

   lotus - Filecoin decentralized storage network client

   lotus [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   daemon   Start a lotus daemon process
   backup   Create node metadata backup
   version  Print version
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command
     send    Send funds between accounts
     wallet  Manage wallet
     client  Make deals, store data, retrieve data
     msig    Interact with a multisig wallet
     paych   Manage payment channels
     auth          Manage RPC permissions
     mpool         Manage message pool
     state         Interact with and query filecoin chain state
     chain         Interact with filecoin blockchain
     log           Manage logging
     wait-api      Wait for lotus api to come online
     fetch-params  Fetch proving parameters
     net   Manage P2P Network
     sync  Inspect or interact with the chain syncer

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)                       #显示帮助 (默认 :false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)               #打印版本(默认:false)

lotus daemon -h(作用是启动 Lotus 守护进程,在终端中执行命令用例格式如下:)

   lotus daemon - Start a lotus daemon process

   lotus daemon command [command options] [arguments...]

   stop     Stop a running lotus daemon
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --api value              (default: "1234")     				#(默认值 :“1234”)                           
   --genesis value          genesis file to use for first node run  #用于运行第一个节点的 genesis 文件
   --bootstrap              (default: true) 					    #(默认值 :true)
   --import-chain value     on first run, load chain from given file or url and validate #在第一次运行时,从给定文件加载链
   --import-snapshot value  import chain state from a given chain export file or url  
   --halt-after-import      halt the process after importing chain from file (default: false)  #从文件中导入链后暂停进程 (默认 :false)
   --pprof value            specify name of file for writing cpu profile to  #指定写入 cpu 性能测试文件的文件名
   --profile value          specify type of node
   --manage-fdlimit         manage open file limit (default: true)
   --config value           specify path of config file to use
   --help, -h               show help (default: false)
   --version, -v            print the version (default: false)

lotus backup -h

   lotus backup - Create node metadata backup

   lotus backup [command options] [backup file path]

   The backup command writes a copy of node metadata under the specified path

Online backups:
For security reasons, the daemon must be have LOTUS_BACKUP_BASE_PATH env var set
to a path where backup files are supposed to be saved, and the path specified in
this command must be within this base path

   --offline   create backup without the node running (default: false)
   --help, -h  show help (default: false)

lotus send -h

   lotus send - Send funds between accounts

   lotus send [command options] [targetAddress] [amount]


   --from value         optionally specify the account to send funds from
   --gas-premium value  specify gas price to use in AttoFIL (default: "0")
   --gas-feecap value   specify gas fee cap to use in AttoFIL (default: "0")
   --gas-limit value    specify gas limit (default: 0)
   --nonce value        specify the nonce to use (default: -1)
   --method value       specify method to invoke (default: 0)
   --params-json value  specify invocation parameters in json
   --params-hex value   specify invocation parameters in hex
   --help, -h           show help (default: false)

lotus wallet -h

   lotus wallet - Manage wallet

   lotus wallet command [command options] [arguments...]

   new          Generate a new key of the given type
   list         List wallet address
   balance      Get account balance
   export       export keys
   import       import keys
   default      Get default wallet address
   set-default  Set default wallet address
   sign         sign a message
   verify       verify the signature of a message
   delete       Delete an account from the wallet
   market       Interact with market balances
   help, h      Shows a list of commands or help for one command

lotus client -h 作用是进行交易,存储数据,检索数据,

   lotus client - Make deals, store data, retrieve data

   lotus client command [command options] [arguments...]

   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command
     import  Import data
     drop    Remove import
     local   List locally imported data
     stat    Print information about a locally stored file (piece size, etc)
     find      Find data in the network
     retrieve  Retrieve data from network
     deal        Initialize storage deal with a miner
     query-ask   Find a miners ask
     list-deals  List storage market deals
     get-deal    Print detailed deal information
     list-asks   List asks for top miners
     deal-stats  Print statistics about local storage deals
     commP             Calculate the piece-cid (commP) of a CAR file
     generate-car      Generate a car file from input
     info              Print storage market client information
     list-transfers    List ongoing data transfers for deals
     restart-transfer  Force restart a stalled data transfer
     cancel-transfer   Force cancel a data transfer

lotus msig -h 作用是与多重签名钱包交互

   lotus msig - Interact with a multisig wallet

   lotus msig command [command options] [arguments...]

   create             Create a new multisig wallet
   inspect            Inspect a multisig wallet
   propose            Propose a multisig transaction
   propose-remove     Propose to remove a signer
   approve            Approve a multisig message
   add-propose        Propose to add a signer
   add-approve        Approve a message to add a signer
   add-cancel         Cancel a message to add a signer
   swap-propose       Propose to swap signers
   swap-approve       Approve a message to swap signers
   swap-cancel        Cancel a message to swap signers
   lock-propose       Propose to lock up some balance
   lock-approve       Approve a message to lock up some balance
   lock-cancel        Cancel a message to lock up some balance
   vested             Gets the amount vested in an msig between two epochs
   propose-threshold  Propose setting a different signing threshold on the account
   help, h            Shows a list of commands or help for one command

lotus paych -h 

   lotus paych - Manage payment channels

   lotus paych command [command options] [arguments...]

