当试图对运行在 Web 服务器上的应用程序进行调试时,有时可能会得到此错误信息:
Unable to start debugging on the Web server
如果你遇到了这个错误,有几点是需要被考虑的.第一就是things to check,然后基于你的机器的硬件和软件配置来考虑其它的项目.
Things to Check
Web Applications on Remote Servers
Web Applications Stored in Visual SourceSafe and Using FrontPage Server Extensions
Manually Attaching
Debug Request Could Not Be Processed By the Server Due to Invalid Syntax
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posted @ 2008-07-09 10:18 落花人独立 阅读(3762) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