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摘要: 1. Requirements • The Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 • A relational database. All scripts are tested with MySql 4.1 and MS Sql Server 2000. 如果安装了.NET2.0,那么就要做:右击"默认网站"->属性->Asp.NET页->Asp.net version改成1.1.4322,就是要改成1.1版本的(因为我只是试了这种版本,2.0的版本还没有做测试) 2. Setup • Get the NetBpm distribution from the SourceForge site http://sf.net/projects/netbpm (click on files to find the downloads). Get the latest release bundle unless you are looking for a particular version. • Unzip t 阅读全文

posted @ 2007-04-06 21:51 落花人独立 阅读(2855) 评论(16) 推荐(0) 编辑

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