   add-funds          Add funds to the payment channel between fromAddress and toAddress. Creates the payment channel if it doesn't already exist.
   list               List all locally registered payment channels
   voucher            Interact with payment channel vouchers
   settle             Settle a payment channel
   status             Show the status of an outbound payment channel
   status-by-from-to  Show the status of an active outbound payment channel by from/to addresses
   collect            Collect funds for a payment channel
   help, h            Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)

lotus auth -h 作用是管理 RPC 权限

   lotus auth - Manage RPC permissions

   lotus auth command [command options] [arguments...]

   create-token  Create token
   api-info      Get token with API info required to connect to this node
   help, h       Shows a list of commands or help for one command

lotus mpool -h  作用是管理消息池

   lotus mpool - Manage message pool

   lotus mpool command [command options] [arguments...]

   pending   Get pending messages
   clear     Clear all pending messages from the mpool (USE WITH CARE)
   sub       Subscribe to mpool changes
   stat      print mempool stats
   replace   replace a message in the mempool
   find      find a message in the mempool
   config    get or set current mpool configuration
   gas-perf  Check gas performance of messages in mempool
   help, h   Shows a list of commands or help for one command

lotus state -h

lotus state -h
   lotus state - Interact with and query filecoin chain state

   lotus state command [command options] [arguments...]

   power               Query network or miner power
   sectors             Query the sector set of a miner
   active-sectors      Query the active sector set of a miner
   list-actors         list all actors in the network
   list-miners         list all miners in the network
   circulating-supply  Get the exact current circulating supply of Filecoin
   sector              Get miner sector info
   get-actor           Print actor information
   lookup              Find corresponding ID address
   replay              Replay a particular message
   sector-size         Look up miners sector size
   read-state          View a json representation of an actors state
   list-messages       list messages on chain matching given criteria
   compute-state       Perform state computations
   call                Invoke a method on an actor locally
   get-deal            View on-chain deal info
   wait-msg            Wait for a message to appear on chain
   search-msg          Search to see whether a message has appeared on chain
   miner-info          Retrieve miner information
   market              Inspect the storage market actor
   exec-trace          Get the execution trace of a given message
   help, h             Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --tipset value  specify tipset to call method on (pass comma separated array of cids)
   --help, -h      show help (default: false)
   --version, -v   print the version (default: false)

lotus chain -h  作用是与 filecoin 区块链交互

   lotus chain - Interact with filecoin blockchain

   lotus chain command [command options] [arguments...]

   head             Print chain head
   getblock         Get a block and print its details
   read-obj         Read the raw bytes of an object
   delete-obj       Delete an object from the chain blockstore
   stat-obj         Collect size and ipld link counts for objs
   getmessage       Get and print a message by its cid
   sethead          manually set the local nodes head tipset (Caution: normally only used for recovery)
   list, love       View a segment of the chain
   get              Get chain DAG node by path
   bisect           bisect chain for an event
   export           export chain to a car file
   slash-consensus  Report consensus fault
   gas-price        Estimate gas prices
   inspect-usage    Inspect block space usage of a given tipset
   decode           decode various types
   help, h          Shows a list of commands or help for one command

lotus log -h

   lotus log - Manage logging

   lotus log command [command options] [arguments...]

   list       List log systems
   set-level  Set log level
   help, h    Shows a list of commands or help for one comma

lotus wait-api -h

   lotus wait-api - Wait for lotus api to come online

   lotus wait-api [command options] [arguments...]


   --help, -h  show help (default: false

lotus fetch-params -h

   lotus fetch-params - Fetch proving parameters

   lotus fetch-params [command options] [sectorSize]


   --help, -h  show help (default: false)

lotus net -h

   lotus net - Manage P2P Network

   lotus net command [command options] [arguments...]

   peers         Print peers
   connect       Connect to a peer
   listen        List listen addresses
   id            Get node identity
   findpeer      Find the addresses of a given peerID
   scores        Print peers' pubsub scores
   reachability  Print information about reachability from the internet
   bandwidth     Print bandwidth usage information
   help, h       Shows a list of commands or help for one command

lotus sync  -h

   lotus sync - Inspect or interact with the chain syncer

   lotus sync command [command options] [arguments...]

   status      check sync status
   wait        Wait for sync to be complete
   mark-bad    Mark the given block as bad, will prevent syncing to a chain that contains it
   unmark-bad  Unmark the given block as bad, makes it possible to sync to a chain containing it
   check-bad   check if the given block was marked bad, and for what reason
   checkpoint  mark a certain tipset as checkpointed; the node will never fork away from this tipset
   help, h     Shows a list of commands or help for one command
posted @ 2020-11-21 10:56  活的潇洒80  阅读(3494)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报