Postgresql inherits/constraint check 表继承/约束
this is a kind of method for postgresql database to divide tables and improve query speed.
- query speed improve
before query child table, it will check constraint checks first. decrease query range; - process unit is child table
we could use inherits/drop inherits to include/exclude child table from table groups; - decrease operation for new table with same structure
child table structure and index will inherits from parent table
Uses Cases(example)
- create one table named SUMMARY
- create 10 child tables named [kid_1,kid_2..] inherits from SUMMARY
- there are 1 million kids with incremental & unique ID
- order kids and insert into 10 kid tables
kid_1 owns kids with ID [1~100k]
kid_2 owns kids with ID [100k+1~200k]
and there is 0 row in SUMMARY.
but 'select * from SUMMARY' it will return 1 million rows.
Query parent table equal to query all child tables
- add constraint check with 10 kid tables.
kid_1 with check [ id between 1 and 100k]
kid_2 with check [ id between 100k+1 and 200k]
'explain analyze select * from SUMMARY where id = 2' it will show that, it only query in kid_1;
Query parent table with check field, it will decrease query range
- drop kid_1 child table directly
'select * from SUMMARY' it will return 900k rows.
Important matters to note
- Child table quantity should not be large. (I suggest < 50)
case I meet:
OS: win 10
pg version: 11.4
child table quantity: 800
Compared with 100 child tables with 8 times size, hash index for 1 row, query cost 1300ms->80ms
It seems that, constraint check will use some resource.
当子表数量过多时,查询速度会骤降,一般是以月/季/年来分表,不要太多 - create trigger for parent table
because there is no rows in parent table, we should prepare one child table for parent avoid some abnormal actions.