- cat 从开头开始显示文件内容
- tac 从最后一行开始显示,可以看成cat倒着写
- nl 显示行数
- more 可以翻页查看,但不能向上翻页,enter为一行一行翻页,空格直接翻页
- less 可以上下翻页,上下键翻页,n向上翻页,N向下翻页, /(字符)向下查询字符, ?(字符)向上查询字符,q离开less
- head 只看头几行
- tail 只看尾部几行
cat 从开头开始显示文件内容
- 参数
- -n 列出行数 (空白行也会标记行数,与-b相反)
[root@LuoKing etc]# cat -n csh.login 1 # /etc/csh.login 2 3 # System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup 4 5 if ( ! ${?PATH} ) then 6 if ( $uid == 0 ) then 7 setenv PATH "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin" 8 else 9 setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin" 10 endif 11 else 12 #add sbin directories to the path 13 foreach p ( /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin ) 14 switch (":${PATH}:") 15 case "*:${p}:*": 16 breaksw 17 default: 18 if ( $uid == 0 ) then 19 set path = ( ${p} ${path:q} ) 20 else 21 set path = ( ${path:q} ${p} ) 22 endif 23 breaksw 24 endsw 25 end 26 endif 27 28 setenv HOSTNAME `/usr/bin/hostname` 29 set history=1000 30 31 if ( -d /etc/profile.d ) then 32 set nonomatch 33 foreach i ( /etc/profile.d/*.csh /etc/profile.d/csh.local ) 34 if ( -r "$i" ) then 35 if ($?prompt) then 36 source "$i" 37 else 38 source "$i" >& /dev/null 39 endif 40 endif 41 end 42 unset i nonomatch 43 endif
- -b(标记行数,不会标记空白行)
[root@LuoKing etc]# cat -b csh.login 1 # /etc/csh.login 2 # System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup 3 if ( ! ${?PATH} ) then 4 if ( $uid == 0 ) then 5 setenv PATH "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin" 6 else 7 setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin" 8 endif 9 else 10 #add sbin directories to the path 11 foreach p ( /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin ) 12 switch (":${PATH}:") 13 case "*:${p}:*": 14 breaksw 15 default: 16 if ( $uid == 0 ) then 17 set path = ( ${p} ${path:q} ) 18 else 19 set path = ( ${path:q} ${p} ) 20 endif 21 breaksw 22 endsw 23 end 24 endif 25 setenv HOSTNAME `/usr/bin/hostname` 26 set history=1000 27 if ( -d /etc/profile.d ) then 28 set nonomatch 29 foreach i ( /etc/profile.d/*.csh /etc/profile.d/csh.local ) 30 if ( -r "$i" ) then 31 if ($?prompt) then 32 source "$i" 33 else 34 source "$i" >& /dev/null 35 endif 36 endif 37 end 38 unset i nonomatch 39 endif
tac 文件内容从最后一行开始显示
[root@LuoKing etc]# tac csh.login endif unset i nonomatch end endif endif source "$i" >& /dev/null else source "$i" if ($?prompt) then if ( -r "$i" ) then foreach i ( /etc/profile.d/*.csh /etc/profile.d/csh.local ) set nonomatch if ( -d /etc/profile.d ) then set history=1000 setenv HOSTNAME `/usr/bin/hostname` endif end endsw breaksw endif set path = ( ${path:q} ${p} ) else set path = ( ${p} ${path:q} ) if ( $uid == 0 ) then default: breaksw case "*:${p}:*": switch (":${PATH}:") foreach p ( /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin ) #add sbin directories to the path else endif setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin" else setenv PATH "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin" if ( $uid == 0 ) then if ( ! ${?PATH} ) then # System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup # /etc/csh.login
nl 显示行数
-b :指定行号指定的方式,主要有两种:-b a :表示不论是否为空行,也同样列出行号(类似 cat -n);-b t :如果有空行,空的那一行不要列出行号(默认值);
-n :列出行号表示的方法,主要有三种:-n ln :行号在荧幕的最左方显示;-n rn :行号在自己栏位的最右方显示,且不加 0 ;-n rz :行号在自己栏位的最右方显示,且加 0 ;
-w :行号栏位的占用的位数。
[root@LuoKing etc]# nl csh.login #默认空白行不显示行数 1 # /etc/csh.login 2 # System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup 3 if ( ! ${?PATH} ) then 4 if ( $uid == 0 ) then 5 setenv PATH "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin" 6 else 7 setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin" 8 endif 9 else 10 #add sbin directories to the path 11 foreach p ( /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin ) 12 switch (":${PATH}:") 13 case "*:${p}:*": 14 breaksw 15 default: 16 if ( $uid == 0 ) then 17 set path = ( ${p} ${path:q} ) 18 else 19 set path = ( ${path:q} ${p} ) 20 endif 21 breaksw 22 endsw 23 end 24 endif 25 setenv HOSTNAME `/usr/bin/hostname` 26 set history=1000 27 if ( -d /etc/profile.d ) then 28 set nonomatch 29 foreach i ( /etc/profile.d/*.csh /etc/profile.d/csh.local ) 30 if ( -r "$i" ) then 31 if ($?prompt) then 32 source "$i" 33 else 34 source "$i" >& /dev/null 35 endif 36 endif 37 end 38 unset i nonomatch 39 endif
