.net Framework框架源码下载及整理
刚刚发现一个地址:http://referencesource.microsoft.com/netframework.aspx,貌似还很早就有这个了,竟让一直都不知道。就下载了一个 里面有很多版本8.0好像就是.net 3.5sp1,4就是.net4。现在是100来M的msi安装包,解压后600多M,其中一半是pdb文件。源码有200多M吧。不过看一下这路径,他丫不就远程调试那个包吗,呃,不说啥,将就整理下吧。
static string OrginFolderPath = @"F:\Source\NetFramework\3.5\Source"; static string TargetFolderPath = @"F:\Net3.5\"; static int flag = 1; static void Main(string[] args) { DirectoryInfo donetFrameworkDirectry = new DirectoryInfo(OrginFolderPath); ReCollectionFrameworkFiles(donetFrameworkDirectry); Console.WriteLine("End of collection~~~~~"); Console.ReadLine(); } static void ReCollectionFrameworkFiles(DirectoryInfo directory) { foreach (FileSystemInfo f in directory.GetFileSystemInfos()) { if (f is FileInfo) { string newPath = RemoveFolderByNameSpace((FileInfo)f); //Console.WriteLine(newPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newPath)) { string foldername = TargetFolderPath + newPath; if (!Directory.Exists(foldername)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(foldername); } string fileFullName = foldername + f.Name; if (File.Exists(fileFullName)) { fileFullName = Path.ChangeExtension(fileFullName, "cs" + flag.ToString()); //show conflict files Console.WriteLine("Conflict orgin:" + f.FullName + "\t targer:" + fileFullName); flag++; } File.Copy(f.FullName, fileFullName); // Console.WriteLine(f.FullName); } else { //not find the namespace // Console.WriteLine(f.FullName); File.AppendAllText(@"F:\log.txt", f.FullName+"\r\n"); } } else { ReCollectionFrameworkFiles((DirectoryInfo)f); } } } static string RemoveFolderByNameSpace(FileInfo file) { if (file.Name.EndsWith(".cs")) { string codeInfo = file.OpenText().ReadToEnd(); Regex reg = new Regex(@"^[ ]*namespace[ ]+(?<namespace>[\w\.]+)",RegexOptions.Multiline); var temp = reg.Match(codeInfo).Groups; //Console.WriteLine(temp["namespace"]); if (temp != null && temp.Count > 1) { string strnamespace = temp[1].Value; return GenerationFolderPath(strnamespace); } } return null; } static string GenerationFolderPath(string strnamespace) { string[] strs = strnamespace.Split(new char[] { '.' }); string folder = string.Empty; foreach (var s in strs) { folder += s + @"\"; } return folder; }