using System; namespace Decorator.Structural { /// <summary> /// MainApp startup class for Structural /// Decorator Design Pattern. /// </summary> class MainApp { static void Main() { // Create ConcreteComponent and two Decorators ConcreteComponent c = new ConcreteComponent(); ConcreteDecoratorA d1 = new ConcreteDecoratorA(); ConcreteDecoratorB d2 = new ConcreteDecoratorB(); // Link decorators d1.SetComponent(c); d2.SetComponent(d1); d2.Operation(); // Wait for user Console.ReadKey(); } } /// <summary> /// The 'Component' abstract class /// </summary> abstract class Component { public abstract void Operation(); } /// <summary> /// The 'ConcreteComponent' class /// </summary> class ConcreteComponent : Component { public override void Operation() { Console.WriteLine("ConcreteComponent.Operation()"); } } /// <summary> /// The 'Decorator' abstract class /// </summary> abstract class Decorator : Component { protected Component component; public void SetComponent(Component component) { this.component = component; } public override void Operation() { if (component != null) { component.Operation(); } } } /// <summary> /// The 'ConcreteDecoratorA' class /// </summary> class ConcreteDecoratorA : Decorator { public override void Operation() { base.Operation(); Console.WriteLine("ConcreteDecoratorA.Operation()"); } } /// <summary> /// The 'ConcreteDecoratorB' class /// </summary> class ConcreteDecoratorB : Decorator { public override void Operation() { base.Operation(); AddedBehavior(); Console.WriteLine("ConcreteDecoratorB.Operation()"); } void AddedBehavior() { } } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Create book Book book = new Book("Worley", "Inside ASP.NET", 10); book.Display(); // Create video Video video = new Video("Spielberg", "Jaws", 23, 92); video.Display(); // Make video borrowable, then borrow and display Console.WriteLine("\nMaking video borrowable:"); Borrowable borrowvideo = new Borrowable(video); borrowvideo.BorrowItem("Customer #1"); borrowvideo.BorrowItem("Customer #2"); borrowvideo.Display(); // Wait for user Console.ReadKey(); } } /// <summary> /// The 'Component' abstract class /// </summary> abstract class LibraryItem { private int _numCopies; // Property public int NumCopies { get { return _numCopies; } set { _numCopies = value; } } public abstract void Display(); } /// <summary> /// The 'ConcreteComponent' class /// </summary> class Book : LibraryItem { private string _author; private string _title; // Constructor public Book(string author, string title, int numCopies) { this._author = author; this._title = title; this.NumCopies = numCopies; } public override void Display() { Console.WriteLine("\nBook ------ "); Console.WriteLine(" Author: {0}", _author); Console.WriteLine(" Title: {0}", _title); Console.WriteLine(" # Copies: {0}", NumCopies); } } /// <summary> /// The 'ConcreteComponent' class /// </summary> class Video : LibraryItem { private string _director; private string _title; private int _playTime; // Constructor public Video(string director, string title, int numCopies, int playTime) { this._director = director; this._title = title; this.NumCopies = numCopies; this._playTime = playTime; } public override void Display() { Console.WriteLine("\nVideo ----- "); Console.WriteLine(" Director: {0}", _director); Console.WriteLine(" Title: {0}", _title); Console.WriteLine(" # Copies: {0}", NumCopies); Console.WriteLine(" Playtime: {0}\n", _playTime); } } /// <summary> /// The 'Decorator' abstract class /// </summary> abstract class Decorator : LibraryItem { protected LibraryItem libraryItem; // Constructor public Decorator(LibraryItem libraryItem) { this.libraryItem = libraryItem; } public override void Display() { libraryItem.Display(); } } /// <summary> /// The 'ConcreteDecorator' class /// </summary> class Borrowable : Decorator { protected List<string> borrowers = new List<string>(); // Constructor public Borrowable(LibraryItem libraryItem) : base(libraryItem) { } public void BorrowItem(string name) { borrowers.Add(name); libraryItem.NumCopies--; } public void ReturnItem(string name) { borrowers.Remove(name); libraryItem.NumCopies++; } public override void Display() { base.Display(); foreach (string borrower in borrowers) { Console.WriteLine(" borrower: " + borrower); } } }
- 通过采用组合、而非继承的手法, Decorator模式实现了在运行时动态地扩展对象功能的能力,而且可以根据需要扩展多个功能。避免了单独使用继承带来的“灵活性差”和“多子类衍生问题”。
- Component类在Decorator模式中充当抽象接口的角色,不应该去实现具体的行为。而且Decorator类对于Component类应该透明——换言之Component类无需知道Decorator类,Decorator类是从外部来扩展Component类的功能。
- Decorator类在接口上表现为is-a Component的继承关系,即Decorator类继承了Component类所具有的接口。但在实现上又表现为has-a Component的组合关系,即Decorator类又使用了另外一个Component类。我们可以使用一个或者多个Decorator对象来“装饰”一个Component对象,且装饰后的对象仍然是一个Component对象。
- Decorator模式并非解决“多子类衍生的多继承”问题,Decorator模式应用的要点在于解决“主体类在多个方向上的扩展功能”——是为“装饰”的含义。