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NetBpm安装指南(windows)用户,在MS SQL Server2000下

Posted on 2007-04-06 21:51  落花人独立  阅读(2855)  评论(16编辑  收藏  举报
1. Requirements
• The Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1
• A relational database. All scripts are tested with MySql 4.1 and MS Sql Server 2000.
如果安装了.NET2.0,那么就要做:右击"默认网站"->属性->Asp.NET页->Asp.net version改成1.1.4322,就是要改成1.1版本的(因为我只是试了这种版本,2.0的版本还没有做测试)
2. Setup
• Get the NetBpm distribution from the SourceForge site http://sf.net/projects/netbpm
(click on files to find the downloads). Get the latest release bundle unless you are looking
for a particular version.
• Unzip the bundle
• To prepare the database start with the initialisation of the tables with the script
sql/CreateSqlServer.sql for MS Sql Server. For the test
and the examples add the organisational data with the script sql/Organisation.sql
• Set the nhibernate properties in the file app_config.xml to your environment
在这里要把app_config.xml中的MYSQL Config节注释掉,而把下面的MSSql Config启用。并且要根据你的设置更新连接字符串,启用用户名和密码验证等。例如:
<item key="hibernate.connection.connection_string">Database=nbpm;Data Source=localhost;User Id=sa;Password=***</item>
• IIS Installation
• Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services and
add a virtual directory named netbpm. The virtual directory point to your installation
• Go into IIS manager to the Web application's properties and directory >Configuration
(button) > Mappings > Application mappings. 这步可以这样来做,在IIS中选择netbpm,右击,选择属性->directory页->create->单击configure配置 button,在mappings页,选择add button,然后Add an extension for .rails that points
to the aspnet_isapi.dll. Make sure that "veryfy that file exists" is unchecked.
• To test your installation surf to http://localhost/netbpm/intro/index.rails. Login as a
user and go to the developer page. There deploy the holiday example by uploading
the file example/holiday.par.
首先查看:是否有NetBpm.log文件存在,如果没有,那就是因为没有给netbpm目录中的network service用户授予全部权限。
做法:右击netbpm文件夹,然后选择安全,然后找到network service用户给予完全的权限。
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