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CS0016 & Temporary ASP.NET Files Errors...(转)

Posted on 2008-01-14 15:22  落花人独立  阅读(683)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报

I have been seeing many people with issues related to the “Temporary ASP.NET Files””

CS0016: Could not write to output file 'c:"WINDOWS"Microsoft.NET"Framework"v1.1.4322"Temporary ASP.NET Files"application"…….' . The directory name is invalid.

You could also be getting an “Access Denied” message.

Here is a collection of fixes which I have found:

Temp Folder Fix:


Stop Indexing Server:


Exclude the Temp folder from Index Server:



Take Ownership of the Files:


You might also need to set the correct security permissions on the folder for your user (aspnet, networkservice or other)


When all else fails I have also attempted to simply delete Temporary ASP.NET Files"*.*, all sub folders and files. You might need to IISReset in order to release the files. Also consider reading the index server stuff above incase it has the files locked.  Perform the iisreset, and worst case scenario reboot and try again!

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