[root@LuoKing etc]# nl -b a csh.login # 空白行显示行数(all全部) 1 # /etc/csh.login 2 3 # System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup 4 5 if ( ! ${?PATH} ) then 6 if ( $uid == 0 ) then 7 setenv PATH "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin" 8 else 9 setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin" 10 endif 11 else 12 #add sbin directories to the path 13 foreach p ( /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin ) 14 switch (":${PATH}:") 15 case "*:${p}:*": 16 breaksw 17 default: 18 if ( $uid == 0 ) then 19 set path = ( ${p} ${path:q} ) 20 else 21 set path = ( ${path:q} ${p} ) 22 endif 23 breaksw 24 endsw 25 end 26 endif 27 28 setenv HOSTNAME `/usr/bin/hostname` 29 set history=1000 30 31 if ( -d /etc/profile.d ) then 32 set nonomatch 33 foreach i ( /etc/profile.d/*.csh /etc/profile.d/csh.local ) 34 if ( -r "$i" ) then 35 if ($?prompt) then 36 source "$i" 37 else 38 source "$i" >& /dev/null 39 endif 40 endif 41 end 42 unset i nonomatch 43 endif
[root@LuoKing etc]# nl -b t csh.login # 空白行不显示行数 1 # /etc/csh.login 2 # System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup 3 if ( ! ${?PATH} ) then 4 if ( $uid == 0 ) then 5 setenv PATH "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin" 6 else 7 setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin" 8 endif 9 else 10 #add sbin directories to the path 11 foreach p ( /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin ) 12 switch (":${PATH}:") 13 case "*:${p}:*": 14 breaksw 15 default: 16 if ( $uid == 0 ) then 17 set path = ( ${p} ${path:q} ) 18 else 19 set path = ( ${path:q} ${p} ) 20 endif 21 breaksw 22 endsw 23 end 24 endif 25 setenv HOSTNAME `/usr/bin/hostname` 26 set history=1000 27 if ( -d /etc/profile.d ) then 28 set nonomatch 29 foreach i ( /etc/profile.d/*.csh /etc/profile.d/csh.local ) 30 if ( -r "$i" ) then 31 if ($?prompt) then 32 source "$i" 33 else 34 source "$i" >& /dev/null 35 endif 36 endif 37 end 38 unset i nonomatch 39 endif
more 一页一页翻动页面
在 more 这个程序的运行过程中,你有几个按键可以按的:
空白键 (space):代表向下翻一页;
Enter :代表向下翻『一行』;
/字串 :代表在这个显示的内容当中,向下搜寻『字串』这个关键字;
:f :立刻显示出档名以及目前显示的行数;
q :代表立刻离开 more ,不再显示该文件内容。
b 或 [ctrl]-b :代表往回翻页,不过这动作只对文件有用,对管线无用。
[root@LuoKing etc]# more csh.login # /etc/csh.login # System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup if ( ! ${?PATH} ) then if ( $uid == 0 ) then setenv PATH "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin" else setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin" endif else #add sbin directories to the path foreach p ( /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin ) switch (":${PATH}:") case "*:${p}:*": breaksw --More--(38%) # 光标在这等待命令
less 支持往回翻
空白键 :向下翻动一页;
[pageup] :向上翻动一页;
/字串 :向下搜寻『字串』的功能;
?字串 :向上搜寻『字串』的功能;
n :重复前一个搜寻 (与 / 或 ? 有关!)
N :反向的重复前一个搜寻 (与 / 或 ? 有关!)
q :离开 less 这个程序;
[root@LuoKing etc]# less csh.login # /etc/csh.login # System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup if ( ! ${?PATH} ) then if ( $uid == 0 ) then setenv PATH "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin" else setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin" endif else #add sbin directories to the path foreach p ( /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin ) switch (":${PATH}:") case "*:${p}:*": breaksw default: : # 光标在此等待命令
head 显示开头几行
-n 后面接数字,代表显示几行的意思!(包括空行)
[root@LuoKing etc]# head -n 20 csh.login # /etc/csh.login # System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup if ( ! ${?PATH} ) then if ( $uid == 0 ) then setenv PATH "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin" else setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin" endif else #add sbin directories to the path foreach p ( /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin ) switch (":${PATH}:") case "*:${p}:*": breaksw default: if ( $uid == 0 ) then set path = ( ${p} ${path:q} ) else
-n 后面接数字,代表显示几行的意思!(包括空行)
[root@LuoKing etc]# head -n 20 csh.login # /etc/csh.login # System wide environment and startup programs, for login setup if ( ! ${?PATH} ) then if ( $uid == 0 ) then setenv PATH "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin" else setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin" endif else #add sbin directories to the path foreach p ( /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin ) switch (":${PATH}:") case "*:${p}:*": breaksw default: if ( $uid == 0 ) then set path = ( ${p} ${path:q} ) else [root@LuoKing etc]# tail -n 20 csh.login endsw end endif setenv HOSTNAME `/usr/bin/hostname` set history=1000 if ( -d /etc/profile.d ) then set nonomatch foreach i ( /etc/profile.d/*.csh /etc/profile.d/csh.local ) if ( -r "$i" ) then if ($?prompt) then source "$i" else source "$i" >& /dev/null endif endif end unset i nonomatch endif
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