The most difficult thing that I faced to may be internship experience as a mobile game developer.
Firstly, It is my first job out of school. I took on a lot of pressure in working.
Because the company was in a fast development. I was arranged many things to do.
I always working 10 even 12 hours a day. Whats more, I had to learn many new technologies which I was much
happier to do. When I constructed the Player Achievement System in the game, I must do some networking things
such as using HTTP protocol to communicate with backend and built or parsed( [pɑ:rs] ) the json file in the most concise way.

To solve it, I read many technology blogs in the Internet. Finally, The achievement ran pretty good.
From that, I had gained a strong ability to handle pressure and learnt many ways to solve problems.

posted on 2017-06-01 20:25  暴力的轮胎  阅读(110)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
