layout: post title: 第十四届“商汤杯”北航程序设计竞赛 author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true mathjax: true tags: 数学 矩阵快速幂 权值线段树 升级超梦 (dfs) 思路 题目比较简单,每一回合只有两个情况 要么用经验 要么用 阅读全文
layout: post title: Codeforces Round 266 (Div. 2) author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true tags: mathjax: true codeforces DP 传送门 "A Cheap Travel" (暴力枚举) 思路 阅读全文
layout: post title: Codeforces Round 547 (Div. 3) author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true tags: mathjax: true codeforces 传送门 "E Superhero Battle" (数学) 思路 阅读全文
layout: post title: Codeforces Round 265(Div. 2) author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true tags: mathjax: true codeforces 传送门 "[A inc ARG" (签到) 题意 给你一个二进制数, 阅读全文
layout: post title: Codeforces Round 264 (Div. 2) author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true tags: mathjax: true codeforces DP 传送门 "A Caisa and Sugar" (签到) " 阅读全文
layout: post title: (寒假开黑gym)2018 ACM ICPC, Syrian Collegiate Programming Contest(爽题) author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true tags: mathjax: true codeforc 阅读全文
layout: post title: “字节跳动 文远知行杯”广东工业大学第十四届程序设计竞赛 author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true mathjax: true tags: 数学 矩阵快速幂 权值线段树 "hzy 和zsl 的生存挑战" (签到) 我还是要吐槽一下 阅读全文
layout: post title: Codeforces Beta Round 77 (Div. 2 Only) author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true tags: mathjax: true codeforces 传送门 "A Football" (签到) 题意 阅读全文
layout: post title: Codeforces Round 263(Div. 2) author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true tags: mathjax: true codeforces 树形DP 树状数组 传送门 "A Appleman and Easy 阅读全文
layout: post title: Codeforces Round 262 (Div. 2) author: "luowentaoaa" catalog: true tags: mathjax: true codeforces 暴力 二分 传送门 "A Vasya and Socks" (签到 阅读全文