Error: Unable to Start Debugging on the Web Server(from MSDN)
Posted on 2008-07-09 10:18 落花人独立 阅读(3762) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报当试图对运行在 Web 服务器上的应用程序进行调试时,有时可能会得到此错误信息:
Unable to start debugging on the Web server
如果你遇到了这个错误,有几点是需要被考虑的.第一就是things to check,然后基于你的机器的硬件和软件配置来考虑其它的项目.
Web Applications Stored in Visual SourceSafe and Using FrontPage Server Extensions
Debug Request Could Not Be Processed By the Server Due to Invalid Syntax
Things to Check
Try checking the following things:
Review the procedures for setting up ASP.NET or ATL Server. For more information see Getting Ready to Debug ASP.NET Applications.
回顾安装ASP.NET或者ATL Server的过程.更多信息参考Getting Ready to Debug ASP.NET Applications.
Do you have the necessary access privileges for debugging? For more information see the Security Requirements section in ASP.NET Debugging: System Requirements.
你是否拥调试的权限?更多信息参考ASP.NET Debugging: System Requirements的安全需求部分. -
Are you running a version of Windows that allows the Visual Studio debugger to automatically attach to a Web application? If not, you need to launch the application without debugging and manually attach to it. (For more information, see Manually Attaching and ASP.NET Debugging: System Requirements.)
你在使用允许Visual Studio 调试器自动的attach to a Web application(绑定Web应用程序)的Windows版本么?如果不是,你需要以不调试的方式启动应用程序并且手工的绑定它.(更多信息参考手工绑定和ASP.NET Debugging: System Requirements部分) -
Does your Web application have a Web.config file?
Web应用程序是否有Web.config文件? -
Does the Web.config file enable debug mode by setting the debug attribute to true? For more information, see How to: Enable Debugging for ASP.NET Applications.
在Web.config文件中是否设置了debug="true"?更多信息参考.... -
Does the Web.config file contain any syntax errors? You can check for syntax errors by running the Web application without debugging. (From the Debug menu, choose Start Without Debugging.) If there are syntax errors in Web.config, detailed information will be displayed.
Did you create the project by specifying a specific IP address (100.20.300.400, for example)? Debugging a Web server requires NTLM authentication. By default, IP addresses are assumed to be part of the Internet, and NTLM authentication is not done over the Internet. To correct this problem:
是不是创建工程的时候指定了IP地址?在Web服务器上调试需要NTLM授权.默认情况下,IP地址作为Internet的一部分,但是NTLM授权不能通过Internet来进行.更正这个问题的办法如下:(有这个问题的时候会提示:Unable to start debugging on the web server.The project is using a web site that is configured with IP adress....)
When creating the project, specify the name of the machine on your intranet.
Add the IP address (http://100.20.300.400) to the list of trusted sites on your computer. (From the Internet Explorer Tools menu, choose Internet Options, and then select the Security tab).
将IP地址加入你的计算机上的信任站点.(从IE 浏览器中的工具菜单中选择选项->安全).
Are the necessary extensions registered on the server machine? If not, re-register ASP.NET as described in the procedure below.
必要的扩展是否在服务器上注册了?如果没有,重新注册ASP.NET. -
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