Postgresql inherits/constraint check 表继承/约束


this is a kind of method for postgresql database to divide tables and improve query speed.


  1. query speed improve
    before query child table, it will check constraint checks first. decrease query range;
  2. process unit is child table
    we could use inherits/drop inherits to include/exclude child table from table groups;
  3. decrease operation for new table with same structure
    child table structure and index will inherits from parent table

Uses Cases(example)

  1. create one table named SUMMARY
  2. create 10 child tables named [kid_1,kid_2..] inherits from SUMMARY
  3. there are 1 million kids with incremental & unique ID
  4. order kids and insert into 10 kid tables

kid_1 owns kids with ID [1~100k]
kid_2 owns kids with ID [100k+1~200k]
and there is 0 row in SUMMARY.
but 'select * from SUMMARY' it will return 1 million rows.
Query parent table equal to query all child tables

  1. add constraint check with 10 kid tables.
    kid_1 with check [ id between 1 and 100k]
    kid_2 with check [ id between 100k+1 and 200k]

'explain analyze select * from SUMMARY where id = 2' it will show that, it only query in kid_1;
Query parent table with check field, it will decrease query range

  1. drop kid_1 child table directly

'select * from SUMMARY' it will return 900k rows.

Important matters to note

  1. Child table quantity should not be large. (I suggest < 50)
    case I meet:
    OS: win 10
    pg version: 11.4
    child table quantity: 800
    Compared with 100 child tables with 8 times size, hash index for 1 row, query cost 1300ms->80ms
    It seems that, constraint check will use some resource.
  2. create trigger for parent table
    because there is no rows in parent table, we should prepare one child table for parent avoid some abnormal actions.
posted @ 2024-12-13 16:52  luoliAsyns  阅读(12)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报