来表示文件的一种模式。如果你用了'w' ,就代表你说“用 ‘write’ 模式打开这个文件。此外还有 'r' 表示 read 模式, 'a' 表示增补模式,后面还可能加一些修饰符(modifiers)。
- 我能对文件使用哪些修饰符? 目前最重要的一个就是 + ,你可以用 'w+' , 'r+' 以及'a+' 。这样会让文件以读和写的模式打开,取决于你用的是那个符号以及文件所在的位置等。
- 如果只输入 open(filename) 是不是就用 'r' ((读)模式打开? 是的,那是 open() 函数的默认值
二 代码
from sys import argv # 利用argv变量传递文件名称 script,filename = argv print(f"We're going to erase{filename}.") print("If you don't want that,hit CTRL-C (^C).") print("If you do want that,hit RETURN.") input("?") # 打开文件 print("Opening the file...") target = open(filename,'w') # 清空文件 print("Truncating the file.Goodbye!") target.truncate() print("Now I'm going to ask you for three lines.") # 输入三行内容 line1 = input("line 1:") line2 = input("line 2:") line3 = input("line 3:") print("I'm going to write these to the file.") # 将输入的三行内容写入文件 target.write(line1) target.write("\n") target.write(line2) target.write("\n") target.write(line3) target.write("\n") # target.write(line1 + '\n' + line2 + '\n' + line3 + '\n') # 关闭文件 print("And finally,we close it.") target.close()
PS E:\3_work\4_python\2_code\02_LearnPythonTheHardWay> python ex16.py test.txt We're going to erasetest.txt. If you don't want that,hit CTRL-C (^C). If you do want that,hit RETURN. ?RETURN Opening the file... Truncating the file.Goodbye! Now I'm going to ask you for three lines. line 1:I line 2:Love line 3:You I'm going to write these to the file. And finally,we close it. PS E:\3_work\4_python\2_code\02_LearnPythonTheHardWay>
from sys import argv script,filename = argv print(f"We're going to read{filename}.") print("If you don't want that,hit CTRL-C (^C).") print("If you do want that,hit RETURN.") input("?") # 打开文件 print("Opening the file...") target = open(filename,encoding = "utf-8") # 读取文件 print("I'm going to read the file.") print(target.read()) # 关闭文件 print("And finally,we close it.") target.close()
This is stuff I typed into a file. It is really cool stuff. Lots and lots of fun to have in here.
PS E:\3_work\4_python\2_code\02_LearnPythonTheHardWay> python ex16_1.py ex15_sample.txt We're going to readex15_sample.txt. If you don't want that,hit CTRL-C (^C). If you do want that,hit RETURN. ?RETURN Opening the file... I'm going to read the file. This is stuff I typed into a file. It is really cool stuff. Lots and lots of fun to have in here. And finally,we close it. PS E:\3_work\4_python\2_code\02_LearnPythonTheHardWay>